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The Witcher Officialsky Witcherovda 2 Impressiovna Threadskaia


Sep 26, 2008
Project: Eternity
anus_pounder said:
Anyone got the instant kill counter attack to work? I assume countering at the exact moment that sword icon lights up on the enemy kills them instantly, but for the love of me I've never managed to react that fast.

You don't have to react that fast. Clicking fast attack just after the icon shows is enough. However, for some retarded reason you may still get the damage just before the counter.


Sep 26, 2008
Project: Eternity
Havoc said:
abnaxus said:
Lol bomb spam

Does this still work on Hard?

Alchemist build.

With alchemist build you really don't have to spam those bombs. The potions render you practically invoulnerable to fire breath, you get minor injuries from physical attacks and if you drank thunderbolt you deal massive damage.

But, yeah, the bomb trick was cheap. Lame that it works.


Jun 10, 2006
VentilatorOfDoom said:
If you die more than once, or have to be careful, or have to take care that you don't get cornered, or have to use some resources like potions/bombs/oils - basically, if you can't stomp over everything with zero effort then the combat is tedious? Holy shit.
if you die more than once/if you can't stomp over everything with zero effort, not = "without breaking a sweat" easy

if you have to take care not to make a mistake playing the game (and this is amplified w/o prior knowledge of encounters), if you have to circle around enemies while waiting for vigor to recharge or have to run around pillars trying to separate enemies = tedious esp. when one knows skill point allocation will allow one to make mistakes every now and then, kill faster, etc.

VentilatorOfDoom said:
Not that the skills aren't interesting, they just matter too little. TW1 was far better in that regard.
This is basically what I have a problem with, saying impact is almost non-existant. For some people skills make the difference between frustrating and enjoyable. Heck, maxed Quen lowers the entire difficulty level while unleveled it's still reasonable. Im fine with the combat being largely dependent on player skill, just like it was in Risen. What I am not fine with, is singling out TW2 skills as mattering "too little", when in Risen or some other ARPG the same thing could be said.

Commissar Draco

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Mar 6, 2011
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anus_pounder said:
Anyone got the instant kill counter attack to work? I assume countering at the exact moment that sword icon lights up on the enemy kills them instantly, but for the love of me I've never managed to react that fast.

You have only 10% chance of insta kill when using this anyway it's better to invest the points into roll or Quen spamm, Blocking is useless against monsters and boses anyway. Shit I woud like to play W2 which has no tedius fedexes but with tactical combat from first part. it woud be perfect melange.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
TW1 hardly was tactical once the advanced ranks in Signs were unlocked. Igni Spam made everything else a joke.

I completed the game with silver sword talents only and didn't feel like I was weaker.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
flushfire said:
if you have to take care not to make a mistake playing the game (and this is amplified w/o prior knowledge of encounters), if you have to circle around enemies while waiting for vigor to recharge or have to run around pillars trying to separate enemies = tedious esp. when one knows skill point allocation will allow one to make mistakes every now and then, kill faster, etc.
You don't have to circle enemies or run around waiting for vigor to recharge. Like I said, combat is painfully simple. Pick an enemy, hit him twice, hit spacebar. Geralt will roll to the side, click on the enemy again. Rinse and repeat. Every now and then cast whatever sign works best for you. That's the problem.

VentilatorOfDoom said:
Not that the skills aren't interesting, they just matter too little. TW1 was far better in that regard.
This is basically what I have a problem with, saying impact is almost non-existant. For some people skills make the difference between frustrating and enjoyable. Heck, maxed Quen lowers the entire difficulty level while unleveled it's still reasonable. Im fine with the combat being largely dependent on player skill, just like it was in Risen. What I am not fine with, is singling out TW2 skills as mattering "too little", when in Risen or some other ARPG the same thing could be said.
It's not that the skills' impact is small, it's that you can easily hit lvl 30 without them. See the difference?

As for Gothic and Risen, sure, some people can beat orcs and lizardmen armed with nothing but a stick and insane reflexes, but it's very challenging and time consuming. I can't do it. I'm not sure if VoD can do. All I can tell you that I can't think of any RPG I've played in the 10 years that was as ridiculously easy as TW2 on Hard.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
It really boggles the mind how anyone can defend The Witcher 2's combat after a playthrough. Sure, it seemed kindda promising in the beginning, but already at the end of the prologue it became painfully clear how easy it was.

At the end of Chapter 2 I was just pressing Q and then right-clicking. I didn't have to roll or anything of the sort.

I don't even know how I was supposed to defeat the dragon. I just activated Quen and right-clicked till it was dead. The fire-breathing seemed to do nothing... The only annoying thing was that its attacks swept me off my feet, meaning I had to wait between damage-dealing right-clicks.

Even TW1 had more sophisticated combat (unless you abused Igni-spam).


Dec 18, 2006
I dunno what to believe anymore. Angry Joe says the game is hard. It's his word against yours.


Jun 10, 2006
Vault Dweller said:
It's not that the skills' impact is small, it's that you can easily hit lvl 30 without them. See the difference?
I don't consider dying more than once "easy", that's the difference.
Grunker said:
It really boggles the mind how anyone can defend The Witcher 2's combat after a playthrough. Sure, it seemed kindda promising in the beginning, but already at the end of the prologue it became painfully clear how easy it was.

At the end of Chapter 2 I was just pressing Q and then right-clicking. I didn't have to roll or anything of the sort.
Play it on hard and don't use skill points then tell us what happens.


