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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain


Jan 10, 2010
Is there anyone that hated the old games, possibly because of David Hayter's early '90s anime dub quality level voice, but found having a Hollywood brand name star in this one made the talking and story shit tolerable

I thought Hayter's voice was perfectly fine in MGS1/2. Got a little funky in 3, was downright painful in 4 (but old man snake is a valid excuse), but inexplicably godawful in PW.

Also no clue what you're on about since Keifer says very, very little in this game. He delivers a total of like 200-300 lines in the entirety of this ~50 hour game. It's almost entirely Kaz and Ocelot delivering the dialogue, and frankly Troy Baker's Ocelot is confusing - keeps switching between "generic voice that sounds like Kaz" and "weird southern drawl". Not sure if there was a misfire in the VA directing there, or if Baker just punted the performance. Baker is more talented than a lot of his detractors give him credit for, so I could see it going either way (then again, he did completely and unforgivably fuck up James Sunderland in SH2 HD, and said that was simply how he interpreted the character :lol: )


Mar 30, 2015
Mediocre =/= terrible, but it's disappointing to see well-done gameplay mechanics covered over with repetitive nonsense. Is some of what I'm saying hyperbolic? Sure. Is the undue praised lavished on the game as much if not more hyperbolic? I think so.

I really liked Ground Zeroes, in spite of its flaws. What was the biggest change from Ground Zeroes to TPP? The open world, Mother Base, the repetitive helicopter rides. The case has already been made, by and me others, why these things hurt the game. It certainly doesn't help that the game is unfinished. Chapter 2 lacks a coherent narrative arc and the relatively unique missions that made Chapter 1 fairly fun to play through.

Who is to blame? Well, Kojima wanted an open world. It's a big trend in AAA gaming that I think is bad, but it is popular and he wanted to do something different. Fair enough. But anyone who played GZ and then TPP can see, if they look carefully, what a negative impact that had overall. Konami also shoulders a fair share of blame, although their position is understandable. The game wasn't going to sell more or less based on whether it was finished, and they are getting out of games so why do they care? They gave Kojima $80 million dollars and at least 5 years to complete the game and he, for whatever reason, wasn't able to manage his time or money properly.


Aug 1, 2012
I didn't mean to suggest I had played this. I just meant that I find the MGS games vaguely unpleasant and I thought maybe without Hayter they might click, and I was wondering if anyone that is on my wavelength that got this had a good experience.


Jan 10, 2010
There you go KK1001 . Now that's an actual post instead of sexbadian emotional vomit!

Honestly nobody in this thread is giving the game hyperbolic praise other than HeroofTime


Jan 10, 2010
Today I learned you can put people on your horse :oops:

That's cool - unfortunately DDog outclasses D horse in like 90% of the missions


Aug 1, 2013
I thought Hayter's voice was perfectly fine in MGS1/2. Got a little funky in 3, was downright painful in 4 (but old man snake is a valid excuse), but inexplicably godawful in PW.

Also no clue what you're on about since Keifer says very, very little in this game. He delivers a total of like 200-300 lines in the entirety of this ~50 hour game. It's almost entirely Kaz and Ocelot delivering the dialogue, and frankly Troy Baker's Ocelot is confusing - keeps switching between "generic voice that sounds like Kaz" and "weird southern drawl". Not sure if there was a misfire in the VA directing there, or if Baker just punted the performance. Baker is more talented than a lot of his detractors give him credit for, so I could see it going either way (then again, he did completely and unforgivably fuck up James Sunderland in SH2 HD, and said that was simply how he interpreted the character :lol: )
Most of the times I can't even tell the difference between Kaz and Ocelot when I'm radioing them.

And Ocelot's character design is really off: his shirt is practically the same color as his skin, and with the placement of the buttons of his chest pockets I always have to blink twice to realize he's not walking around shirtless.


Dec 31, 2011
Haliask, North Ambria
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Just experienced the long jeep ride with you know who not too long ago and it's a pretty weird and awkward scene with.. big boss not saying or doing anything. Did they just run out of money and couldn't get Keifer Sutherland to voice more lines?


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Who are you even replying to? Or are you just trying to harvest ez brofists because anything remotely negative towards the game or Kojimbo gets fisted by sheeplebad? Also you did call it a terrible game multiple times in your other posts, going so far as to claim that Kojimbo should be ashamed his name is on it. You need to own up to the fact that you're laying down some pretty strong hyperbole in this thread, don't be surprised when people call you out for it.

