Worry number 1:
Nerds doing War. Almost bound to end up cringe-worthy. It's like when i get back home and people ask me if it's like Black Hawk Down, only repeatedly...
Worry number 2:
2017 nerds doing War. As if the above wasn't enough, we now have PC, equal opportunities shit and librul agendas to be wary of. Sincerely curious to see how big your balls are and more to the point, how mature you are (heavy topic, War). Nerds and maturity hardly co-align (don't tell i'm being harsh just yet, read number 3 first and you'll get my point)
Worry number 3:
Lack of combat xp and what it signifies. Nerds doing War in a combat-heavy RPG can be O.K., as the unspoken agreement between you and the dev team is that you're playing just so you can kill shit. When however they tell you that 'it won't be that kind of game', you're back at 1) and 2)
Worry number 4:
Cluelessness. War you may not know, but games and gamers (mentality, expectations) you supposedly do. Where is the assurance that "no man, we know all this, we've got it"? Nowhere. Pasting a pic of Coppola hardly qualifies.
Worry number 5:
Incosistencies. Bad no matter where or when, doubly so when you find them in a pitch as short, vague and superficial as this one (it's one thing to find a contradiction inside a 15 pages long text, another to spot it in a half-page, half-assed general pitch; yes?). Case in point: For a game that has little to no combat XP, there sure is a lot of text about it, there sure is no bolded part relating said lack of traditional xp gaining. Why not state so clearly? You think everyone's gonna read the Codex to find out..? Or are you purposefuly keeping that in small print?
Worry number 6:
For a game asking upwards of 5mil, there sure is fuck all to tell me, let alone convince me, where it's going/is needed. Your 'about the game' page is a half a screen long, overly general, more concept than statement. I was honestly looking for that next page button to read further, cause no fucking way these assholes believe this can convince me. Right?
Worry number... nah fuck it, called it right there.
Why did i then bother to type all this? 'Cause the concept is worthy. But concept alone is just air and air's still free. I don't know if you guys are lazy, incompetent, or lacking the responsibility/maturity to organize your shit, but either way, same outcome. You think i'm the only one going along these lines, well you keep on dreaming.