It's done, Warrior dif, 50 hours. Here are some thoughts, comments and feedback:
- the biggest problem by far is the performance and bugs everyone's harped on this sufficiently, no need to go on a tangent with this, here's just hoping they'll fix the loading screens and the combat bug asap
- second most annoying thing for me was the minimap, in some places the unexplored tiles are black and the explored ones are dark dark grey; I had to constantly lean forward and squint at the screen like an idiot, my eyes are already planning a revenge
- the last third of the game was an easy faceroll consisting basically of spamming the attack button, with my Blademaster absolutely stomping on faces, and pressing Regeneration now and then. I didn't do any research beforehand, just went blindly with a Defender, Bladedancer, Freemage and a Shaman and didn't powergame. Either I lucked out on an optimal party (maybe Crusader instead of Defender would be even better) or, more likely, Limbic didn't hit the endgame difficulty quite right. Although big thumbs up for the block and reflect pain mechanics, it meant I had to soften up dem Black Guards and Elite Shades with a Flawless Assault first, so it wasn't a complete mindnumbing grind after all. Also my Blademaster was useless against the Faceless because thanks to reflect pain he knocked himself out with each hit, since he was constantly criting for 500+
- trash loot! I don't get it why every mob has to drop some stupid old boots or a tunic, even in the second half of the game when you're absolutely swimming in gold and all sqaddies are clad in leveled up relics; it's not a
big deal but it seems ill-considered
- spells (?); I read people are using a lot of damaging spells but I found them underwhelming. Maybe it's because I had only Earth GM'd and Dark and Prime mastered, but spells like Blizzard, Implosion or Crush seemed very weak. Didn't use the Air and Fire at all though, maybe that's were it's at.
- lack of positioning mechanics was infuriating at the beginning but at half time, with higher resistances and HP, it didn't matter as much. Only problem is it rendered the ranged classes completely useless which is a shame
- I've always hated the repopulation mechanics in M&Ms, when all enemies respawn after certain period; it's usually at a point when almost nothing presents any challenge anymore and if you need to get somewhere you have to slog through a HP bloated meat wall that can't touch you. Plus I think it's bugged in this game.
But hey, that's all irrelevant in the end because I had as much fun with this game as with MM 6 -7 and those are my favourites. Sure, it's not nearly as epic or ambitious but it's still as much fun as an old blobber loving grognard like me can have these days.
P.S. - I haven't got the Behind the Scenes achievement, is there such a thing as "Limbo dungeon"?