Anyways, it's extremely easy to see why people who dislike MGS or are pleb journos would call it a 10/10. I can't even really blame them. In the context of something like Far Cry or Crysis 1, MGSV shit stomps those games obscenely hard. On the other hand:

MGS 2 > MGS 3 > Ground Zeroes > MGS 1 > Phantom Pain > MGS 4 > Twin Snakes >>>>>> MGS PW (I never played the original non solid MG1/2 :oops:)
Whaaaat? I like every MGS like the next guy, but I think MGS1 is probably the weakest, because the gameplay in it is still pretty barebones. Or do you rank it highter than TPP and MGS4 because of the story? (Which I can understand)
I thought Hayter's voice was perfectly fine in MGS1/2. Got a little funky in 3, was downright painful in 4 (but old man snake is a valid excuse), but inexplicably godawful in PW.
Nope, nope nope. Stop the Hayte(r)! :troll:He might have been weaker here and there, but calling him godawful is an enourmous exaggeration. And I still can't get my head around using Kiefer Sutherland instead of him. He does an OK job in MGS Ground Zeroes (and assumable TPP), but he is nothing special, and since he has barely any lines, his participation doesn't mean anything. I have a hunch it was Konami fucking up things again, because WE MUST USE AAAAAAAA+++ HOLLYWOOD ACTOR THE SELL OUR SHIT!!!!


Jun 17, 2015
Die große Nation
That interview is hilarious.


Solid Snake [...]


Jan 10, 2010
Keep dreaming, fanboy.

Here is a measured and appropriate analysis of the various flaws in this game - at least it manages to handle this type of gameplay far better than two series (well, Far Cry series and Crysis 1 alone) that attempted it but are ultimately pretty bad games overall.

: F-f-f-fanboy!!!!!

Sexbad is pretty much the best 2013 newfag, love that guy :hero:


Jan 10, 2010
Whaaaat? I like every MGS like the next guy, but I think MGS1 is probably the weakest, because the gameplay in it is still pretty barebones. Or do you rank it highter than TPP and MGS4 because of the story? (Which I can understand)

Nope, nope nope. Stop the Hayte(r)! :troll:He might have been weaker here and there, but calling him godawful is an enourmous exaggeration. And I still can't get my head around using Kiefer Sutherland instead of him. He does an OK job in MGS Ground Zeroes (and assumable TPP), but he is nothing special, and since he has barely any lines, his participation doesn't mean anything. I have a hunch it was Konami fucking up things again, because WE MUST USE AAAAAAAA+++ HOLLYWOOD ACTOR THE SELL OUR SHIT!!!!

I like MGS1 for a few reasons. Firstly, it was a tremendous accomplishment for its time. It's still an excellent example of level design (aside from the part with the stairs), and the boss battles are still pretty enjoyable (better than TPP and PWs 'bosses'). Also the story is solid, though not really a highlight for me.

In hindsight, I might rank TPP above MGS1 - they're fairly close though.

As for Hayter - like I said, I thought he did a fine job in MGS1/2 and most of 3. It's just Peace Walker in particular where things got... bad. He uses that awful super scruffy voice that sounds extremely forced and out of place, despite the fact that PW Snake really isn't that extremely grizzled. As for Keifer, I guarantee you that wasn't Konami, lol. Kojimbo is a staggeringly huge westaboo with a massive hardon for Hollywood, so the chance to work with an actual actor in LA was probably extremely enticing. Plus, Keifer did some good facial mocap, and there are a few scenes that quite frankly Hayter would not have delivered nearly as well (I won't scatter your ashes is a great example)


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
I like MGS1 for a few reasons. Firstly, it was a tremendous accomplishment for its time. It's still an excellent example of level design (aside from the part with the stairs), and the boss battles are still pretty enjoyable (better than TPP and PWs 'bosses'). Also the story is solid, though not really a highlight for me.

In hindsight, I might rank TPP above MGS1 - they're fairly close though.

As for Hayter - like I said, I thought he did a fine job in MGS1/2 and most of 3. It's just Peace Walker in particular where things got... bad. He uses that awful super scruffy voice that sounds extremely forced and out of place, despite the fact that PW Snake really isn't that extremely grizzled. As for Keifer, I guarantee you that wasn't Konami, lol. Kojimbo is a staggeringly huge westaboo with a massive hardon for Hollywood, so the chance to work with an actual actor in LA was probably extremely enticing. Plus, Keifer did some good facial mocap, and there are a few scenes that quite frankly Hayter would not have delivered nearly as well (I won't scatter your ashes is a great example)
My problem with Kiefer is not really his performance, but after 17 years with Hayter, there is that unavoidable disconnect you get when playing as Snake, but hearing a different voice.

Echo Mirage

Aug 19, 2013
Tirra Lirra by the River
If Tarragon is so important for research, so much that Ocelot tells me about it everytime I pick it up in a mission, why doesn't Diamond Dogs just go grocery shopping?

Had that happen with Digitalis. I noticed it happened after I picked some then when back to a much earlier checkpoint.

The odd thing is that Ocelot refuses to tell me what anything other than Black Carrot, Digitalis and Tarragon does.


Jan 10, 2010
My problem with Kiefer is not really his performance, but after 17 years with Hayter, there is that unavoidable disconnect you get when playing as Snake, but hearing a different voice.

That's fair, though at this point I don't really see GZ/TPP snake as the same as naked snake - also don't think Hayter's voice would fit the character model very well


Mar 15, 2008
Codex USB, 2014
Well, I just saw the ending. Now I wish I hadn't. What a retarded mess.
I would have been perfectly happy with the secret final mission being just a speech by BB akin to Peace Walker, and all the Diamond Dogs uniform patches change to the Outer Heaven emblem. But nooooooooooo. MGSV is basically an irrelevant side story.

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