You know, the perfect MTG experience!pets?
fucking PETS?
important info might be "save 20%". Since you are buying it with gems - it would mean that you advance lvls by soaking gems in the system to lvl up?
It appears crazy... We get equation 10*x*0.8 = 2000, so it will be 250 gems per lvl? Its crazy
It does give M20 packs in paid mode too, it's just that they're rotated along with other packs that'll be remaining in standard, and you get a lot of M20 packs on the free-track odd... it doesnt give 2020 packs in paid mode
important info might be "save 20%". Since you are buying it with gems - it would mean that you advance lvls by soaking gems in the system to lvl up?So Mastery Pass is 3400 gems but you can buy Mastery Pass +10 levels for 5400 gems according to the video.
It appears crazy... We get equation 10*x*0.8 = 2000, so it will be 250 gems per lvl? Its crazy
And I hope normal play isn't "Lol bruh your 15th win daily each day is 50 gems get cracking" since I enjoy playing MTGA but not that fucking much. All of this shit is actually making me reconsider buying the M20 preorder just because now I'm paranoid they're going to ruin the free card acquisition and I don't want to feel like I HAVE to spend money on MTGA, rather than "I enjoy this, I'll spend some money".
It still hurts quite a bit. Over the span of a month that's 12 packs (So 12 rares/mythic rares even if we ignore the uncommons and commons) and 12 pips moved along the wildcard track, so 2 guaranteed rare wildcards on top of the ones pulled from the packs. And those wildcards ARE a fairly big deal since they let you specifically make whatever you want.EDIT: losing 3 packs/week sucks but... I am not that concerned really. It is not where each on of us get majority of cards. Also I imagine you guys already got 40k+ gold since WAR started. Imagine you just bought some extra packs
That's why I have the faintest hope that gaining levels in that won't be tied to spending gems, because "Spend 250 gems to gain a level and be rewarded 200 gems" sounds really suspect. Admittedly that's on the paid track though, so they might be thinking "Those fuckers paid to get access to this anyway and there are packs and mythic ICRs on this track, so rather than an empty space we'll just give them 200 gems".And I hope normal play isn't "Lol bruh your 15th win daily each day is 50 gems get cracking" since I enjoy playing MTGA but not that fucking much. All of this shit is actually making me reconsider buying the M20 preorder just because now I'm paranoid they're going to ruin the free card acquisition and I don't want to feel like I HAVE to spend money on MTGA, rather than "I enjoy this, I'll spend some money".
Yeah, if they're expecting me to play like 8 hours of magic a day in order to keep up with levels they can go fuck themselves. Something that I don't really understand is that battle passes are generally really well received when imo dota 2's is one of the scummiest f2p business models I've ever seen. But because people seem to like battle passes they can get away with fucking people over harder. People freak out over loot boxes all the time but that's nothing compared to the battle pass.
Another odd thing is that the battle pass rewards gems? So you pay gems for the pass and possibly for levels but then they give you gems back as a reward for getting levels? That's a big ol' red flag if I've ever seen one
I actually know jack shit about DotA2's battle pass system but I'd be inclined to give it a pass just because DotA2's completely free to play anyway. The equivalent in MTGA terms would be if all the cards were completely free but they wanted you to spend 2,400 gems to get the pass and 250 gems per level just to get styles/card backs/cats. MTGA's tolerably free to play but not to the degree where I'd be as forgiving if they go bonkers with this shit which is why I'm already clutching my fucking pearls over the 3 packs a week.
That's definitely true. The scummy obfuscation of what you're getting for your money is arguably worse than loot boxes and shit anyway. Loot boxes can scratch the gambling itch people have and keep them paying, whereas something like that may burn someone once and then get them to bail on it (Or spend more money to get what they wanted out of it, then be unwilling to stop paying due to sunk costs).I'm just trying to point out the psychological manipulation in Dota 2's battle pass. Dota's pass has about 1000 levels, and it's only possible to get 250 levels for 'free' (without buying levels), and that's only if you play like 8+ hours every day. The cool rewards are of course unlocked at much higher levels (400+) and buying 100 levels costs like $50.
lukaszek Scruffy Dawkinsfan69 Jason Liang spectre
Code "MYTHICMAGIC" for 3 random mythics from GRN, RNA, or WAR. I got two copies of Rhonas and a Vraska, Golgari Queen. Code expires July 2nd so hop on it quickish.