Seeing how you keep badmouthing the Scimitar, one of the most outrageously powerful ships in the game, I don't think you quite got the exact portents of the new carrier system right.
Yes because its not as if I can just go to Tribble and see what they actually done.
For instance, it's stated that the first three ranks are faster to acquire than the last two, and the time needed for ranks gradually increases.
This is utter bullshit, why do you believe a developer, especially Cryptic developers were they even LIE on the Patch notes?
It takes TWO MINUTES in Combat to reach rank 2, I fucking tested that ... fighters cannot even reach rank 1, I send a wing of Scorpions to fight 3 Mirandas and the only thing they did was getting themselves killed, fighters will never ever see rank 5 because they are puny and weak, are you saying you are going to go into engagement and try to heal 6-12 fighters on a carrier? even Aux2SIF that is fast is not fast enough to do that.
Frigate pets are a different matter because they can actually take it but still, they will take too long to reach rank 5 for it to a actual factor and they are still pets ...
If you read the blog, the purpose of Recall now is to repair and protect the existing ships by docking them, by making them vanish into the ether until a new command is given.
Instead of reading the Blog I actually gone into Tribble the day before and TESTED IT.
Recall means they fly back from whatever they are in a strait line, being open to damage and dock, currently they cease to exist after they dock and your precious rank 5 fighter will no longer exist the moment it docks, it does not repair them as they will cease to exist (reason why this wasnt shoved down is because currently it doesnt work).
Also let me ask you this ... you do realize fighters default to rank 0 the moment they did, map transition or when the game forces a reset (last one is a rare occasion, or so I have been told) meaning why are you bothering with rank 5 fighters that the moment you LEAVE the map cease to be rank 5?
One thing this patch also means is that fighters with heavier armanents instead of heavier abilities, such as Peregrines and their Quantum torps, are now considerably better.
They still suck.
On the subject of Peregrines, you dont understand really ... Quantum are bad because launcher time is longer and this is unchanged, Photon is faster and that is why Quantum is a downgrade, "heavier armanents" means crap if they actually dont use then and if the Peregrines sucked before they will continue to suck after this because they arent fixing the underlying problem that is PETS HAVE THEIR SKILLS UNTRAINED, meaning 90 seconds timers
In fact lets go further, Elite Peregrine: Phaser Turret, Dual Phaser Cannons, Quantum Torpedoes, Rapid Fire I ... so what exactly this changes on torpedo side? NOTHING because you are stuck with a slower torpedo launcher, you actually LOSE because the Peregrines rely on RF for their Cannons and Turret meaning ... it relies on abilities, the fighter Fed side that isnt affected is the Stalker as it doesnt depend on abilities as it lacks any outside Anti-Proton Sweep.
Now this is the part you didnt understand, Quantum vs Photon ... they are the same until we start to factor DOFFs and lowering the launcher timers (this is why Law is a nice DOFF) to the point Quantum timers will be as low as Photon and so the DPS will be higher since Quantum higher damage and equal reload time, since Pets arent affected by your skills or DOFFs Quantum on Pets is about equal to Photon except the WILD FLYING AROUND were they dont line up for runs so when it comes to opportunity there is a higher chance they will fire Photon Torps that Quantum because launcher reload timers.
Of course this is a pointless argument unless you have a dedicated Carrier Fed side that is the Atrox.
Only Frigates can function because they can survive until rank 5, I managed to painfully level my Drones (and that was a Borg Section patrol I had to do TWICE for that) and this favor them because they can survive long enough for that and are not terrible dependent on their abilities, since only the KDF carriers and the Scimitar have them this means Fed hangar ships are bring hit very hard with a nerf bat because they are abilities dependent.