=== Crash
This is a report file from a crash you have experienced in NWN:EE
Please post a bug report for NWN at:
and attach this file, along with the minidump referenced at the bottom
of this report. These files can provide us with extra information about your crash.
If you can describe what happened before this crash, or provide
instructions on how to reproduce this crash, it will help us find
and fix the problem you experienced. Thank you.
=== Props
os = windows
target = nwmain
time = 1627209149
exception = c0000005
binaryChecksum = md5=8cd51c0c5f4c31008e1a4ab5894866f2
g_sBuildNumber = 8193
g_sBuildRevision = 28
g_sVersionNumber = 1, 0, 0, 0
g_sGitCommit = d54d357c
&GenericCrashHandler = 00007FF745677D40
=== Backtrace
=== Minidump
Minidump file has been written to C:\Users\gabin\Documents\Neverwinter Nights/nwmain-crash-1627209149.dmp.
=== Config
camera.dialog-zoom = 0
camera.edge-turning = 1
camera.limits.max-dist = 25.00
camera.limits.max-pitch = 89.00
camera.limits.min-dist = 1.00
camera.limits.min-pitch = 1.00
camera.mode = 1
camera.turn-speed-multiplier = 1.00
camera.zoom-speed-multiplier = 3.00
campaigndb.storage.compression.enabled = 1
client.identity.name = ""
contentindex.curated.enabled = 1
debug.panel.visible = 0
game.campaigns.oc.progress = 0
game.campaigns.xp1.progress = 0
game.campaigns.xp2.progress = 0
game.character-generation.show-pregenerated = 0
game.gore = 1
game.language.codepage = ""
game.language.override = ""
game.log.chat.all.enabled = 0
game.log.chat.emotes.enabled = 0
game.log.chat.text.enabled = 0
game.log.model-errors.enabled = 0
game.log.resman.lookup-failures.enabled = 0
graphics.creature-wind.mode = 2
graphics.effects.creature-environment-mapping = 1
graphics.effects.high-quality = 1
graphics.experimental.disable-gui-lighting = 1
graphics.experimental.dynamic-buffer-handling-mode = 3
graphics.experimental.enhanced-light-managing = 1
graphics.experimental.gl-finish-before-fbo = 1
graphics.experimental.optimize-shadow-rendering = 1
graphics.experimental.preload-area-objects = 0
graphics.experimental.render-cloaks = 1
graphics.experimental.render-grass-sorted = 1
graphics.facelifts.mode = "CampaignsAndDLC"
graphics.fbo.dof.amount = 1.00
graphics.fbo.dof.deadzone = 3.00
graphics.fbo.dof.enabled = 0
graphics.fbo.dof.focus-type = "Camera Pitch"
graphics.fbo.dof.never-blur-pc = 1
graphics.fbo.dof.vignette = 1.00
graphics.fbo.high-contrast.enabled = 1
graphics.fbo.high-contrast.intensity = 0.22
graphics.fbo.high-contrast.midpoint = 0.45
graphics.fbo.sharpen.enabled = 1
graphics.fbo.ssao.enabled = 1
graphics.fbo.vibrance.amount = 1.10
graphics.fbo.vibrance.enabled = 1
graphics.framelimiter.background.target-fps = 30
graphics.framelimiter.enabled = 1
graphics.framelimiter.foreground.target-fps = 100
graphics.framelimiter.non-interactive.target-fps = 70
graphics.gamma = 1.9
graphics.general.shader-quality = "High Quality"
graphics.grass.mode = 2
graphics.grass.render-distance = 30000.00
graphics.hilite.color.door = "#4cffff"
graphics.hilite.color.enemy = "#ff1919"
graphics.hilite.color.friend = "#4cff4c"
graphics.hilite.color.item = "#4cffff"
graphics.hilite.color.neutral = "#6666ff"
graphics.hilite.color.placeable = "#4cffff"
graphics.hilite.color.self = "#ffffff"
graphics.hilite.color.trigger = "#4cffff"
graphics.hilite.enabled = 1
graphics.hilite.glow = 1
graphics.intro.splash.enabled = 1
graphics.keyholing.enabled = 1
graphics.keyholing.max-diameter = 0.90
graphics.keyholing.min-diameter = 0.40
graphics.keyholing.with-tooltip = 0
graphics.lighting.cutoff-range-multiplier = 2.00
