Say, putting your skaven seer in the middle of a huge melee to cast gaze of the horned rat. If it works, all enemies around him lose 4 OP and you faceroll them. If it doesn't work, well, he's out of position and possibly in danger. If it rolls perils, the dude might get killed outright or spawn a stun wave that will hit everyone around and potentially have you facerolled.
I dunno, maybe you always ragequit before you can even get any skills on your dudes, but skills are important and they matter. They are what lets you forgo dodges etc in lieu of something that might let you disarm the enemy completely if it works.
There's also the matter of choosing priority targets, deciding whether to try kill a guy who is already in melee or engage another one who might wreck your dudes. There's positioning and anticipation with regard to level layout. Rushing into the fog of war is less risky if you do it through a chokepoint instead of open terrain.
That unit got ganged up on and killed as there simply is no way to avoid it once you walk around a corner and get assaulted by 2-3 guys.
See, this is what I'm talking about when I say you should git gud.
You should
never get bumrushed by walking around a corner. The map design in Mordheim uses so many floors on the Z axis that you should always have one or two dedicated "jumpy" guys with high ag + the skills that let you climb/jump down for no SP. If you scout with eyes in the sky, instead of just walking headfirst into an ambush, your chances of spotting the enemy and not getting bumrushed go down immensely. Plus, vantage points are typically in buildings, which means choke points, so even if your scout has a bad day and gets caught, he should be in a position where only 1 enemy can reach him. And since the scout is high AG, he can hold out long enough on dodges alone till the cavalry arrives. And once the cavalry arrives, you know exactly where all the enemies are and can pick them off on your own terms. If the scout does actually kick the bucket, big deal - if you only lose him while winning, it's a good enough trade.
And if you really just can't live without face checking around every corner, you can also do it with someone dedicated to facetanking. When playing humies, I had a champ with so many defensive abilities stacked on him that he was literally an impenetrable road block (heavy armour, double block, insano-high melee res + melee res increasing abilities on each hit received and applied).
The only similarity I see is that one should avoid unnecessary risks. But in Blood Bowl stupid shit = unnecessary risk, while in Mordheim everything that is not extremely certain = unnecessary risk.
Negus bitte. In BB you can have an extremely certain 3D block roll triple reds + another triple reds on reroll, or your Dodge/AG5 ball carrier fail dodging out of a goblin's tackle zone and it will cost you the game (bonus points if the player dies from the failed doge). BB is the epitome of every action constituting a game-losing risk, there's nothing even close to that in Mordheim.