One of the very first characters I met in Pillars of Eternity, Edér Teylecg was my constant companion throughout that game. He serves as the spiritual center of the story, and is just really chill about it the entire time. I liken it to having Matthew McConaughey in your adventuring party. In the original game, and the sequel Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire, he’s voiced by actor Matt Mercer, the man behind the Critical Role series. In fact, including the player character and optional downloadable content, you basically fill your entire party with different versions of Mercer.
Lily Bowen is one of the most tragic companions players will find in the Fallout series. A hulking brute with a frightening voice, Bowen is in fact a grandmother, transformed by the Forced Evolutionary Virus. Her condition presents an impossible dilemma: Continue to take her medication and lose the memory of her grandchildren, whose voices she keeps on a holotape, or keep the memory of her loved ones in the near term, and eventually succumb to insanity. Either way, her outcome gets a memorable and heartbreaking narration in New Vegas’ closing montage.
Parvati is the very first character you meet in The Outer Worlds, and if the internet at large is to be believed, she’s also the very best. The fans do have a point. Parvati is painfully genuine, and serves as a lens through which the player discovers the game universe for the first time. Her quest line in that game also tells a wonderful and important story, one that ties back into the character’s writer on a very personal level. It also helps that Parvati is voiced by the extraordinary Ashly Burch.
Edérbro is basically the only good character on that list.
I have never heard of that game. I checked Wikipedia, and apparently it's a mobile-only visual novel.Florence Yeoh (Florence)
Florence Yeoh, the namesake of Mountains’ Florence, is a stunning character, one more affecting in an hour’s worth of mobile gameplay than plenty of characters I’ve spent many hours with. Florence is a game about connections, whether those are in friendship, in love, or with family. The game’s design — particularly its clever use of touchscreen mechanics — gives these connections a tactile feel that brings depth and nuance to Florence as we learn about her love, life, and worries.
—Nicole Carpenter
Ah.PC Authority's Alayna Cole praised the game for standing out with a story about love and diversity, describing it as feeling "like a rarity" in modern video game culture.[22]
Lincoln Clay (Mafia 3)
The classic up-from-nothing crime lord archetype got a remarkable twist in 2K Games’ 1960s period piece Mafia 3: Lincoln Clay, a black Army veteran, nihilistic and shell-shocked from his tour of duty in Vietnam. His insular world of New Bordeaux (basically New Orleans) comes apart in a series of gangland double crosses and reprisals, and the story unfolds as a classic revenge fable. But Lincoln’s fate depends on how much the player understood him, or respected the truth that all Lincoln wanted was Sal Marcano dead, for betraying the Black Mob. Either outcome is a fitting end, whether the player views Clay as an avenging antihero or another crook who succumbs to greed.
I rather like Whedon's style of dialogues when they delivered by talented actors with huge range of facial expression and gestures.People love Parvati not only because she's an SJW poster gal, but also because she epitomizes the Joss Whedon dialog obsession most millennials have.
Just bought it for 3 euros on gogThe last two games Feargus was credited in a creative role for were MotB and Kotor2.
Risen 2 & 3 had fun ship combat system,shame that you only fight retarded monsters.vortex , you can't have a pirate game with ship-traveling main character and not have ship to ship combat. If the system wasn't fun for players, that's on Sawyer for fucking it up. Perhaps next time he should focus on making the ship combat interesting instead of focusing on adding personalities to the sailors or making them do gay sex with the captain.
People love Parvati not only because she's an SJW poster gal, but also because she epitomizes the Joss Whedon dialog obsession most millennials have.
Omg yeah there's such little Ellie and Nyoka fan stuff compared to Parvati and its so unfairPeople love Parvati not only because she's an SJW poster gal, but also because she epitomizes the Joss Whedon dialog obsession most millennials have.
Parvati and Max are by far the most fully realized characters in the game. Plus, in addition to her Firefly style dialogue, Parvati comes off as extremely relatable to people who are earnest and enthusiastic but also shy and socially awkward. That’s practically the profile of someone who loves to gush about fictional characters on the internet. It’s like she was designed to take Tumblr by storm.
They already did. Everyone and their mother.Fuck Male Shepard
Default male Shepard's face texture looks ten times better than any custom one can, which is the main reason I used him.
Default male Shepard's face texture looks ten times better than any custom one can, which is the main reason I used him.
Never used MaleShep. Played the trilogy 2 times already , my only regret is that i can't romance Tali.. Perhaps when ME3 comes to steam at low price, i gonna give Male shep a chance but idk if cant endure playing ME1 again tho..
Male Shep is a million times better.
Fem Shep is overrated.
Yeah,i only messed around with its hair and beard.Default male Shepard's face texture looks ten times better than any custom one can, which is the main reason I used him.
josh wasn't involved in tow though. I bet he would've done much better job at UI if he was.no wonder they managed to make way worse than bethesda's pipboy UI in TOW
josh wasn't involved in tow though. I bet he would've done much better job at UI if he was.no wonder they managed to make way worse than bethesda's pipboy UI in TOW
https://www.mobygames.com/game/playstation-4/outer-worlds/creditsI'm assuming there are UI/UX guys moving between projects.