I too defeated African-Americante on my very first solo attempt in around half an hour, but without any earplugs or tremor resistance, which was miserable for obvious reasons and significantly contributed to the lengthy completion time. First I beat on him with a hammer to knock both of his horns off, then I peppered him with the bow, and finally I switched to the charge blade (which I just learned to use last night). The charge blade was surprisingly very comfortable to use against him despite my inexperience with it. I didn't succeed at a single mounting attempt, because each time I was roared, tremored, or paw-swiped out of my slide, or else he rocketed away at a bad time.
Lazing Dirk loves to do the mounting attacks though, so because I always duo with him, I'm much less experienced at mounting.
I don't think I'll ever be divested of my belief that he's far too spammy for such a large and powerful monster, and that some of his moves are too cheap. I've seen him roar and then belly-flop before I could recover from animation lock, I've seen him spam his paw swipe seven times in a row, his basic attacks have AoE even when I'm 100% sure no spikes were fired, and I've seen his dive-bomb begin, end, and hit me before I could put my weapon away and sprint into emergency dive. Perhaps you're supposed to have your weapon already put away if he's got all of his black spikes up, but that's shit.
Frankly though, I was on my D game when I fought him, so I have to wonder how bad some people must be at this game to fail at fighting him over and over and over again.
Bowguns are absolute trash and do shit damage. I took a Rarity 6 Light Bowgun with three Close Range mods and slicing ammo into a Special Arena versus a LOW-RANK Pukei, hit his tail dead-on with exactly 20 slicing shots from melee range, and yet his tail was still firmly attached when
Lazing Dirk finished him off. The damage dealt by Normal 1, 2, and 3 to weak points is far less than half that of a mediocre bow, regardless of rapid-fire specials, equipment skills, bowgun mods, buffs, or anything else.