BTW, I don't disagree with the desire of what the last poster wrote. A game that relied heavily on real African traditions and history would be very cool. It's also entirely outside of my knowledge base and experience. I try to incorporate elements from outside of my knowledge base when I can (e.g. in early versions of Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows, we had two Greco-African characters who spoke Yoruba and in Honest Hearts the Dead Horses spoke a mix of English, German, and Navajo) but it is completely unfamiliar territory for me and extremely slow-going. I have a degree in history focusing on early modern Europe -- specifically, witch-hunting. In school I studied Spanish, German, Latin, French, and Arabic because they all had either immediate or tangential connections to the subjects and phenomena I was learning about. On my own I've superficially studied a bunch of other Indo-European languages for familiarity, but my knowledge base is pretty heavily rooted in central/western Europe from about 1200-1800.