Stupid question but is making your own character a good thing? At least for a computer RPG?
In P&P RPG making your own character is great because every aspect no matter how small has the potential of being relevant and every NPC can react in a meaningful way thanks to the GM. But every computer game with the promise of "you can be anyone you want" is lying.
Obviously there is no way devs can program a game that actually reacts to every possible thing you can do, but the problem is that most devs picked for solution never addressing some things or leaving them ambiguous so they don't conflict with your headcanon; or, if you are lucky, getting a really superficial comment as "look a [insert race/class/other]" every once in a while. A lot of roleplaying now is just in the head of the person playing instead of the actual game, making your own character is great but if that gets in the way of roleplaying, well, the priorities of a RPG should be obvious. Games like Deus Ex or Torment wouldn't be able to do a lot of thing they do if one was able to change the protagonist, a lot of great thing that made you relate to the character more and contextualize their actions as logical.
If the role is pre-established, then the devs can create a game about actually roleplaying as it instead of leaving as much as they can in the air to not get in the way of over-glorified LARPing