Sawyer is really taking this idea of "there should be no dump stats whatsoever" to an idiotic extreme. Isn't the entire idea of these party-based games that the various members of the party complement each others' weaknesses?
I don't see one following from the other.
Avoiding dump stats doesn't mean that intelligent fighter will supplant your mage, it means that you might want to have an intelligent fighter for reasons other than LARPing.
System heavy on dump stats might just as well drop the stats altogether and just have classes.
OTOH the implementation of durability and crafting seems pretty shitty.
First, crafting should take time. If you need significant amount of time to repair weapon, shield and suit of armour, then if multiple party members often have them damaged you might need more than one person to keep up with the repairs when camping. There, solved without shitty meta elements.
I could accept crafting skill giving durability bonus in single character game, assuming time to wear down a weapon is longer than what player may take between camp-outs - then it would simply be abstraction of knowing how to care for your gear.
Second, there should be inverse relationship between skill, proper use (no trying to slice diamond golems with swords) and degradation.
Third, there should be many tiers of degradation.
Fourth, probabilistic system with incomplete information (item may or may not get damaged on use, durability displayed is less accurate than durability used, so you don't know if the item got damaged with any given action, you only know once the damage accumulates) would work much better than deterministic herpaderp presented.
Fifth, amount of damage should correspond to amount and probability of armour damage.
Durability mechanics in general is desirable - one can never have enough money sinks in game that allows accumulation of money - but this particular implementation seems meh.
I missed that, do you mind explaining what happened there?
Some people threw a hissy fit when obsidian announced that they will not be able to kill all the questgivers for XP once they outlive their usefulness.
They'll probably need additional money sinks to balance out the fact that you can pick up every single thing in the game world, put it into your infinite stash and sell it in the nearest town.
I see that gamism thing working out really well.