graphics.lighting.enhanced = 1
graphics.lighting.intensity-at-range = 0.20
graphics.lighting.max-intensity = 1.50
graphics.lighting.max-lights = 32
graphics.lod.enabled = 1
graphics.lod.scale-factor = 2.03
graphics.movies.enabled = 0
graphics.movies.intro.enabled = 0
graphics.second-story-tiles.mode = 1
graphics.shadows.creatures.mode = 2
graphics.shadows.environment.enabled = 1
graphics.shadows.max-casting-lights = 3
graphics.skyboxes.enabled = 1
graphics.stats.enabled = 0
graphics.texture-animations.enabled = 1
graphics.textures.pack = 3
graphics.tile-borders.enabled = 1
graphics.trap.color.friendly = "#00ff00"
graphics.trap.color.hostile = "#ff0000"
graphics.video.anisotropic-filtering.enabled = 1
graphics.video.anti-aliasing-mode = 1
graphics.video.refresh-rate = 144
graphics.video.vsync.enabled = 0
graphics.water.shiny = 1
graphics.window.fullscreen.height = 1440
graphics.window.fullscreen.toggle-to-borderless = 0
graphics.window.fullscreen.width = 2560
graphics.window.mode = "windowed"
graphics.window.windowed.borderless = 0
graphics.window.windowed.height = 1071
graphics.window.windowed.position.mode = "remember"
graphics.window.windowed.position.x = 348
graphics.window.windowed.position.y = 165
graphics.window.windowed.width = 1920
input.keyboard.shift-walk-mode-inverted = 0
input.mouse.hardware-pointer = 1
io.mmap.enabled = 0
io.mmap.experimental.never-close-bif = 1
masterserver.key-authentication.mode = "always"
net.http.disk-cache.compression.enabled = 1
net.http.disk-cache.enabled = 1
net.http.disk-cache.size = 100
net.http.max-concurrent-connections = 20
net.http.ssl.cabundle = ""
net.http.ssl.capath = ""
net.http.ssl.require = 0
net.http.ssl.verify.ocsp-stapling = 0
net.udp.window.timeout = 60000
nwscript.debugger.address = ""
nwscript.debugger.enabled = 0
nwscript.debugger.port = 5122
nwscript.log.script-execution.enabled = 0
nwscript.vm.profiling.enabled = 0
nwscript.vm.runtime-limits.instructions = 524288
nwsync.auto-delete-dangling-data = 1
nwsync.storage.compression = "zstd"
nwsync.transfer.flush.async = 1
nwsync.transfer.flush.max-files = 1000
nwsync.transfer.flush.max-megabytes = 3
ruleset.always-roll-max-hitpoints-on-levelup = 1
ruleset.combat.max-ability-bonus = 12
ruleset.combat.max-ability-penalty = 30
ruleset.combat.max-attack-bonus = 20
ruleset.combat.max-damage-bonus = 100
ruleset.combat.max-saving-throw-bonus = 20
ruleset.combat.max-skill-bonus = 50
ruleset.combat.sticky-modes = 0
ruleset.difficulty = 3
ruleset.encounters.always-reset = 0
ruleset.enforce-legal-characters = 1
ruleset.hide-hitpoints-gained-on-levelup = 0
ruleset.item-level-restrictions = 0
ruleset.max-character-level = 40
ruleset.min-character-level = 1
ruleset.natural-ones-fail-saving-throws = 1
ruleset.show-active-effects = 1
ruleset.show-challenge-ratings = 1
ruleset.validate-spells = 1
server.allow-player-pausing = 0
server.autosave.enabled = 0
server.autosave.interval = 5
server.disallow-shouting = 0
server.identity.game-region = 0
server.identity.game-type = 0
server.identity.name = "Server"
server.identity.public = 1
server.log.creature-deaths.enabled = 0
server.log.debug-mode-sends-to-players.enabled = 1
server.log.heartbeats.enabled = 0
server.log.rotation.enabled = 1
server.login.max-players = 6
server.login.player-dm.enabled = 1
server.net.accept-relayed-connections = 1
server.net.port = 5121
server.one-party-only = 1
server.pvp-mode = 1
server.reload-when-empty = 1
server.restore-spell-uses-on-login = 0
server.savegames-store-characters = 1
server.savegames-vault-characters-only = 0
