Btw something else entirely: I'm looking at what I want to do with Shadows of Undrentide. I'll probably be taking the same char through Hordes, so it has to have low-level and high-level appeal. My first thought was an Arcane Archer because I almost never play archers in RPGs and it seems like it would be very fun at high levels in NWN, but then I recalled my experience with the OC. Being bum-rushed by a thousand mobs on a bow build with nothing but a single retarded henchmen in the way of me and my enemies does not sound conducive to a good time.
Single class monk could also be on the table, I don't think I've ever played one in 3rd ed.
Thoughts, suggestions?
Single class monk is always a lot of fun, and the advanced combat animations adds several cool martial arts styles that are fun to see at high levels. Arcane Archer is good from start to finish and never gets old, you can get really insane in HoTU.
Shadows doesn't have the mob-army problem, so don't worry about it.
HoTU is the best of the original campaigns, and Shadows is short enough and the first chapter isn't bad imo.
If you aren't playing with advanced AI, you really should. By HoTU it makes a big difference.