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My problem with c-RPG's or what to play


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
Underrail is one of the best RPGs of the last 20 years.

and grimoire/kotc 1-2

really the big 3 (kenshi as 4th)


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
Did you play Icewind Dale 1 and 2? They are a lot like Baldurs Gates 1/2. I enjoyed all of those games. There is also Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2 which came out between Baldurs Gates and Dragon Age. They are a mixture of good and not so good. After that was Temple of Elemental Evil which is a great game imo and pretty unique. Some issues but don't all of these games? Worth playing. Although for me Knights of the Chalice 2 is kind of the same game again but with lower tech graphics but far better battles, EPIC BATTLES in fact. I really love that game, but it's hardcore as hell.

Some a bit different:

It's really good. The focus is tactical battles and story, and some character development.

Age of Wonders 1, 2 or 3
You look at a big map with cities and quests dotted around. You build armies and send them across the map to capture stuff. When it arrives at a battle, the game switches into a nice 3D RPG with turn based combat and lots of fun spells to play with. Really good!

This is an MMORPG that nobody plays and is probably going to die any day now. Could be tomorrow, could be 10 years, nobody knows and it's been like that for several years already. But I really love this game. It has nice graphics and music, the locations have great atmosphere and variety. The combat is really good. To me this is 100x better than Skyrim. There are some downsides though, but I think everyone should try it.

Lady Error

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Jan 21, 2021
Strap Yourselves In
I found the beginning of Tyranny quite tedious, but then enjoyed it quite a lot actually.

Icewind Dale 1 & 2 and Temple of Elemental Evil are good too of course, I guess we kind of assume that everybody knows them.
Jan 21, 2023
The whole intro with so many CYOA type events felt a bit weird and the locations were super small. It's when I really started noticing the bloating in Obsidian's writing. Their stories can never be about "something", that is: a single thing. They're always about the whole history of the world.

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