server.show-dm-join-messages = 1
server.tweaks.2da-engine-cache-size = 11
server.tweaks.2da-user-cache-size = 10
server.tweaks.game-object-cache-size = 16
server.tweaks.power-saving.clients-required-to-disable = 1
server.tweaks.resman.max-memory-usage = 0.13
server.tweaks.threaded-timers-resolution = 100
server.tweaks.use-threaded-timers = 1
server.vault.backup-server-characters = 0
server.vault.by-player-name = 0
server.vault.mode = 1
server.vault.sticky-player-names = 0
server.vault.suppress-base = 0
sound.3d.bias = 1.00
sound.effects.volume = 0.50
sound.music.main-menu-theme = "mus_theme_main"
sound.music.volume = 0.50
sound.voices.volume = 0.50
sqlite3.busy-timeout.milliseconds = 3000
taskmanager.threadpool.max-mutex-wait-time = 5000
taskmanager.threadpool.max-size = 0
ui.chat.pane.primary.height = 4.58
ui.chat.pane.secondary.height = 0.00
ui.chat.swear-filter.enabled = 0
ui.floating-text-feedback = 1
ui.floating-text-feedback-damage-totals-color = "#9999ff"
ui.floating-text-feedback-damage-totals-only = 0
ui.large-font = 1
ui.main-menu.background-image = "gui_pre_bknd3"
ui.mouseover-feedback = 1
ui.multiplayer.direct-connect.last-address = ""
ui.multiplayer.server-browser.hide-empty = 0
ui.multiplayer.server-browser.hide-full = 0
ui.multiplayer.server-browser.hide-localvault = 0
ui.multiplayer.server-browser.hide-servervault = 0
ui.multiplayer.server-browser.module-name-filter = ""
ui.party.invite-popup.enabled = 1
ui.scale = 1.00000001490116119
ui.spellbook.sort-spells = 1
ui.targeting-feedback-mode = 2
ui.text-bubble-mode = 2
ui.tooltip-delay = 100000
ui.unconstrain-scale = 0
=== ResMan
Available Memory = 2025627614
Total Available Memory = 2140437504
Total Physical Memory = 17123500032
FreeList Size = 1336
Free Disk Space CURRENTGAME: = 465263308800
=== ResMan KeyTables
TEMPCLIENT: = Type: 2, ID: 99000000, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
PORTRAITS: = Type: 2, ID: 91000000, Entries: 2751, Excluded: 0
PORTRAITSINSTALL: = Type: 2, ID: 90000000, Entries: 71, Excluded: 0
DMVAULT: = Type: 2, ID: 81000002, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
LOCALVAULT: = Type: 2, ID: 81000001, Entries: 15, Excluded: 0
SERVERVAULT: = Type: 2, ID: 81000000, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
DMVAULTINSTALL: = Type: 2, ID: 80000001, Entries: 3, Excluded: 0
LCVAULTINSTALL: = Type: 2, ID: 80000000, Entries: 79, Excluded: 0
DEVELOPMENT: = Type: 2, ID: 71000000, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
HAK:swordflighta = Type: 3, ID: 31000003, Entries: 26, Excluded: 0
HAK:ctp_common = Type: 3, ID: 31000002, Entries: 1705, Excluded: 0
HAK:ctp_loadscreens = Type: 3, ID: 31000001, Entries: 181, Excluded: 0
HAK:ctp_babylon = Type: 3, ID: 31000000, Entries: 5307, Excluded: 0
CURRENTGAME:Swordflight - Chapter Two = Type: 3, ID: 22000000, Entries: 7502, Excluded: 0
OVERRIDE: = Type: 2, ID: 12000000, Entries: 781, Excluded: 0
OVERRIDELOCINSTALL: = Type: 2, ID: 10000001, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
OVERRIDEINSTALL: = Type: 2, ID: 10000000, Entries: 187, Excluded: 0
AMBIENT: = Type: 2, ID: 9000000, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
MUSIC: = Type: 2, ID: 8000000, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
AMBIENTINSTALL: = Type: 2, ID: 7000000, Entries: 229, Excluded: 0
MUSICINSTALL: = Type: 2, ID: 6000000, Entries: 281, Excluded: 0
HD0INSTALL:data/nwn_base_loc = Type: 1, ID: 2000000, Entries: 1023, Excluded: 0
HD0INSTALL:data/nwn_base = Type: 1, ID: 1000000, Entries: 134298, Excluded: 0
=== End