Here is my quick feedback for
Jasede and anyone else interested:
The gameplay, while still a little rough around the edges, is VERY compelling for me. The tactical aspect is enjoyable, though things can be subjected to a prolonged RNG swing - for good or for ill. It does not feel as random as your warband gets stronger.
Building the warband is also very enjoyable. Keeping them paid, balancing the demands of your sponsor with injuries, training, etc, I find to be very enjoyable.
I really dig the Veteran Skill system, which allows you tweak your warband and it gives you a sense of progression that persists after your warband has lost it all.
Most of the content in the game, is open world 'ad-hoc' stpry creating. Ie., there isn't an overall story, but rather there was this battle where a bunch of horrible/amazing things happened. Check out my one handed marksman with a handgun, he's AMAZING! Story that is unique to your playthrough - if that makes sense. I had a similar experience with the original X-Com - though that game had a framework story and an endgame.
Which brings me to the one real weakpoint of the game, the lack of some sort of end game content. Some sort of way to end the "run" of a warband (other than failure). X-Com had the Assualt on Cedonia. I don't think Mordheim has an end. Now they did add a second act for the story quests, so maybe there is something there and I just haven't experienced it yet?
I've sunk 47 hours into the game, and I'm anxious to sink more - as soon as work and the holidays calm down.
rashiakas , I liked seeing your builds. I've been playing the game, probably not nearly as optimal as I could be, but it's great to see the potential is there. I also make a Marksman Hero (lad's got talent) and have been really satisfied with it. Let me ask you another question, do you find the Ogre to be worth it? He takes up a total of 3 hero slots - and he is amazing, I just don't know if he's more amazing than 3 champions.
To anyone -
Are they going to add more races/classes/etc? I want a Bright Wizard and a Witch Hunter. I want more customization.
I do love this game.