You know, I've playing PF:KM for the first time and really been enjoying myself. Really, now I understand a bit better the rage that BG3 got for going turn-based. Because Owlcat has shown that RTwP was possible. It's not perfect and I sure as hell prefer Infinity Engine and BG1-2 design principles, but still it felt a bit like coming home. But fuck, it just doesn't feel the same after the release of Bannerlord. Now I'm just looking forward to finishing it, since then and only then can I move on to Bannerlord. Because once I start, I'm not coming back for a while, and I do want to finish Kingmaker.
I need to play this game.
Guys, I clocked 800 hours in Warband, all but forgotten until now. It's been years, but now that Bannerlord is here, it's all coming back to me. I watched the streams, even the stupid ones where they tried to play horse archers. A big mistake, since that just made the craving get worse.
I don't care it's early access, don't care about the price or the jank. Bugs? By god I'm willing to eat bugs for breakfast, if it means I get to lay siege on my enemies again. To be honest, I either need Bannerlord or help, and well, I already made my choice.
I just checked Kingmaker walkthrough to see how much longer I have to go. Just completed Season of the Bloom. We'll fuck, at least 50 hours until I'm done and can move on to Bannerlord. Thank god I don't have the dlcs.