Notorious Internet Vandal
Yea, generally the reason for the lack of interest people have towards PvP can be summed up in one word: Battlecloak.
Yea, they are level restrictions based on Mark tier. To improve the speed at which you take out enemies, select Offensive power preset, it puts 100 power into Weapons, dramatically increasing your firepower. If you want the easiest method of leveling, you should do the first two tiers with a Cruiser (or science vessel potentially on the second tier).the T in tsoyin is capitalized. Can i get some op weapon so i can get to helping faster? Like a mark XI torpedo? i mean are there level restrictions?
I have to mash the fire button to keep firing. Any way to just tell the game to always fire like a toggle?
Objective, definitely. How to level faster? Also what is the point of torpedoes if they only do like 30% better damage at no shields but much worse at even half and have really weak arcs?If you want to powerlevel massively, see me. It depends on if you're a Journey-centric type of player, or an objective-oriented individual.
Also what is the point of torpedoes if they only do like 30% better damage at no shields but much worse at even half and have really weak arcs?
Err, no they aren't? Only your leftover salvage, techs, and EDCs are recycled. Your actual equipment pieces, you keep.If I'm interpreting this correctly, our existing set items are going to be recycled automatically..
Holler on the chat channel, I'm usually around, although I'm usually playing my Klinks, ATM.Objective, definitely. How to level faster? Also what is the point of torpedoes if they only do like 30% better damage at no shields but much worse at even half and have really weak arcs?
Torps and mines don't use weapon power at ALL, which means on certain ships, you can run no-power-to-weapons because you carry only torpedoes. This is of particular relevance to certain classes of Sci ship that only use their beam for subsystem shooting, carrying torpedoes instead for their firepower and using subsystem target shields and tachyon beam or energy drains to knock enemy shields offline before pumping them full of torpedoes, thus allowing them to run full power to Aux instead.Also Torpedoes and mines dont use weapon power, if you go with a 8 beam cruiser you will run out of weapon power fast, the only ones that can handle those power requirements are Engineers Captains and only with the use of their Captain only Abilities (EPS Power Transfer and Nadion Inversion) and they cannot be maintained for long either.
The lack of interest in PvP is mostly because there is little PURPOSE in PvP. Senseless player-on-player violence without goal or reward isn't even interesting to ME, and I *LIKE* PvP. It needs some kind of meaningful framing device, like Netrek Lite. Netrek is awesome.Yea, generally the reason for the lack of interest people have towards PvP can be summed up in one word: Battlecloak.
The people who hammered out the math and did the original tables (and updated ones) post them on the official forums. By energy, I assume you mean Power Level (energy is generally used to refer to an energy attack or energy type, which is a different matter entirely), and here's the basic guide to the finer points of Power:Right in my experience 30% more against unshielded cause the array gets 2 volleys of 4 shots per torpedo. Where can i get the info on ranges? Where can i get the math on how energy affects weapons? Do i have to buy the other two ships T2 (cause science sounds interesting) with real money?
What really? You want me to find an outside program to do it? I need it for my fighter games anyway.Yes, actually. See "Advanced Keybinding". And technically, while the game's internal mechanisms don't support firing an ability automatically, you can bind a bunch of crap to one button on a controller, flip fire select to full auto, and then tape down the button. Another option people do is bind everything to the MORE DAKKA button, which they then hammer away on. Advanced Keybinding also lets you incorporate things like the "Give Me DIlithium, Bitches!" button.
Nah, I still mostly play as Valkar. It's rather that we aren't in any hurry to do jack anymore, we got the damn uniforms (as fizzy put it, we got robbed) and new Tier. Or more accurately, we're taking a break before the Embassy stuff rolls out (those should be easier to fulfill), I'm hoarding (by necessity, actually) Fleet Marks, EC and Dilithium in preparation for those.So is KDF where all the cool kids are hanging out these days? Development on the Fed starbase seems to have stalled out.
probably the only thing worth the effort, reallya maximum pimpage Defiant