Finished the game.
My party was a hunter, crusader, rune priest and bladedancer and I hit level 31-32 at the end. End bossfight was quite nice - frankly, the mid- to endgame balance is a bit borked, at some point pretty much nothing is that threatening to you anymore, meaning that a lot of the fights became a matter of clicking "1" repeatedly while dozing off. Last fight was pretty tough, though, with a lot of poison-curing required and trying to avoid getting blindsided by the boss.
And I just LOVE the Fallout-y ending slides detailing what happened to the NPCs based on your actions in their questlines. It was pretty crude, as the game features nowhere near the amount of C&C as a BI game, but it was a nice touch nonetheless.
My thoughts on the classes I used:
Bladedancer: comically powerful. Dual wielding relic swords meant that she could twoshot everything in the endgame, which coupled with cleave made her do about as much damage as the rest of my party put together. Considering trying a ranger with dual daggers now to see if that's just as powerful as dual swords. Never used the special attack as I had invested everything in strength and +crit chance.
Hunter: Spent a lot of the time being my least useful character. Specced her in spear, Dodge, medium armour and endurance and she didn't do half the damage my bladedancer did although she was extremely hard to kill. She became IMMENSELY useful once I achieved the Marauder upgrade, however, due to her Mortal Kombat-esque GET OVER HEEEERE! harpoon attack allowing her to pull pesky casters close to the party without having to eat fireballs walking closer to them. Enemies can't fire if another foe is in their way, so just 1 caster close to you and skullcracking him made that doomstack of 3 casters 4 tiles away easy as kittens to kill. The trap was also quite nice, but it was frankly not needed by the time I got it as I was already totally overpowered.
Crusader: tried Building him as a tank at first until I realised that instead of taunting enemies to hit him his time was much better spent just casting celestial armour every. single. round. Party rarely took damage themselves that way. He became a heavily armoured and durable awesome support character instead, but he was kind of boring to use.
Rune priest: very durable with addition dwarf Health and able to cast the extremely useful regeneration and stone skin spells from earth magic and fire shield, mez resists and +damage auras from fire magic. Once I got past the early game, his damage dealing spells became a lot less useful, however, as enemies simply had too much Health for them to make much of an impact and his mana was better spent constantly buffing the party.
Fucking brilliant game. 8.5/10 for me.