Notorious Internet Vandal
Remember, full pack. The turn rate bonus the console set gives is important.
Not YOU!i am. at'von here.
It's a fake, you can clearly spot the obvious shoopery.This is apparently the Romulan Vet ship, but no official announcement yet. Me like. See how there's a sharp line between the wings and main hull? The thinking is that the wings will extend outwards to uncover the Rommie version of the lotus array.
I'll start talking about a Contitution Retrofit more often now.
Okay, sheesh, what should I talk about wanting to pay money for?I'll start talking about a Contitution Retrofit more often now.
That happens and I quit.
I can't see there ever being T5 Connie since CBS has vetoed it.
Looks like Nerds of Prey has extended their offer of free access to their starbase with elite kdf hangars indefinitely.
Facing a different direction without actually forcing the ship to fly that way is AWESOME! Circlestrafe FTW.The turn rate is high but not high enough, part because they screwed up on the ambush bonus calculations of the console and this have been confirmed (math is wrong) but also because the turn rate is negatively affected by the inertia ratio that simply puts it on the Bortas category, you dont actually turn but rather face a different direction.
When asked whether he sees DOffs becoming a more integrated part of the crafting system, Rivera replied, "I would love to see DOffs and the reputation system merged into a greater DOff system that involves crafting, but as much as I want to see it built up, I also want to see it simplified." Rivera thinks that the current DOff system tends to scare away many of the game's more casual players; he would like any new changes to also include ways to make the system less complicated and therefore more fun to use.
To prove his point, he turned the question around on me. "Right now the duty officer system allows people to make ship consoles. Terilynn, how do you make ship consoles using your duty officers?" I admit it -- I was silent. I had no clue. He smiled and said, "Exactly." He wants it to be easier for players to identify the types of assignments that are available to achieve more specific goals, like building a console or similar items. He said that it was a "failure on [their] part" and that he wants to ensure that if a player wants to make a console, she has what she needs to make it the way she wants it.
The conversation took a hard turn when I brought up a question from reader WayneMC, who asked if we will ever see the U.S.S. Vengeance from the most recent J.J. Abrams' film Star Trek Into Darkness. I broadened the question to include any ship or designs from any of the "Abramsverse" films. Rivera smiled and said, "No."
As long as the new playable species/faction isn't Borg.When I asked him what Cryptic planned to do to keep up with the demand for new ships, he stated that the devs got "a lot of breathing room" when they were able to focus on creating so many ships for the Romulan Republic faction in the Legacy of Romulus expansion, and they will likely get more breathing room in the future if the next expansion (which they are "seriously considering" and may contain another new playable species!) provides them with ample opportunity for new ship designs. He also said that they could do a lot with "alien" vessels like the Caitian, Ferasan, Lethean, and Xindi.
Playable species doesn't entirely give the "new faction" vibe tho... Could just be adding more premium species for the Romulans, like Suliban or Hirogen.
As for next faction, I still firmly stand at Borg being astronomically unlikely, not just due to the whole ship problem, but also due to the fact Liberated Borg are an LTS feature. I'd still say that despite the jewboxed cruiser, Cardie bastards are still the most logical next mini-faction (I mean, they could just NOT have a Galor among their normal roster of ships, or a different variant of it).