What they should do is make it better.
First thing i would like to see is removing that "oh the item is always fine and just gives warnings waaaay before it finally reaches "damaged" status" - crap feature.
like this:
DURABILITY - a feature.
- First tier durability status effects -
you get that first, lasts the longest of the whole durability "time" an item has (whatever that is), -
Range: maybe first 40% of overall durability of a specific weapon.
These represent/simulate different notches and cuts a weapon may suffer in battle.
Notched blade.
2. Notched handle - for blunt weapons, slower attrition.
Blunt weapons also get "notches" or rather "chippings", only thats largely irrelevant for those types of weapons, (they can get notches over their shafts or other such grip extensions but, generally the attrition there should be slower ) - which would be first time ever that blunt weapons have some sort of advantage over swords of awesome - by the very nature instead of some arbitrary magic effect and/or shit.
3. - Something similar for ranged weapons - (google names of parts of bows and crossbows and others if you dont know already)
- Middle tier durability status effects -
These represent/simulate middle tier, more serious attrition effects like deeper cuts, slashes, gashes, splintered grips, loosening strings and fastenings and such.
Range: 40% to 70% of overall durability of a specific weapon.
Blunted blade, damaged grip, splintered... something, etc. *
- High tier status effects -
These represent/simulate greatest levels of durability damage attrition a weapon may have.
Range: 70% to 90% of overall durability of a specific weapon.
Broken grip, sheared off blade, cut strings, broken off head, - etc.*
*(any wandering weapon nut can feel free to fill the blanks and write all the proper terms for specific weapons he wants - knock yourself out)
- Completely damaged -
Additional measures:
- Critical hits or critical "misses" or defense critical failures should additionally create first tier durability status effects , or middle tier statuses, or high tier and completely damaged statuses.
- Durability loss of ordinary kind and critical hits durability status effects happen more regularly to noobs - players starting and low level players in general, regardless of any skill - which means payers at higher level will generally get less of it - which everyone would expect naturally of course - and which would enhance the gameplay itself since playing the game with different character builds on repeated playthroughs would always be indirectly more diverse in this sense - and players would get a natural reward for just going through the game - where the overall experience of their character would lessen the number of First tier durability status effects and critical failure effects. Even if that plays as an addition to other gameplay features or mechanics that deal with that.
- Then add fing CRAFTING into it in such a way that weapons that get damaged can be re-crafted and improved with different materials or alloys or skills of specific NPCs, or the skill of the player (should require relevant lore knowledge to work) - which ordinary pristine items cannot be used for. As in making that notched blade became a "saw sword" or improved Notched cutlass that gives better crits, or upgraded poisoned blade or a weapon that creates specific "wounds".
- depending on what for the player used it for, enemies it got completely damaged against, number of kills, most killed enemy by numbers - and such other player specific preferences metrics the game can easily follow internally.
So, these weapons become individualized, unique personal items reflecting gameplay specifics of that specific character and that player.
All this would actually improve and strengthen crafting itself as a desirable skills to have - in addition to everything else it should be used for.