Cis-Het Oppressor
I'm having trouble beating the pink Rathian and I'm thinking about dropping longsword. Although it's a cool weapon, against spammy monsters it's very difficult to do combos and it's not very satisfying to hit and run with it.
Longsword is by far my most-used weapon, and I absolutely agree. It's worse in co-op because they flail, charge, and retreat to different areas much more frequently. When you do manage to get off a full spirit combo or fully-charged Guillotine, half the time the monster will hip-check, backstep, or charge off elsewhere at the last second... or Lazing Dirk and his fucking hammer LAUNCH YOU INTO THE AIR RIGHT AFTER YOU DO SPIRIT THRUST.
Even the Great Jagras is difficult to get full combos on. This is why Foresight Slash is near-mandatory to charge the gauge with any kind of speed, but it's very challenging to pull off, let alone consistently and again, especially in co-op.