That's not the argument in this thread, not by a long shot."rpgs are too dumbed down. Why can't we have writing as good as you get in books?"
"LS talks like a fag and his shit's all retarded"
That's not the argument in this thread, not by a long shot."rpgs are too dumbed down. Why can't we have writing as good as you get in books?"
"LS talks like a fag and his shit's all retarded"
But, as evdk pointed out, this in itself is not what invites the ridicule. Lyric Suite's views may be eccentric to a degree, but are hardly stupid (or, for that matter, rare). The context he puts them in, however, his penchant for dramatic exaggeration and the way he combines fairly affected diction with a consistent inability to adhere to basic stylistic and orthographic conventions (its/it's, your/you're, then/than) generally make him sound like Mr Hunter reflecting on the "Ode to an Expiring Frog" rather than a modern-day Cicero.If we're discussing romance (or anything involving writing for that matter), it seems perfectly valid to discuss how games could more interestingly and deeply portray it by drawing from more intellectual mediums (classical stories, literature, philosophers etc).
But, as evdk pointed out, this in itself is not what invites the ridicule. Lyric Suite's views may be eccentric to a degree, but are hardly stupid (or, for that matter, rare). The context he puts them in, however, his penchant for dramatic exaggeration and the way he combines fairly affected diction with a consistent inability to adhere to basic stylistic and orthographic conventions (its/it's, your/you're, then/than) generally make him sound like Mr Hunter reflecting on the "Ode to an Expiring Frog" rather than a modern-day Cicero.If we're discussing romance (or anything involving writing for that matter), it seems perfectly valid to discuss how games could more interestingly and deeply portray it by drawing from more intellectual mediums (classical stories, literature, philosophers etc).
In truth, i'm neither a philosopher nor an intellectual in the general sense of the word, but i lean more towards a pneumatic constitution, which is actually more of a "spiritual" state of being, as defined by Schuon:
I guess unless you have a pneumatic tendency yourself, you'll never see anything beyond the profundus maximus charade. This is what is actually happening here.
Volly is the Codex's black guardian angel, ain't no one tell you otherwise.
Deionarra is the last female LS would call a moronic whore.
There is a quote by Rumi which goes something along the lines of the sage being easily conquered by the woman, while the fool, or the brute, conquers her. I think this sums up the entire problem of "love" in a nutshell. Deionarra represents an "ideal" of femininity which is at the very center of the type of experience one feels while being in love, an experience which is essentially paradisaical in nature. But being corrupted creatures, human beings can only achieve an approximation of this ideal, and many men are so eager for this experience that they often elevate a particular woman to this transcendent ideal, even if she does not measure up as an individual and can easily be swept away by males of a more coarse and perhaps even evil temperament. The tragedy in the story of Deionarra is that she was the real deal, and by abusing her love the Practical Incarnation didn't simply commit an act of cruelty against her personally, but he also committed a sin of the gravest order by defiling one of the most sacred aspects of divinity. Does this seem right?
Any thoughts about this, Lyric suite?
Your post kind of brought it to mind.
Narcissus obviously represents pride, the demon of the young, as Schuon said. "If he but fail to recognize himself, a long life he may have, beneath the sun". Seems like the guy is making something very complicated out of something relatively simple. "Hurr durr but that's just like you LS trololo" There, saved you the trouble.
Braid is a great game.They think Braid is a good game at the Obsidian forums.
First one here to come out and say they think Braid is a good game gets ignored for life. :<
They think Braid is a good game at the Obsidian forums.
First one here to come out and say they think Braid is a good game gets ignored for life. :<
No it's not.
But why try to explain it myself when this person already did so, and better?
It's still a decent puzzle game, which this review never seems to refute. He's just really anal about classifying it as such, which everyone with half a brain already did.No it's not.
But why try to explain it myself when this person already did so, and better?
The RPG Codex: where it's ok to masturbate over the beauty of roleplaying game writing, but mention traditional literature and we'll mock you for three pages.
Hmm... is this a puzzle?The RPG Codex: where it's ok to masturbate over the beauty of roleplaying game writing, but mention traditional literature and we'll mock you for three pages.
If you hear people arguing whether or not Star Wars or Star Trek is the greatest work of SciFi ever created, do you think to yourself "Great! A discussion about science fiction!" ?
No it's not.
But why try to explain it myself when this person already did so, and better?
They think Braid is a good game at the Obsidian forums.
First one here to come out and say they think Braid is a good game gets ignored for life. :<
Edit: anyone who likes Braid really; there's no excuse for bad taste
List of victims: (New ones bold)
Clockwork Knight
Darth Roxor
They think Braid is a good game at the Obsidian forums.
First one here to come out and say they think Braid is a good game gets ignored for life. :<
Edit: anyone who likes Braid really; there's no excuse for bad taste
List of victims: (New ones bold)
Clockwork Knight
Darth Roxor