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New Vegas review from NMA, too good to be true???


Sep 5, 2009
It's a pretty weird thread. On one hand it seems arbitrary at best to have such a heated discussion over a dog, but on the other hand you have to at least respect the passion of these posters.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
This thread demands a banner.

RPG Codex - Can we all just agree that cock is delicious and move on? FFS


RPG Codex - 10 pages on F:NV's tutorial alone. The true Hardcore Mode begins after you register.

edit: Heh, found Topher fighting the good fight at Gamefaqs. Sadly, his pleas for common sense fall on deaf ears:

NeuralLaxative said:
Why don't thrown melee items stick in enemies? C'mon Bethesda, this isn't Morrowind. We know you can do it. We've played Oblivion, remember???

Topher said:
Seeing as how this isn't a Bethesda game.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Clockwork Knight said:
I'd defend VD, but then I'd probably be accused of sucking VD / Avellone / Obsidian cock

On the other hand, if I attack him I'd be sucking Skyway cock

I don't know how you guys manage to have arguments if the moment you open your mouth someone's cock gonna get in.
Signature material.

PS. Updated my journal


Dec 5, 2007
Clockwork Knight said:
This thread demands a banner.

RPG Codex - Can we all just agree that cock is delicious and move on? FFS


RPG Codex - 10 pages on F:NV's tutorial alone. The true Hardcore Mode begins after you register.

edit: Heh, found Topher fighting the good fight at Gamefaqs. Sadly, his pleas for common sense fall on deaf ears:

NeuralLaxative said:
Why don't thrown melee items stick in enemies? C'mon Bethesda, this isn't Morrowind. We know you can do it. We've played Oblivion, remember???

Topher said:
Seeing as how this isn't a Bethesda game.

Yeah, I was over at gamefaqs. I really wanted to get some more information on how bad the glitches and framerate really were adn even over there people were talking about how sever they are but overall wasn't a very productive visit. However, having now played New Vegas for myself, albeit for only for about half and hour, my first impression boils down to "bad framerate and terrible weapon models". I really can't believe more people aren't pointing out how truly awful the weapon models are, not from a design standpoint as that's largely personal preference, but the actual textures and the models incredibly amateur quality. It's uncommon for me to point out weak graphics but those models are about on par with what I could whip up in Blender and I've only ever played around with the program.

I've also noticed that the keyboard controls aren't very intuitive. To exit a shop menu it's "x", to exit vats is "RMB" or confirm with "e" and to exit the looting screen is "a" I think and hitting "e" grabs everything. It feels very strange to have three different keys being used to back-out of three different menus. I'm going to note here that in order to holster your weapon you need to hold down the reload key "r" by default. I couldn't figure it out and it doesn't appear to be listed in the control menu anywhere, I'm sure it's in the actual instruction booklet but I don't have that for, what should be, obvious reasons.


Oct 22, 2009
Vault Dweller said:
Derper said:
"Char generation is a mess. (...) Next I had to click through 8 screens to assign my stats. Then answer a bunch of questions that may or may not have had an effect on how my skills turned out, I'm not sure."

Character generation.
What seems to be the problem, officer?
I'll have to spell it out, then? Not a problem with graphics, like a lot more than 10 % of the post. FFS!

"Relieved that it was finally over, I went outside. Found a shop, chatted with owner, had a look at his stuff - WTF is this? 100 items crammed into one long ass list in a tiny window that shows only 5 at a time - no icons, no tabs, just text. Like a fucking console rpg from the 80s. I didn't buy anything. Same crap in the pipboy: there's no paperdoll, no drag&drop interface, no icons. It's all menus and text. Tiny menus and huge text. You have to scroll to see all your skills. Three decades of UI evolution never happened."
UI sucks and is hardly useable.
It does suck, visually. Hardly usable? Not the case. In fact it's fairly easy to use it and find what you need..
But it's still three decades of UI evolution down the drain, yes?

"I tried to explore the town a bit more but even running around feels retarded. The char zips around like on skates. 3rd person reveals he's actually walking on clouds - the animation is totally disjointed from the camera movement. No sense of weight or mass. Think Bloodlines but ten times more jarring. The game doesn't look bad on screenshots but when you actually see it in motion it feels terribly outdated. Whatever, thankfully pipboy can teleport you straight to your quest objective."

