I finally decided to play NWN2... i've played the original plus the expansions a few times some time ago and liked them but even though i bought NWN2 on GOG years ago i didn't play it until now.
I've only played up to the point where you reach Highcliff and then go to a farmer's place. TBH so far i'm not very impressed - sure the graphics look better, but the game is very clunky and it isn't just the camera. The controls are weird with my character teleporting backwards if i use WASD or keep the left mouse down to move and then get blocked by some furniture or other scenery piece or sometimes get blocked but then quickly turn around to unblock myself and move towards someone, the collision might get disabled and then teleport back to the place where i got blocked. I tried to use the NWN1 "exploration" camera style since i got used to it and overall i prefer similar cameras in 3D aerial view games, but rotating the camera by moving the mouse to the edge is broken with the speed being too low or too fast depending on the current world (but *not* what you are looking at and the speed is consistent so it isn't a matter of it being framerate depend). Also sometimes the character just rotates in place after reaching wherever i clicked - i tried to use the 'lock the camera behind the character' option in one of my attempts to figure out a comfortable setup, but it was constantly causing the camera to spin around. Finally while the heightmap and more detailed places look nice, in practice i often get "stuff" between my character and the camera (especially since i prefer to play zoomed out) with the camera constantly moving close and far because it hits buildings or having a bunch of half-faded out trees laves that overlay each other, which ends up looking as if there is oil smeared on the monitor.
And of course the choppy animations, but i fixed that. Kinda.
There are also some (apparent) deliberate choices i'm not a fan of: highlighting all interactive items in view doesn't show their captions anymore and you have to hover with the mouse over them (and for some reason the caption is delayed but thankfully this is configurable). This is annoying because i have to hover over every single NPC in every city to see if there is anyone worth interacting with - i really prefer NWN1 showing all captions instantly. Another issue is that for some reason combat feels much slower... my character is pretty much the same as the one i made in NWN1, yet it feels like it takes ages between attacks with both PCs and NPCs spending more time sitting there staring at each other than fighting. Also i find dialogs with voice acting use their own camera and interface that take over the entire game while voiceless dialogs use a NWN1-like dialog box kinda jarring. I'd prefer if they all used the dialog box like in NWN1.
At the end i think i'll just have to get used to the clunkyness since beneath the jank there seems to be a game i might find enjoyable (i liked NWN1 after all), but outside the improved graphics (which i do not care much about anyway) i find myself finding most elements inferior to NWN1.
There are some positives though, like so far the OC looks more interesting than the NWN1 OC. And i *really* like that i can move the UI elements around - this should be standard in all RPGs on PC. Though the UI theme kinda reminds me of the theme my previous motherboard's BIOS GUI had :-P.
FWIW RTSS doesn't seem to be compatible with the game (but there has been a new version and i haven't updated yet so it might be a driver incompatibility and not a game one) so i can't force a framerate limit. Dxtory also doesn't seem to work with it either (at the past i had a couple of games that didn't work with RTSS but worked with Dxtory). The game's issues do not seem to be related to high framerate though - if anything i had to lower the shadow detail to medium because in some scenes i had some choppy framerate (my PC is weak).
About the janky animations:
Would this work for janky graphics as well? My NWN2 jerks along, particularly when you are moving the camera around or the party is running around long distances.
If you can rotate the camera around yourself with the keyboard and it is a smooth rotation but the character movement is choppy, the issue is with the animation system using the time in milliseconds since the last time you booted for animation timing. This value is most likely mixed with 32bit floating point which quickly loses precision at high numbers, hence the impression of low framerate (especially if you have the camera to always center at the active character). The fix is easy: reboot your computer.
That is, assuming you are using Windows 7. In Windows 8 and later, the computer doesn't do a full shutdown and this timer doesn't seem to reliably reset. To force a real shutdown and restart, open the command prompt or the Run dialog (Win+R) and enter
shutdown /r /f /t 0 (/r will do the full restart, /f will force applications to close and /t 0 will cause the shutdown+reboot happen immediately).
You *may* have to do this twice and you *may* have to set the compatibility mode (via the exe properties) to Windows 7. I do not remember which i did first as i was playing around with options to get rid of the choppyiness and weird rotation (i fixed the former but couldn't fix the latter).