Elex is post apocalypticelex and precursors
eeeeeh I found it to be heavier on the sci-fi than most post-apoc settings though. It's not exactly Fallout.
I would have mentioned Planet's Edge and Hard Nova but mondblut was faster.
Also Megatraveller.
Space Siege, a terrible Dungeon Siege clone that's even less engaging than Dungeon Siege. I liked Dungeon Siege and found Space Siege to be boring. Meh.
Star Control 2 if you think it's an RPG.
The Buck Rogers Gold Box games.
Alien Fires 2199 AD:
2400 AD, a sci-fi Ultima clone published by Origin.
Ultima II

Skyrealms of Jorune: Alien Logic. It's... weird.
Does Robinson's Reqiuem count? You're stranded on a planet inhabited by dinosaurs and shit, so it's more of a survival RPG, but the background is certainly sci-fi.
The sequel, Deus, would qualify too.
B.A.T. is some kind of RPG-adventure hybrid. It's not great, but it's scifi. And I love the visuals.

There's also a sequel.
Circuit's Edge is also an adventure-RPG hybrid. Futuristic city, cyberpunk themes, all that classic stuff. Also atmospheric visuals for the time.

Sundog: Frozen Legacy for the Atari ST. It's more of a space trading game than an RPG, but it was referred to as an RPG back in the day and people still call it that, so I guess it qualifies.

Spacewrecked: 14 Billion Light Years From Earth is a mediocre first person dungeon crawler set on a spaceship.

Whale's Voyage and Whale's Voyage 2 are classic step-based first person dungeon crawlers set in space.
Albion is sci-fi fantasy. Basically like the movie Avatar except less gay.
Mars Saga is an ok sci-fi dungeon crawler.
Psionics is a sci-fi dungeon crawler.

Sentinel Worlds: Future Magic is a sci-fi RPG where you can have Arnold Schwarzenegger in your party:

I'd consider the Starflight games to be RPGs, too. They're both pretty good for 80s games. Worth a try.
Citadel of Vras is a sci-fi Bard's Tale clone for Amiga. Never really liked Bard's Tale that much so this one is meh for me too.
The New Centurions is a Macintosh-only RPG based on the Realmz engine. Basically Gold Box style world exploration and combat, except not quite as good as Gold Box.
Have fun trying to find a full version of this, though. The guy who made it no longer sells it, and while he made unlock keys available for Realmz and its expansions, I haven't managed to find any for The New Centurions.
Stellar Tactics is a still in development sci-fi RPG that looks pretty damn good.
Precursors has already been mentioned. It's good.
Dex is a sidescrolling cyberpunk RPG, if that counts.
Does Consortium count as an RPG? If yes, it's a sci-fi RPG.
Galaxy Squad is a sci-fi roguelike.
Iron Seed is kind of an RPG-strategy mix. Mostly, it's weird. Very weird. Definitely worth checking out.
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