It's nice to see that the maturity of Otaku Hanzo on these boards hasn't improved, with random newcomers like Wonder Cheese lowering the average even further.
It's also nice to know that arguments with valid points made are shot down with a simple 'blah blah blah' line or an unamusing photoshopped image.
Besides the fact that the above is unreadable and makes no sense, i
Nothing I've said is difficult to comprehend. Please tell me if you need me to repeat anything in Basic English. I'll understand if you're not a natural speaker of the English language, but please don't try to demean my arguments with comments like these. You're only making a fool of yourself.
If the developer decides to make my character not able to jump in the next game because he doesn't want to deal with the possibility of me finding a way to exploit "jumping" again, that's his prerogative. But jumping or the inclusion of it wasn't an exploit.
So you're saying that if the developers add a spell that allows you to walk through walls and find that it has the potential of breaking quest paths when you use it, the game is at fault, rather than the spell itself, and the design of implementing it in the first place?
I made no comment about the in game mechanics of how mark/recall affects scripts or any such nonsense. I only expressed that I didn't consider it an exploit. Thanks for the off topic lecture. I'll put it in my useless info file under "blowhard."
In case you failed to grasp what I said about storyline mechanics, I must implore you to reconsider, if only for the sake of your education. Please don't expect everyone here to agree with you, and please don't expect those who disagree with you not to try and explain to you why they disagree. Clearly, you fail to understand why mark/recall would be game breaking because it is plain that you don't know anything about the game other than all the stupid little biases you have for it.
Mark and Recall are an exploit for being over-encumbered? Since when? That's gotta be the dumbest excuse for getting rid of it. It's a spell. In a game universe with magic. It has a purpose. Like Elwro said, might as well say healing spells are an exploit for when you're too hurt. Sneak should be an exploit too. OMG HE AVOIDED COMBAT!!!
I never said that avoiding combat was an exploit, though it may very well prove to be the case with Oblivion as I am betting there is going to be some unavoidable combat in the game, much like there was a lot of unavoidable combat in Morrowind (you had to kill Dagoth). I just said that
escaping from the dungeon without completing the quest would be potentially game breaking and thus exploitable, especially if you could re-enter the cave even after it was 'sealed' from the inside. If it were sealed on the outside permanently, and were you unable to return to the interior, it would be game breaking.
Oh yes, I'm sure you could argue that a 'good designer' wouldn't implement such locations, but I don't care about your arguments because such arguments would clearly be meant to demean the quality of Bethesda's work. No, the simple solution is to remove a potentially game breaking feature like mark/recall.
It's Ockham's Razor. It doesn't get any simpler than that.