What a lot of hogwash for just not wanting to do a double version, or almost two classes - for one type of a character. In case the animal was an option.
And then reaching for the cheap, oh someone would always be unhappy, blah, blah...
No, the fact is that its a worse option overall. A Ranger without any animal companions would actually be the most acceptable and play the best - for most people.
Though the changes to the usual IE horrible mechanics of the Ranger+ac, in this case are made to be best possible. If we really have to be all sentenced to that particular version of the "type".
But that doesnt mean the idea doesnt have its own clear deficiencies. It seems something belonging more in the realms of childish fantasy, rather then anything contemporary. Its reminds me of a kind of a silly, disney type of schtick, in general style.
However that is approached there is always the issue of how will the companion "level up" over the whole game, where difficulty curve is supposed to go higher and higher. What, my dog is going to grapple and hinder and handle tougher, more powerful fantastical monsters and beasties, vampires, ghosts, dragons? Advanced human enemies? A bat will...screech louder at them? Or maybe there will be animal armor somewhere.
Certainly, these companions could be very useful for scouting purposes - but that depends on how areas are designed, on role of environment generally, and how useful such knowledge can be at all? Everyone knows that you could stealth and scout ahead in IE games but... it didnt really matter that much in those dungeons. Those enemies would still be dealt with in the usual manner.
In the opposition to that, is the Ranger type of a more serious persuasion. A woodsman, mountain man, scout, tracker, probably a herbalist and things like that. A sort of quintessential border type. Jeremiah Johnson perhaps.
Fast, nimble, soul use connected to being attuned to nature the most, ranged combat specialist, add him a tomahawk, knives, and PoE guns and with the spread of other abilities and eventual talents - it can be very adaptable to widest range of players.