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Master of Magic remake from Thea developers and Slitherine


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936
the game is graphically uglier than, say, Warlock Master of the Arcane, a 10 year old game
I love this game. A shame Warlock II didn't go anywhere.

Did you try it with Renaissance Mod?
No, but I'll look for it. Not a big fan of Renaissance as a setting though, it's usually poorly implemented (PoE comes to mind) but like I said I'll have to see it with my eyes.


Apr 10, 2013
the game is graphically uglier than, say, Warlock Master of the Arcane, a 10 year old game
I love this game. A shame Warlock II didn't go anywhere.

Did you try it with Renaissance Mod?
No, but I'll look for it. Not a big fan of Renaissance as a setting though, it's usually poorly implemented (PoE comes to mind) but like I said I'll have to see it with my eyes.

I think Renassaince it's just a name anyway. It's still high fantasy.
As far as mods go, this one is as professionally done as physically possible.
Some swear by the game once that is added.
I haven't still played it enough to give a final vote (I've found out that I haven't really the mindset anymore to spend hours with games of this kind, alas), but the mod is vast and seamlessly integrated.
I do mean seamless: I haven't tried the original game and absolutely cannot spot what's original and what's added unless I check the documentation.
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Zboj Lamignat

Feb 15, 2012
Edit: I'd be more worried about the piss poor sales (only 85 reviews on Steam, for MoM?) leading to Slitherine probably cutting further patching and development on the game.
Huge :itisamystery: investigation happening in slitherine HQ atm. Nearest milestone: releasing the next game with exact same approach to exactly the same results.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
It's amazing how they can scrape by with just releasing aggressively mediocre shit constantly


Oct 1, 2020
the game is graphically uglier than, say, Warlock Master of the Arcane, a 10 year old game
I love this game. A shame Warlock II didn't go anywhere.

Did you try it with Renaissance Mod?
No, but I'll look for it. Not a big fan of Renaissance as a setting though, it's usually poorly implemented (PoE comes to mind) but like I said I'll have to see it with my eyes.

I think Renassaince it's just a name anyway. It's still high fantasy.
As far as mods go, this one is as professionally done as physically possible.
Some swear by the game once that is added.
I haven't still played it enough to give a final vote (I've found out that I haven't really the mindset anymore to spend hours with games of this kind, alas), but the mod is vast and seamlessly integrated.
I do mean seamless: I haven't tried the original game and absolutely cannot spot what's original and what's added unless I check the documentation.

That's good news, you've got me hyped enough to try it.

I actually wrote about this earlier this year. Very impressive looking. Pics, vid, links etc here if you need them.

Open mom would be better then this weak ass remake for nostalgia fags and zoomers.
Open mom would be better then this weak ass remake for nostalgia fags and zoomers.
If OpenMom doesn't exist, then it would be necessary to invent it. - Voltaire

ITZ coming:
Thank God!

Implodes multiplayer remake is the closest we've come in an Open MoM.

Very cool project that I've done videos on in the past and need to do a new one as he's passed release 1.0 now days, however it's not an accurate reconstruction of the original code unlike what often happens with "open" rebuild fan projects which is a bit of a shame (eg like comparing Dune Dynasty to Dune Legacy, one feels like Dune 2 because it used the OpenDune code reconstruction, while the other used approximations and 'feels different' especially with AI and not in a good way).

There's a guy named Jim on the MoM Discord #reverse-engineering subchat that's working on an accurate rebuild though. I tried to lure some of the previous failed MoM rebuild project authors to there but had no luck. Jim's getting 'some' help these days from a few members though which is good plus Implode and Seravy usually answer his questions too.

The Youtube comments are full of "looks awsum", "plz take my money!". Some guy is asking for an Xbox release. At least it's a relief to know I'm not the target audience for this kind of crap.

Given how youtube is filled to the brim paid paid shills and bot commenters I wouldn't be too worried about feeling "alienated". Judging by GOG and Steam reviews it isn't exactly a stellar release among fans who actually bought it.

As the guy running the MoM Discord & FB groups I realise I should be posting heaps here about the remake... but yeah... hmm lol... Fan reviews so far is pretty much what I expected and I hope they can turn it around before the plug is pulled on patches and addons. The MuHa guys are good people who did their best but Slitherine just didn't give them the money and resources they needed. Low budget remakes are always a tough pill to swallow for fans. Fan mods might save the day but so far the game appears nowhere near as moddable as people hoped (eg you can't increase player count beyond 4 AIs or easily touch the 3D unit models).

