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The Witcher Officialsky Witcherovda 2 Impressiovna Threadskaia


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Grunker said:
RK47 said:
I just wish the game would actually feature a better tutorial. The floaty text and on-screen prompts barely registered before disappearing.


I know, i did the Journal thing to read the text again to make sure I understand the mechanics. I'm just saying it could've been done better. Look, you want the gamer to learn from failing but not in the manner where the challenge is catching that floaty tutorial text that blends with the bloomy background.

If you still think I'm still wrong in recommending an opaque tutorial text box with a game pausing display, then I'm sorry for wanting a better game tutorial.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
RK47 said:
Grunker said:
RK47 said:
I just wish the game would actually feature a better tutorial. The floaty text and on-screen prompts barely registered before disappearing.


I know, i did the Journal thing to read the text again to make sure I understand the mechanics. I'm just saying it could've been done better. Look, you want the gamer to learn from failing but not in the manner where the challenge is catching that floaty tutorial text that blends with the bloomy background.

If you still think I'm still wrong in recommending an opaque tutorial text box with a game pausing display, then I'm sorry for wanting a better game tutorial.

I'm just saying, Fallout and Wizardry are much, much more complicated games. We didn't have tutorials for those, and we didn't need them. Because we read the manual beforehand.

Deleted member 7219

The way I saw it, the Kayran fight was a retard detector. You have someone shouting out what sign you should use. You have big ORANGE BITS on the monster to show what part you should be attacking (much like Dead Space and many other games). You have a big area to roll around in. The monster never moves anything except for his tentacles. He doesn't even use another tentacle to attack you while you're hacking another one off.

I died on that fight a few times too, until I understood what she was saying. "Use the Erden"? What's an Erden, a trap I should have made which you didn't tell me about? Oh, you mean a sign, the Yrden! Ok, press CTRL, get the sign ready. Use it on the orange tentacles. Hack the orange parts. Repeat.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Matt. I nailed the first 2 tentacles just fine. But the third one is impossible to snag, simply because it wasn't the 'RIGHT' tentacle to snare. I died ten times over just because of that. Once I discovered the correct tentacle to snag after chopping the first two...I got it in one attempt.

Is that hard to understand?

Deleted member 7219

Yeah, it is, because the second time I beat the kayran I hacked a different third tentacle off from the one I got the first time.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
@_@ must've been unlucky me then. All I knew it was that 3rd tentacle kept slamming the yrden right on top of me. I even put up a quen AND STOOD RIGHT ON THE SIGN and the trap wouldn't trigger. wtfbbq. Consider myself corrected if I made a mistake.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
The two middle tentacles cannot be trapped. Which is indicated pretty fucking strongly by the fact that there is no huge glowing ball saying "HIT ME!" on them.

I agree it was a shit fight. Bad design. But it was hardly difficult to understand how to approach it.


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
Additionally, the game prefers you to lay the Yrdens in a certain area on the ground. On the left side that approximate area is marked by some thingie sticking out of the ground. Lay the Yrden there and it's pretty much guaranteed that a tentacle hits the trap within seconds. Lay the trap somewhere else and you might have to wait, or the tentacle never hits the trap if you're too far off.


Sep 11, 2005
Over there.
Grunker said:
RK47 said:
Grunker said:
RK47 said:
I just wish the game would actually feature a better tutorial. The floaty text and on-screen prompts barely registered before disappearing.


I know, i did the Journal thing to read the text again to make sure I understand the mechanics. I'm just saying it could've been done better. Look, you want the gamer to learn from failing but not in the manner where the challenge is catching that floaty tutorial text that blends with the bloomy background.

If you still think I'm still wrong in recommending an opaque tutorial text box with a game pausing display, then I'm sorry for wanting a better game tutorial.

I'm just saying, Fallout and Wizardry are much, much more complicated games. We didn't have tutorials for those, and we didn't need them. Because we read the manual beforehand.

I'm a huge proponent of RTFM, but I've gotta go with RK47 here. It's not that you need an in-game tutorial vs. reading the manual, rather it's the half-ass implementation in TW2. If you're going to put one in the game, make it useful. Otherwise, leave it out and let the manual cover it. That was probably my biggest gripe and made the prologue more frustrating than challenging.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Grunker said:
RK47 said:
Grunker said:
RK47 said:
I just wish the game would actually feature a better tutorial. The floaty text and on-screen prompts barely registered before disappearing.