Graphics, but more to the point: Wonky, glitchy, buggy animations.

First, where does it say buggy? Second, the animations are neither wonky nor glitchy. They are not rave-worthy, but that's not a crime ... yet, is it?.
It says buggy in the thread with the screenshot of a floating brahmin. The animations seem a step back (maybe a giant leap) from what we had in Fallout and F2, in regards to my previous statements about graphics and immersion. BTW, you haven't played Bloodlines?!

"So I found the girl I was supposed to talk to for my tutorial. I killed her dog before her eyes (after pumping 2 magazines into its head at point blank and staring in disbelief at the idiocy that is VATS). She didn't care, but apparently I lost reputation with the town. I quit.

NPC reactions seem off. Dog has a thick skull.
Definitely a flaw. The only valid point in the entire post.
Tangs man, meens a loot.


Nov 11, 2007
Cybernegro HQ
'Tad odd that we expect RPGs to accommodate chaotic evil psychopaths, isn't it? I mean in support of that character type the player should be allowed to attack and kill everyone. To the people saying "but won't that break the game?": yes, for wildly unrealistic and crazy characters. Why should a serial killer who does it for the lulz be involved with the game's main quest? Hell, give him a different quest, a sort of ADOM-like ultimate evil ending.

Give important characters "plot shields" so they can't be killed by stray monsters (gigantic dragons and plot-related foes don't count), and switch up A.I. so characters / town guards react appropriately to some dumbfuck adventurer dropping trains on them repeatedly (to curb abuse).


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.

poetic codex

Aug 14, 2010
I smiled as I read through this thread because I recognized a lot of my former attitude in many of the posts.

Guys, if you don't like a game:

a) say so

b) say why

c) stop playing it

d) stop trying to convince other people why they should stop liking it too.

Trying to convince soemone that a game is crappy is a bit like trying to convince someone to hate their mother. Everyone has their own reason for liking something.

After I stopped stressing over things like this, I have never felt so free in a long time.

Yesterday, I went outside to the park and played a game of pickup soccer with a group of random strangers. That doesn't sound like much written down in text, but actually being outside, smelling the grass, feeling the wind, watching the emotions and smiles on other people's faces, feeling the rush of blood pumping through my veins...mmm...it was such a blissful feeling with many other subtle little bits of joy that no video game has ever given me in a long time. Did I mention that most of the strangers I played with were athletic blonde girls? That was an added bonus :D

I highly recommend that some of you guys go outside to a nearby park, do what I did, and get some perspective.

I'm not talking down to you, I'm talking as someone who use to be quite a poster on the various game forums where I argued vehemently about...what exactly ?


The Last Marxist
May 12, 2010
Where one can weep in peace
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Trash said:
Game keeps reinforcing the 'fallout' vibe I got in the first town. While the engine is still clunky, the graphics merely decent, the animation nothing to write home about and it is indeed very much in need of a patch the actual gameplay and rpg elements are very enjoyable.

I especially like how instead of the cheese that was fallout 3 this one has a gameworld which makes sense, quests that aren't cookie cutter, npc's and dialogue which range from decent to good. If this keeps up we might have gotten that worthwhile fallout sequell noone believed in anymore.

Exactly, the towns feel like the towns in the originals, rooted in believability. It's subtle, like the first Fallout. LIke you say it's a world that makes sense and isn't just a theme park of wasteland cliches.

In FO3 it was one 'wacky' or pretentious location full of all the Mad Max/general apocalyptic stereotypes one after another: Vault with forced and boring as fuck progression from baby to man complete with crazy overseer; wacky town built from airplane parts in a stupid vertical way and with atomic bomb in the middle of it; wacky town made from aircraft carrier; crazy raiders with dead bodies lying around wherever they live etc. The only part of FO3 I liked was the area around the National Archives/Washington monument, with the trenches amongst all the landmarks.

I'm more and more optimistic with what Obsidian has managed with this turdy engine with every hour.

I think this calls for a smug pic of the master:


1eyedking said:
So is this shit or not? Goddamit Codex.

