However, it does not really make it any less forced. It is still forced on you and it can easily be reduced to "you have to worship a god because it's a god". If you don't think the gods deserve the worship or whatever... the living your life according to their precepts, then you're screwed. Either you do it out of fear or you accept the consequences. And that's actually a harder proposition than in, say, the Christian god which supposedly created everything including yourself. Because the gods in FR are mostly just powerful entities which might hold power over certain domains, but are in fact not the ultimate word on their domain seeing how they can be killed and replaced by other more powerful entities. So, as I see it, while to the Christian god you'd owe everything, the FR gods are just powerful entities forcing their power on you.
Not particularly, given the setting.
Let's give a few examples:
You are a farmer. You know that Chauntea, goddess of agriculture, is responsible for the wellbeing of your crops. You also know for a fact she exists. Would you, then, not give thanks or praise or at least a nod in passing towards Chauntea? Even if you don't, the very act of being a farmer, of taking care of crops, of growing crops, of harvest them, puts you in her domain.
You are a wizard. You know that Mystra is the goddess of magic. You know that she is the manifestation of the Weave from which you draw your power. You use her laws every time you cast a spell. Would you not be at least respectful of her and her tenets? Well, unless you are more inclined towards the other gods of magic (Velsharoon, Azuth, etc.).
You are a warrior. You yearn for combat, the chaos of a good fight, the striving, the competition, the show of prowess. You disdain magic and subterfuge. Heck, you love to just charge into battle, screaming your warcry. You are basically following Tempus, god of battle. You really don't need to do anything else. In fact, barbarians in FR are rarely depicted as any more pious than screaming Tempus' name as they charge into battle. You are already in by the very dint of who/what you are.
The thing is, we are not talking about real life where the existence of God or gods can be argued as a question mark. We are talking about real forces here who has been seen as avatars, who grant spells, who are very active in the workings of the world. It is not so much as they forcing you to be what you are. It is you being who you are and aligning with the one (of dozens, I might add) that most embody your philosophy. In fact, I would argue that in order to be a Faithless, you have to actively work towards it, rather than the other way around.