I know, i did the Journal thing to read the text again to make sure I understand the mechanics. I'm just saying it could've been done better. Look, you want the gamer to learn from failing but not in the manner where the challenge is catching that floaty tutorial text that blends with the bloomy background.

If you still think I'm still wrong in recommending an opaque tutorial text box with a game pausing display, then I'm sorry for wanting a better game tutorial.

I'm just saying, Fallout and Wizardry are much, much more complicated games. We didn't have tutorials for those, and we didn't need them. Because we read the manual beforehand.
No, it's because the interfaces were better (more detailed). You could figure them out in a few minutes without the manual. TW2 has one of them fancy minimalistic interfaces which do require a better tutorial, especially when many people buy games online, download, and start playing right away.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Havoc said:
Vaulter said:
Because at the very, very least RPG implies character skills that make the difference between failure and success. In TW2 you play a well developed character and only the player's low skill will make Geralt less efficient at kicking ass, as proven by VoD. Sadly, the only time when you do need the skills is when he is NOT playing Geralt.

I understand that Geralt is a famous swordsman and witcher, and it's a sequel, so he can't be a noob, but I guess that's what makes it an adventure game. Coincidentally, I can't think of any reason why you couldn't have played a young no-name witcher who's just learning his craft, but I guess CDP really wanted to tell this particular story.

And just like the video I showed, you don't need character skills to play Deus Ex. It's your own skill that makes JC Denton a fucknugget! Crates people!

That's what makes Deus Ex a adventure game.

You mean that in a game that many people here don't consider an RPG (just ask Jasede, he'll start foaming at the mouth), a game that was referred to as action-adventure and "RPG-ish FPS", skills might not actually matter? *gasp*

Way to drop this bomb on me.

From the newspost archives:

Saint: "Notice the only games he mentions are First Person Shooters? Anyone still think Deus Ex is something other than one?"

Spazmo: "I think there's something missing from Deus Ex's tagline: "Real choices. Real consequences. But we make the choices for you."

The tagline works for TW2 as well, btw.


Cheerful Magician
Nov 1, 2009
Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath
"The tagline works for TW2 as well, btw."
"But we make the choices for you."

Like wut? Choosing between Iorveth and Roche? :M

I'm sorry, but I won't call TW2, Deus Ex, Bloodlines and Gothic a fucking Action-Adventure. Let it go for Resident Evil, Silent Hill, fucking Tomb Raider*.

* Oh and I don't mean the game. I mean literally fucking Lara Croft.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
VD: You can figure out Wizardry 8 in a few minutes without a manul.

You must be super-special gifted ;). I read the manual for an hour just to set up a good team of guys. I had to read the super-funky magic interface bit three times to get the gist of it.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
What did you need to know? The magic interface was super simple, in my opinion. A LOT fucking simpler than Dungeon Master's, for example.


Mar 28, 2009
Grunker said:
The two middle tentacles cannot be trapped. Which is indicated pretty fucking strongly by the fact that there is no huge glowing ball saying "HIT ME!" on them.

I agree it was a shit fight. Bad design. But it was hardly difficult to understand how to approach it.

:oops: I kept trying to hit the two middle ones originally. It can be difficult to see them with my graphics settings and besides, why exactly can't the two middle tentacles get hacked?


Cheerful Magician
Nov 1, 2009
Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath
phelot said:
Grunker said:
The two middle tentacles cannot be trapped. Which is indicated pretty fucking strongly by the fact that there is no huge glowing ball saying "HIT ME!" on them.

I agree it was a shit fight. Bad design. But it was hardly difficult to understand how to approach it.

:oops: I kept trying to hit the two middle ones originally. It can be difficult to see them with my graphics settings and besides, why exactly can't the two middle tentacles get hacked?

If you listened to Triss about this. Those big glowing parts are cancer. The fucker is dying. So that means the two big ones in the center are the most healthy, therefore YOU HIT THE WEAK POINT FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Havoc said:
"The tagline works for TW2 as well, btw."
"But we make the choices for you."

Like wut? Choosing between Iorveth and Roche? :M
Yeah. Let's parade The Big Choice (TM) around and pretend that everything else is on the same level.

