Usually I extol the virtues of the Monster Hunter franchise, and this is still the good old Monster Hunter I remember, but there are definitely some turds floating around in the punch bowl.
I assumed from seeing and hearing The Handler in videos made following the PS4 release that I was going to hate her, and that assumption was proven absolutely correct. She's not in any way necessary to the game's story or mechanics, and could simply be deleted, thereby greatly improving both the game and my sanity.
The Zorah Magdaros "battles" manage to be boring and obnoxious at the same time, are filled with the equivalent of QuickTime events, include cliff racers to randomly stagger you while locked into some animation, and instantly become extremely repetitive. It's such Godawful design that even some normies are vocally aware of how bad it is. Making the battle difficult to access just adds insult to injury. Taking shots of steaming-hot cat piss would probably be more enjoyable than suffering through this absolute garbage.
Then there are issues almost everyone agrees on, such as performance issues (which I don't personally suffer from much), lack of granular game options, floaty mouse input, a console-centric UI and interface with way too many layers, and of course the pervasive connection issues. The latter are exacerbated by how convoluted it can be to connect with others, the inability to co-op until you've watched some gay and unnecessary cutscene, as well as the lack of robustness or flexibility in their netcode: If the host disconnects, you can either abandon and lose all your progress, or finish solo with increased difficulty and fractional reward money.
These issues aren't much different from those affecting every other AAA Japanese PC port, but CRAPCOM specifically claimed that the months-long delay would be spent perfecting the game for release on PC. Instead, it's the same shit as usual, and a little extra poop smeared on besides.
All that being said, it's overall a typical, very enjoyable MH title, and I'm definitely grateful it's on PC at all rather than stuck on a little piece of shit handheld.