But as has been discussed earlier in this thread, there are more problems with continuously regenerating stamina than simply being a health shield (Assuming it is; but we will have to wait for that to be explained).
Still, for a second let us assume stamina is not health shield.
It has been mentioned that stamina will be lost during combat when you are hit and so will be health and that, there will be no rest spamming.
Case 1: So suppose your Health affects max stamina as you suggest:
The first implication of that is you will be at a suboptimal combat level before next encounter. There will be NO way to get to optimal without consumables (potions?/Kits?/food?) or rest. Now tell me how this situation is NOT exactly analogous to IE games where you had used up spells for mages and depleted health for other chars? These are the same reasons to which the entire anti-rest-spamming argument still apply. You will still do rest spamming if allowed under these assumptions if you are so inclined. Essentially the new system is simply a stand in for the old system except it has a stamina regeneration and cooldowns to spam your best attack per encounter unlike the tactical combat in IE games where you had to plan beforehand on how to use your resources. Not to mention with the regenerating resource of stamina if there are abilities related to that, you will also spam those based on the stamina "cooldown".
Case 2: So suppose your Health does NOT affect max stamina as you suggest:
Then the combat will be EVEN less tactical with your best attacks remaining at full strength throughout the encounter chain.
The problem as I see it, is that this system purportedly is designed to avoid rest-spamming, which in fact is an artificial issue (As in it does not really exist) and can be easily averted by good encounter design. The new system turns the game into spam-fest no matter how you cut it, simply because you are almost certainly using your best attacks per encounter even if at lowered potential (case 1).
This is exactly against IE game spirit (except Escape from planet tournament) where the planning required to actually see through the game was the charm of it's combat mechanics. It had faults, no doubt. But nothing so severe as to merit overhaul except for probably in the high magic setting (which is probably still in PE, we can't tell right now).