And I'm pretty sure mirror images and stoneskin wasn't part of that.I'm pretty sure Saywer was talking about how save or die works in IE games.You do realize that PE just heppens to be this theoretical game at this point and that it cedrtainly won't work in the exact same manner as IE games worked, right?
At the very least particulars of spells, classes and such will be different than in a D&D adaptation and I'm guessing that ludicrously overpowered/universal stuff won't get aped.
That's easily fixed, though, not to mention that bottom and right sidebar were propositions without well specified function.I see one major flaw right away, shared with the one from Obsidian; the buttons at the bottom (and maybe the others too?) are not touching the edge. This changes them from infinitely tall to tiny. It's vastly easier and quicker to hit something at the edge of the screen than it is to hit something one pixel away. Fitts' Law in action.
Anything that's going to be clicked on a lot should be stuck to the edge of the screen. This is one point where I disagree with Josh, the distance you move the mouse is vastly less important than the fact that you can't miss the edges or corners of the screen with a single movement.
Character "skill bricks", OTOH would appear so close to the cursor you wouldn't have to rely on large imprecise movements to reach them fast. I know that skill bricks are comfortable to use in Wiz8.