You guys made me actually give the game a shot, and after countless hours of downloading the kit+installing it, I finally started playing it. So far, it's been a fucking blast, UP UNTIL the favelas, where the covering mechanics reaaaaally start to show their ugly parts, as in I'd felt almost sick of redoing the same sequence, in which I had to stay behind cover and shoot a huge amount of baddies hidden on a block or someshit.
Those sequences (I believe they're at chapter 6-7) have been so goddamn tiresome, they really led me down, mainly because all I had to do was play duck hunting with the bad guys, no moving, no nothing, just start aiming when they're not shooting at you, and then duck back into cover when they start aiming your head.
I just hope these sequences will be a bit less constant, like before, or else by god will this game be a real chore to get through.
Other than that, the game's really nice, it might not be grimdark, and it might have cover, but other than that, it does feel like Payne alright. I might have been younger when I first played the 1st two games, and hadn't noticed if the puns/jokes were as constantly mediocre in quality, I dunnae. Can't say they irritate me THAT much in the 3rd installment, so it's okay.