The game starts with an uber linear prologue which is a sequence of different scenes. Then the king dies, and you're imprisoned. Then Broche frees you and you escape to his ship, which takes you to Flotsam, where you automatically save your friends, kill the krayan (the key events won't be triggered until you do), interrogate the prisoner to trigger the memory quest, etc. Then you have the big choice and then you either go to camp A or camp B, where events are forced on you again.

Where is YOUR fucking choice?

When I was playing the prologue, I hoped that once I escape the gameworld will open up a-la Fallout and I'll be free to track the kingslayer on my own, visiting different locations and camps, and making my own fucking choices.

I'm sorry, but I won't call TW2, Deus Ex, Bloodlines and Gothic a fucking Action-Adventure.
Bloodlines is an RPG. I explained why. Gothic is a lot more RPGish. At very least you get a huge sandbox to play in and make decisions.

In TW2 you follow Geralt's adventures, occasionally making a choice that affects the story. Even if you're good enough to wipe the floor with Letho without breaking a sweat, the fucker still beats you and "saves" your life. He doesn't save your life if you suck and die, only if you beat him.

I remember when people bitched about fighting Malak (the first fight) in KOTOR. Good times.


Cheerful Magician
Nov 1, 2009
Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath
Where is YOUR fucking choice?

When I was playing the prologue, I hoped that once I escape the gameworld will open up a-la Fallout and I'll be free to track the kingslayer on my own, visiting different locations and camps, and making my own fucking choices.

So the game isn't open-world. It still can't be called an story-driven action RPG?

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Call it whatever you want. How about "the second best Witcher RPG that came from Poland"?

And you missed the point. It's not that the gameworld isn't open. It's that it's story-driven to the point where it actually becomes an adventure game. :good for what it is:


Cheerful Magician
Nov 1, 2009
Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath
I couldn't care even if it came from my city. Do you see me praising Painkiller or Bulletstorm? No. The first one is good, the second one is pure shit. I even think that TW1 is most medicore. I was bored the whole game.

"It's that it's story-driven to the point where it actually becomes an adventure game."

Wait... what? So giving Iorveth sword or not, doing the quest for the captured Elf, the medalion, Aryan and some shit in Act II (times 2) and Act III (times 2) is story-driven? I can't make my own choices?


Mar 28, 2009
Havoc said:
phelot said:
Grunker said:
The two middle tentacles cannot be trapped. Which is indicated pretty fucking strongly by the fact that there is no huge glowing ball saying "HIT ME!" on them.

I agree it was a shit fight. Bad design. But it was hardly difficult to understand how to approach it.

:oops: I kept trying to hit the two middle ones originally. It can be difficult to see them with my graphics settings and besides, why exactly can't the two middle tentacles get hacked?

If you listened to Triss about this. Those big glowing parts are cancer. The fucker is dying. So that means the two big ones in the center are the most healthy, therefore YOU HIT THE WEAK POINT FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE.

Like I said, Triss has a horrible voice actor :lol:

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Havoc said:
I couldn't care even if it came from my city.
I added "from Poland" to narrow it down.

"It's that it's story-driven to the point where it actually becomes an adventure game."

Wait... what? So giving Iorveth sword or not, doing the quest for the captured Elf, the medalion, Aryan and some shit in Act II (times 2) and Act III (times 2) is story-driven? I can't make my own choices?
I think we are moving in circles.

I hope it's clear that I don't think that the presence of a few choices significantly alters the game's flow. It's a very, very story-driven game, so the choices that are there must fit in the story's flow without disrupting things too much, which is why they did the fork - it allowed them to introduce a major choice and keep the flow linear.

It's clear that you and a number of other people are impressed with the choices. It's not my goal to convince you otherwise and ruin your enjoyment. I merely explained my opinion and I hope I've done that sufficiently. If not, wait for my review.


Cheerful Magician
Nov 1, 2009
Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath
"the choices that are there must fit in the story's flow without disrupting things too much"

I know there's a choice that you can die, because of it. You chose to insult a guy who has bowmen aimed their bows at you... you die. That's a nice flow... to the grave. :M

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Enough with the fucking parrot maybe?

Yes, I've seen some people jerking off to that choice. "Did you know that you can actually die? Wow, what a choice! Look how it alters the story! One minute you're alive, the next you're dead! The story is completely different now! Way to go, CD Projekt!"

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