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Mar 16, 2015
So, what are the main differences with Caster of Magic ?
It started casting for few years and shit out Master of Magic. Crappy caster = crappy spell.

I am hoping that new Spellforce 4x will be the one true MoM successor.

Hobo Elf

Feb 17, 2009
Platypus Planet
I am hoping that new Spellforce 4x will be the one true MoM successor.
I doubt it will, I'm not even sure it's trying to be a 4X. I think it's supposed to be more of a wargame + King's Bounty type of thing. The devs previously made Fantasy General 2 and that was a great game. Interestingly enough said devs made FanGen 2 for Slitherine and were very quick to switch publishers after that. Judging by the Conquest of Eo screenshots it's obvious that THQ was willing to give them a real budget to work with. Regardless I do think (or hope) that it will be a great game whatever style of gameplay it goes for. And although I understand why THQ can afford to give a bigger budget for their games, Slitherine should still be ashamed for going with the Minimum Viable Product route on MoM, a game that should've become one of their flagship products.


Nov 24, 2022
How is it this hard to capture Master of Magic?

Obviously it was a cash grab, it's so blatant you can't even be mad at it.

I'm more annoyed that other studios, in trying to capture MoM's success, straight up can't do it. How hard is it to take Civ V and replace the tech tree with magic?

MoM is literally Civ with magic. It is no more complicated than that.


Mar 16, 2015
How is it this hard to capture Master of Magic?

Obviously it was a cash grab, it's so blatant you can't even be mad at it.

I'm more annoyed that other studios, in trying to capture MoM's success, straight up can't do it. How hard is it to take Civ V and replace the tech tree with magic?

MoM is literally Civ with magic. It is no more complicated than that.
And tactical combat. And 2x world map. And very strong enemies protecting important resources.


Nov 24, 2022
How is it this hard to capture Master of Magic?

Obviously it was a cash grab, it's so blatant you can't even be mad at it.

I'm more annoyed that other studios, in trying to capture MoM's success, straight up can't do it. How hard is it to take Civ V and replace the tech tree with magic?

MoM is literally Civ with magic. It is no more complicated than that.
And tactical combat. And 2x world map. And very strong enemies protecting important resources.
None of that is unique to MoM.

The charm of MoM is how heavily it leans into the *sorcery* mechanic. It's in the name for goodness' sake.

As I said before, ape Civ V, the arguably best Civ game, then incorporate the spell research, summoning and magic nodes on top.

That is what is Master of Magic is, the developers at Micropose even said as much, a chunk of them worked with Sid Meier on Civ before going on to develop MoM and Master of Orion.


Mar 16, 2015
How is it this hard to capture Master of Magic?

Obviously it was a cash grab, it's so blatant you can't even be mad at it.

I'm more annoyed that other studios, in trying to capture MoM's success, straight up can't do it. How hard is it to take Civ V and replace the tech tree with magic?

MoM is literally Civ with magic. It is no more complicated than that.
And tactical combat. And 2x world map. And very strong enemies protecting important resources.
None of that is unique to MoM.

The charm of MoM is how heavily it leans into the *sorcery* mechanic. It's in the name for goodness' sake.

As I said before, ape Civ V, the arguably best Civ game, then incorporate the spell research, summoning and magic nodes on top.

That is what is Master of Magic is, the developers at Micropose even said as much, a chunk of them worked with Sid Meier on Civ before going on to develop MoM and Master of Orion.
It was at the time.

Zboj Lamignat

Feb 15, 2012
Remember how the devs added space to arguably the best ever amazing game that is CivV and it resulted in new Alpha Centauri. Those were the times, derpu herp.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
"Civ 5 is the best civ" obviously constitutes low quality bait. MoM might superficially look like Civ, but once you start playing it you see how different it actually is. Having cities you can build buildings in is not enough to "be like Civ".


Nov 24, 2022
I'm honestly surprised at the emotion going on here comparing it to Civ. You guys make it sound like I'm attacking some darling here.

I love MoM, I'm replaying it for the umpteenth time currently, but that doesn't change the fact that many 4x games have come after, including sequels to the game that inspired MoM in the first place which have all iterated on concepts first seen in MoM but much better.

Yet somehow, the unique, defining quality of MoM- the magic and maintenance of magic, is something other attempts just can't get right.

But sure, let's harp on it being uncomfortably similar to another franchise that you all apparently hate. I'm sorry your darling got a crap remake and the original dared to iterate on another series.

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