So this is my first Monster Hunter game and I've just reached Coral Highlands, so I'm not sure whether my critique applies to MH in general or just MH:W specifically and whether it'll get better or not; but I'm pretty disappointed. While some of these points may be nitpicking, some are game-breaking. For me it's the sum of the points which makes the game unenjoyable so far. Your mileage may vary.
- The character creator is a joke. Only face customisation, and approximately 80% of the options for face shapes, eyes, hair styles, noses, mouths etc. are ugly, and there aren't that many to begin with. Standard body is shit, especially female. No waifus to be created here. Dragon's Dogma proved some 5 years ago what char creators are capable of. From ugly, fat midgets, noble muscular knights, brute giant warriors, hunched old witches to various kinds of waifu, everything was possible, and all with minimal clipping issues (see next point). Here? Nothing much to be customised.
- Armor/weapon clipping like I've never seen before. Yeah, it's not really important when gameplay is right, but since a lot of this game's appeal is supposed to be customising your character's armor/weapon, it's quite disappointing that this stuff is getting worse instead of better in 2018. Pretty much everything is clipping into everything. Even parts of the same weapon like bow and quiver.
- Way too much hand-holding: The first two hours or so feel like a tutorial. I think I would've learned the mechanics faster if the fucking game would've just let me try out shit faster without explaining obvious stuff with text-boxes. Scout flies are really the next step in the dumbing down of quest compasses (yes, things can get worse than a simple quest compass!* How long before a quest compass will be considered old-school?) They lead the way to everything, gathering spots, monster tracks, everything. And once they track the monster for you, they obstruct the whole view as they're way too bright and obnoxious. Complete shit.
- The story: Absolutely uninteresting and immaturely presented crap. The characters are all complete shit. Many unskippable cutscenes. Terribly gimmicky missions.. And with the focus on a shit-story and cutscenes like this, most dialogs aren't even voiced. The game generally tends to take control away from you too often for my tastes and has too much down-time. The cutscenes, tutorial texts, forced cam angles, results screens after a hunt, loading quests and actual loading screens just to name the most prominent offenders.
- HUD and UI: Holy shit — how complicated, cluttered, unintuitive and generically-looking can it get. Again, Dark Souls, Dragon's Dogma, many many games have okayish UIs and HUDs. Here? Want to see what kind of materials you have? Good luck finding that out (you have to go to a vendor and chose "sell" in order to see them). Taking items out of and putting them into storage needs way too many clicks. Upgrading armor and weapons takes too many button presses. Crafting takes too many button presses. Everything needs way to many clicks and button presses. It's a fucking joke. A genius couldn't have intentionally come up with a worse UI. And I'm sure the cluttered HUD and mediocre controls could be enhanced, too...
...and in some cases it's not even working. The order of your item pouch for example resets randomly and auto-ordering leads to semi-random results. You can work around this by ordering them manually and saving that loadout as a preset (and load it every now and then), but Jesus Christ, Dark Souls isn't that much less complicated and the UI there works just fine...
- Music is mediocre. The battle music, village music, everything. Actually, it ranges from mediocre (village) to annoying (hunting music).
- Graphics and performance are also mediocre. Especially the lighting seems to be somewhat fucked up. Tune it for dark places to look good, sunlit places are way too bright. Tune it for day at the beach to look good, and dark places are way too dark. Some places' contrast is way too high, others are washed out and look like mud. Textures are also nothing to write home about and a game looking this mediocre has no business running at less than 60fps on PS4 Pro and X1X respectively, but it does. Base models' graphics look like shit and constantly dip below 30, even below 20fps.
- Level-design/-layout: At first, the three maps I've seen so far (Ancient Forest, Wildspire Wastes, Coral Highlands) are quite impressive — verticality, forest, beach, muddy caves, rocky caves, a desert, a swamp, blooming march, a coral reef with really exotic sceneries etc. And from an artistic point of view, most places are great. But gameplay-wise they soon turn out to be lacklustre: lots of invisible walls. The invisible walls and the ingame-map, which shows all gathering spots and monsters after a while, in combination with the scout flies, makes sure that exploration is not really a thing in MH:W.
- Can't play offline (unless pulling the plug) and MP is barely working atm.
- And then the game feels all over the place. You can get story and optional quests and Investigations from the Quest Board (or the Handler), Bounties and Investigations (Investigations you have to accept, then they get added to the Quest Board and Handler menu) from another girl, some quests from a Biologist dude who lets you cultivate plants, herbs and honey, some quests from random people. Some get accepted automatically, some you have to accept manually, some get added to the Quest Board after you accepted them, some stack and can be done while doing other quests, some are main quests in that you have to start them immediately after you accept them. Some can be found in some kind of research log, others not. You can craft items from your pouch anytime, you can access the crafting menu from the storage. But everything requires too many clicks and is just the epitome of unintuitive. It's all over the place and bad game design, just like the UI and HUD. It's not hard after you know what is what, it's all just overly complicated whithout necessity.
Okay, here are some good things, but not enough to overcame the general feel of bleh. Mastering your weapons and the monster movesets is an okay experience. The weapons I've tried so far feel sufficiently different from each other and there should be a weapon for everyone's taste with wildly varying complexity. But that's where the positive stuff ends again. After you have mastered your weapon's moveset, it's pretty basic actually (some more than others). Weapons have between 3 to maybe 8 or so basic (combo) moves which you then have to further combine in combat according to situation. I don't know, but after playing a weapon for 2 to 5 hours or so, depending on complexity, it really, really starts to feel repetitive in a bad way. Not like "yay, I finally got it" but more like "Jesus, this is becoming tedious". Also, movement has that shitty inertia that lets your character continue to move for a while after you intended for him to stop. Realistic? Maybe. Good from a gameplay perspective? Shit no. Also, movement is automated to a worrying degree. No need to jump up ledges, no possibility to fall to your death thanks to invisible walls and no fall-damage. Even jumping from vine to vine is automated. It doesn't feel like I'm maneuvering my character through the landscape.
But the hunts, right? That's where it all should come together to make it worth it. With these exciting, huge, archaic monsters as your prey, and 14 wildly different weapons to master in order to tackle these monsters and take them down, some sub-par design decisions shouldn't matter that much. Well — you can mount the monsters, but it's a QTE minigame. You can track the monsters, but the scout flies do it for you and all you do is follow a glowing arrow. You can use environmental traps, lure one monster into the area of another, stronger or weaker, monster to hurt or distract it, you can set up traps and use various other items, but all this started to feel gimmicky after a couple of hours. And, also quite important' the monsters movesets are very limited, and from what I've read, the only thing that changes in High Rank is the damage they do and the HP they have. It's just not worth it, everything is too mediocre to give me any satisfaction or let me feel like I've achieved anything.
Well, this shit is too long already and and about as unfocused as the game feels and I know I missed a couple of things. I don't know what it is. I think hidden below all this clutter is a neat gameplay-loop, one which very much resembles the ideal action-rpg of overcoming strong enemies, looting them, upgrading your gear and customising your character to identify more and more with the character and the world and tackle ever more difficult enemies. But unfortunately it's submerged deep down below all that mediocrity. I'll keep trying for a bit longer, at least I'll finish the story, but I doubt it'll change my mind.
*another example: Witcher senses, which are not quite as bad as the scout flies.