It's not shit at all. Maybe it will turn to shit later but for the first dozen hours it has enough of a real Fallout feel that makes me think that it can't suddenly turn into a total decline later. To squeeze out authentic Fallout atmosphere from Shitbryo is no mean feat and after the first few hours when you finally overcome the 'mod for FO3' feel, you'll feel right at home. I can't wait to get down and play it more, and that about sums it up as I've never had such a feeling with any Shitbryo game before.

Your mileage may vary of course, but fuck it,don't be a whiny faggot picking at all the faults as for fucks sake, we know all about the engine's limitations since 2002 so nothing new there, and just enjoy a quite masterful effort given the tools.


Dec 10, 2007
Make an impartial evaluation, stop this stupid "IGNORE THE BAD STUFF" bullshit. You are starting to sound like GameSpot, FFS.


The Last Marxist
May 12, 2010
Where one can weep in peace
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
1eyedking said:
Make an impartial evaluation, stop this stupid "IGNORE THE BAD STUFF" bullshit. You are starting to sound like GameSpot, FFS.

Well you are getting the other side here already: crappy graphics, bugs, combat, dog with thick skull, not being able to kill everybody in town and get the 'correct' response from the ghosts left behind etc.

Trash and I are not rejecting all this stuff, but it's self-evident: You know Morrowind and and Oblivion and FO3? Well you get the same kinds of shitty issues in this too.
Combat is still mediocre but doesn't seem as bad as there seems to be less fighting of raider trash mobs and the like every few steps.

The big difference is atmosphere: it feels like a Fallout game and is competently written and believable(as much as FO can be). Shit doesn't seem to be randomly placed all over the wasteland, but instead has a real feeling of belonging.

Don't know what to tell you, make your own mind up I guess.

Oh I've never had a crash, quest bug or slowdown in 12 hours. Had the usual shitbyo clipping problems though, here and there with beasts and NPC's stuck in rocks etc.

It's as good and TRUE a Fallout game as could be made given the limitations of the engine; the best Obsidian(or anyone) could do with it. I know that sounds like guarded and backhanded praise but that's all that can be said. Most of the real issues with the game are engine based and not Obsidian's fault. Of course it would be better using TOEE engine, but that was never going to be on the cards!

Multi-headed Cow

I hear this game has at least one rapist in it. That's some incline.


Dec 5, 2007
1eyedking said:
So is this shit or not? Goddamit Codex.

It's kind of whatever, if you didn't enjoy Fallout 3 you won't like this and I'd imagine the opposite would hold true. My biggest complaint right now is that my game seems to be suffering from memory leaks because the lag is progressively getting worse and worse. It's so bad now that the shop keep in the first town lags my PC to a crawl, I can barley move the mouse around the screen. It recommended that I play on the high graphical settings and I've since even toned them down from there but it really doesn't help. It didn't start of with so much lag but now even combat without VATS is made impossible for me because of how much lag I'm experiencing.

Did they get a patch out yet?


Oct 16, 2005
Cognitive Elite HQ
In the thread I made someone posted a dll file that fixed the performance issues for me completely.

I haven't facepalmed at all since I started playing, which I did pretty quickly in Fallout 3. If you can stand the FO3 game mechanics (or can enjoy them) then you'll like it.

It does seem like there's not as much to explore (lots of plain wilderness), but I'm just starting out.

Also I really like my favorite type of character from FO3 being still good: VATS+Explosives.

The sound effects for the guns are really good, too, and so far I like their design.


The Last Marxist
May 12, 2010
Where one can weep in peace
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
kingcomrade said:
In the thread I made someone posted a dll file that fixed the performance issues for me completely.

I haven't facepalmed at all since I started playing, which I did pretty quickly in Fallout 3. If you can stand the FO3 game mechanics (or can enjoy them) then you'll like it.

It does seem like there's not as much to explore (lots of plain wilderness), but I'm just starting out.

Also I really like my favorite type of character from FO3 being still good: VATS+Explosives.

The sound effects for the guns are really good, too, and so far I like their design.

It's not like you to be so positive KC.


Dec 5, 2007
I saw that .dll file fix but it looks like you put it into a steam directory but I've got a pirate copy at the moment and I can't change that for a little while. I'm not sure how or if that fix works for people without a legit copy.


Oct 21, 2005
Probably just put it in the same directory as the .exe?

What a grimy hack fix, heh.

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