Backer site overloaded. heh
Companions do comment on things in the world. Also, each companion's action bar (that appears above the portraits when an individual character is selected) has a conversation icon if you want to just chat with them whenever. It will be disabled during combat.
Arquebuses do the most damage per shot of the firearms (and are the least-inaccurate) but are the slowest to reload. Pistols do less damage than arquebuses and are less acurrate but reload faster. Blunderbusses reload as fast as pistols and are quite inaccurate -- but they fire 8 projectiles that each do a small amount of damage. If the target does not have much armor and has low Deflection, or if it's from a Sneak Attack, blunderbusses are the most devastating.
The barbarian is about as bad at ranged combat as the ranger is at melee combat (actually worse, since the barbarian's Carnage abilities have no effect with ranged attacks). The wizard isn't good at either and has to rely on the inherent Accuracy bonuses of spells. All three can benefit from having a high Intellect or a high Might, but the classes still do have a focus to them.
Sadly, no Aragorn rangers, either. Oh, well, I usually give my IE ranger a composite bow, anyway.The barbarian is about as bad at ranged combat as the ranger is at melee combat (actually worse, since the barbarian's Carnage abilities have no effect with ranged attacks). The wizard isn't good at either and has to rely on the inherent Accuracy bonuses of spells. All three can benefit from having a high Intellect or a high Might, but the classes still do have a focus to them.
No Drizzt rangers, yay.
*Facepalm* at the half-wits posting in the comments, saying they pledged for a Wasteland 2 key in the Torment kickstarter and want to know how to get their key.
BAdler said:We chose to make it Steam only because it is easier for us to update all of the builds for the backers. If we went with other platforms it would slow down our planned releases to everyone. Steam also allows us to control the beta so we can remove it once the retail game goes live.
As of right now we are not planning to do Early Access, but this could change in the future. If it does, we will inform you guys.
Hey Sensuki check this out:
BAdler said:We chose to make it Steam only because it is easier for us to update all of the builds for the backers. If we went with other platforms it would slow down our planned releases to everyone. Steam also allows us to control the beta so we can remove it once the retail game goes live.
As of right now we are not planning to do Early Access, but this could change in the future. If it does, we will inform you guys.
I'm guessing they're considering offering the game for pre-order one month before its release or something, with the beta as an incentive.
Beta is STEAM only, but that won't be the case for the full game as we already know. Only Windows version for now.
Judging by what happened with Larian and inXile so far, I wouldn't count on that. It's kind of funny (and kind of sad), how a huge part of these kickstarter pitches was about how they were going to be "DRM free !" ... "down with the evil publishers and their nasty DRM!" Yet, in the end, they all bowed down to Steam.
I think Obsidian worked around that, in that the beta and the actual game release will be separate and use different keys from what I understand
I think Obsidian worked around that, in that the beta and the actual game release will be separate and use different keys from what I understand
Same thing did Larian but then they decided beta keys will be final keys.
I don't have doubt same thing will happen with PoE keys with ability to cancel those keys and get GOG ones
Josh Sawyer said:You will not be locked into Steam because of the Backer Beta. We're using a separate SKU/product for the Backer Beta for a number of reasons.
Josh Sawyer said:The two most salient are 1) separating the BB from the actual product means it's easier to separate the product platforms when the full game is released 2) the BB is a beta, so it will be full of bugs, possibly crashy, and generally not fully polished. It may also have wild balance issues, exploits, and GUI issues that will (one hopes) not be present in the final game. However, anecdotal data strongly suggests that people playing betas do not evaluate them as betas, but as final products. Accordingly, they trash the product's ratings and give scathing reviews. If the beta product is later "upgraded" to the final product, all of the hooting and hollering done about the beta remains part of the final game. So separating the beta product from the final product appropriately segregates comments and ratings for each one.
Happily. Somehow I managed to not back the game back then.Did anyone here not get the game, but want to get it for $20 usd? They do 3 keys for $60 usd as an add-on, so worth considering group buys I guess. I'm happy to do one.