that would seriously be the worst secret project ever.Unless the partnership with Paradox was the secret project.
Soon we will be a celebrity like Infinitron and people will fist us because they can't stop it.He fisted me 7 times in a row
He fisted me 7 times in a row
RPS: After all this time and so many missteps, do you feel like you owe fans any sort of apology? Do you feel responsible, or perhaps like you’ve damaged your players’ trust?
RPS: After all this time and so many missteps, do you feel like you owe fans any sort of apology? Do you feel responsible, or perhaps like you’ve damaged your players’ trust?
There's some game companies I would like apologies from in this case. Hint: They both start with *B*.
Bethesda games have bugs ---> it's a Bethesda game, they pay our rent so we shut up.Bethesda games have bugs ---> it's a Bethesda game, we don't care
Obsidian games have bugs ---> you've damaged your players' trust!!
Zed @dphanto
@ChrisAvellone are you announcing a new game????++??++?+++++?
Chris Avellone @ChrisAvellone
@dphanto Yes, Obsidian is revealing its secret project at GDC.
I am quite sure it was said in January, the new kickstarter will be announced on this conference.
I like the Simpsons a whole lot less than I like South Park, but I'm probably in the minority there. Most people I know grew up with the Simpsons, so there's great nostalgia potential for a Simpsons game in the same style as Stick of Truth.If Obsidian announce The Simpsons: RPG, half of the codex will commit virtual seppuku.
I for one sure as hell hope it's no TV/cartoon show thing,