Finally I completed the gaem.
Gameplay is almost perfect for me. The only issues that I found were some strange situations interacting with the open world. (Those slips when you try to climb hills and rocks). The Mother base system is very well planted too. At the beginning it is confusing but when you learn how to manage the iDroid properly you enjoy it more. It helps the player a lot in terms of management: Gives free soldiers (Volunteers), sources and manage the staff too. Thanks to this, there is not the need of farm like a chinese in the whole game. A good way to implement progresion and more posibilites to the game. Art direction and sound in general are very gud. Missions are generally, but I will spand this later.
The story of the game is good, but it have one problem: It's pacing. The story is not so impressive and shocking as the story of other MGS games, it is narrated in a very lazy form. Ocelot is fine but strange in this game, Miller is the REVENGE AGAINST CYPHERRRRRRSSSSSSSH guy, Emmerich is in his line, Quiet is gud, Turok is the wise man. Skull face is a bit wasted and the Skull unit is cool but the fact they're an unit of random supersoldiers instead of an small but with charismatic characters like MGS/MGS3 bother me a bit.
Now, the things that I didn't like:
The developing time of items and structures of the Mother base. Is senseless and a waste of time. Why not they kept the system as the beginning of the game? You enter developing menu, chose an available weapon, you look that you have the necesary requesites and develop the item. Done. 0 seconds. And then you request the item if you are in a mission. But no, they added the time. I had to wait 38 minutes to develop the kids fulton to extract one kid of a tower surrounded by bears. Just why. What is the point, I don't get it.
Next, one thing that wasnt liking me so much is the Health regeneration system. I would prefer a classic life bar with rations for healing instead. But then I started to think how apply that life system in a game where you can call for suplies instantly.
As I said before, missions are gud... but the padding of repeated missions on the main story was unnecesary. They should have made them as an optional difficulty for the current ones. Why they did not kept the missions in 38? It would helped a lot to the pacing in Chapter 2. Why they wanted to fill the game to the aesthetically cool number of 50?
And finally, let me comment about the 51 mission. I'm very convinced that it was a discarded mission and not a cut or non-developed mission. That mission didn't add relevant things to the story, is fanservice for Liquid fans that anything else. Miniliquid and minipsychomantis escape alive of the island, and Diamond dogs recovers the Metal gear. The vocal parasites were wasted. The true unknown remains with or without the 51 mission, is the same in both cases: What happens with Sahelantropus? It is destroyed? It is saved in a garage until he oxidized?
Overall, with MGS3, this is the MGS game that I enjoyed for the most. Even with its faults, its a great game. The only truly bad thing is that we won't se Hype Kojima and his team improving this formula in a next installment. Rest in peace METAL GEAR
10/10 Masterpiece GOTY Master of the universe would bang.