Sure it is. Omega beats any base in TPP. Enemy soldiers do things other than "stand and fuck around." The pacing of the story is great, and the cutscenes are better handled than most of the stupid shit we got in TPP. The enemy can actually see you on hard. No fulton to just remove enemies from the battlefield, making it so you have to actually hide bodies occasionally. Constant enemy reinforcements make ramboing much less viable. It just feels like more of a Metal Gear Solid game on top of all this.
TPP's stupid metagame bullshit infects every aspect of the game and adversely affected the design. Not to mention that it's really a 20 hour game packed stretched out into 60.
- Omega camp is decent designed, but isn't outstanding. Despite the east part with interior (Which is pretty simplistic too), the rest is generic and you can find more and better in the maps of TPP. The Afgan central base camp is more interesting that the whole omega camp.
- GZ AI is the same AI than TPP, even more dumb in GZ, where you can run through the main mission easily even in hard mode during the night. Also, the enemies in GZ haven't the same variation that they have in TPP, all are the same. There is no special enemies with helmets or armors.
- GZ have a fucking 20 minutes story. It have the same pacing that the prologue of TPP, the rescue of Miller or the whole rescue of Emmerich for example. The cinematic direction is the same in both games.
- Enemies camp of vision is determined by the lighting and the climate. The system is more exploited in TPP. The fact that the main mission of GZ takes place during a rainning in a night makes that part extremely easy, even in hard mode. Also the whole hard mode in GZ consists in a damage bloat and starting with the zzz pistol.
- There is not much difference between fultoning a soldier and hiding his body on the high grass. In both games the soldiers have very far patrols, and it's relatively hard to get caught by a guard that spotted a defeated enemy. Also, the body movement is extremely more faster and comfortable than in the previus games. You can even shot with a one hand weapon when you carry a body.
- There is not constant enemy reinforments in GZ, neither in TPP. I went Rambo style a lot of times in both games and always reached the point that nobody is coming after me. Also, constant enemy respawn is retarded, and it doesn't happens in MGS2 and MGS3. In those games the alert mode can be stopped after defeating a certain number of them.
The rest is butthurt. I can understand your dislike about TPP. But placing GZ over TPP is retarded, both are the same shit. Even is worse in the case of GZ, which is a fucking payment demo after all. Even doesn't reach the level of the Tanker or the Virtuous mission.