Sep 26, 2008
Project: Eternity
flushfire said:
Grunker said:
It really boggles the mind how anyone can defend The Witcher 2's combat after a playthrough. Sure, it seemed kindda promising in the beginning, but already at the end of the prologue it became painfully clear how easy it was.

At the end of Chapter 2 I was just pressing Q and then right-clicking. I didn't have to roll or anything of the sort.
Play it on hard and don't use skill points then tell us what happens.

I think he already does.

The thing is the game really drops the ball when you have maxed Quen. The benefits of that spell are so huge you scarcely use any other sign.

IMO this spell should be nerfed. It could be done in two ways.

1) The spell works as previously but it doesn't protect against knockback - when you are hit by an attack you don't get any damage but all your actions are interupted - you fail to cast a spell, you attack doesn't land etc.

2) The spell protects against knockback but you get 80% of the damage (in the basic form). Adding points can bring the protection up to soaking max 50% of the damage. Also the enemies hit by the shockwave get injured but are not knocked back.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Why would I play without using skill points? :S

Character progression is TEH FUN, so why would I deliberately not use it? Because the game is piss easy if I do? Aha - that's why it's bad.


Jun 10, 2006
Grunker said:
Why would I play without using skill points? :S

Character progression is TEH FUN, so why would I deliberately not use it? Because the game is piss easy if I do? Aha - that's why it's bad.
According to VoD and VD skill points don't matter, game is piss easy even without.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Character progression is TEH FUN only if it means something. The best character systems make you look forward to leveling up because this point(s) you're about to get will make a difference and give you a fighting chance where you had almost none before.

As for TW2, let's take Doom and add skills on top. They give you more damage and defense. Great. The problem is, you can easily play the game without them. They are not an integral part of the design; they are a mini-game that lowers the difficulty, which is completely unnecessary.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
I don't really care what VoD and VD think, my comment was about whether the combat was good or not. Which it isn't, because it's a walk in the park.

And VD; I was commenting in general with that comment, not specifically on TW2.


Sep 26, 2008
Project: Eternity
Vault Dweller said:
Character progression is TEH FUN only if it means something. The best character systems make you look forward to leveling up because this point(s) you're about to get will make a difference and give you a fighting chance where you had almost none before.

As for TW2, let's take Doom and add skills on top. They give you more damage and defense. Great. The problem is, you can easily play the game without them. They are not an integral part of the design; they are a mini-game that lowers the difficulty, which is completely unnecessary.

Well, I don't know about "easily playing the game without them" part :/ I mean, unfortunately the game is prone to cheese as hell - you can swarm the opponents with bombs from what I heard. I don't know about how effective that is without talents being distributed into the alchemy tree, but VentilatorOfDoom proved that's at least possible to a degree. Certainly, though it is not as easy as you paint it to be, and I doubt it would be fun at all.

I have to say - the skills are quite viable and interesting. If you build your character right even shitty cheap bossfights can become quite fun and managable without cheesing.

I know that you want to say - a first level character should stand no chance against, say a dragon. Only after investing some points the acquired feats should make the difference, not the player's skills.

There is some truth in it, and yes the game loses some charm. The main reason why the first level character is able to succeed at all through 2/3rds of the game, is using exploits in the game system itself such as crafting shitloads of bombs and spamming them like there's no tomorrow. The same with overpowered daggers. Or the Quen sign which should not protect you as efficiently as it does. Again the game is too susceptible to cheese. It'll need some severe rebalancing to address that. Thus, yours is a valid complaint, no questions here.

I would like to ask, why should a level 1 character be in the onset destined perish at the start of a super - difficult encounter. It is logical that it should at least have some chance against his opponents, even if the odds would be 50x smaller than that of a 20th level character.

Also, hand it's worth noting that, your equipment, the fact that you have to upgrade it, and change it still matters and helps in your adventure. Without it it would be even tougher call.

Lastly, to CDP Red's credit, at least the hero you play is not a lvl 1 character per se. It's actually your 40th level witcher from the first game with only level 1 tag slapped at the start of your adventure. So at least you, not sucking at the end of the game, making the shortwork of Kedwani soldiers by the end still makes sense in the context of the setting. ;)


Jun 10, 2006
Grunker said:
I don't really care what VoD and VD think, my comment was about whether the combat was good or not. Which it isn't, because it's a walk in the park.
No arguments here. I assumed this:
Grunker said:
It really boggles the mind how anyone can defend The Witcher 2's combat after a playthrough
was about my posts so I replied.
Grunker said:
Which it isn't, because it's a walk in the park.
with skill investment. is exactly the point im trying to make, not that the combat was good.

Oh wth. I give up. It's pointless arguing with people who think
VentilatorOfDoom said:
20min of running in circles
isn't tedious and
Vault Dweller said:
I died a LOT
is easy.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Ah. That explains it. As I have stated earlier I think that particular discussion is quite pointless.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
made said:
I dunno what to believe anymore. Angry Joe says the game is hard. It's his word against yours.

I think the game balance is a bit out of whack when you add Quen to the mix. That duel with another witcher was extremely memorable because we both cast the same spell at once. Quen. That's when I knew I'm probably in for a long fight unless I abuse my daggers and bombs like crazy when his Quen is down.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
flushfire said:
Oh wth. I give up. It's pointless arguing with people who think
VentilatorOfDoom said:
20min of running in circles
isn't tedious and
Vault Dweller said:
I died a LOT
is easy.
Trying way too hard, flushfire.

I "died a LOT" during a scripted bossfight (the kayran). Neither daggers, nor bombs, nor high attack/block skills would have made a difference there. Letho (another "boss") was also challenging, but only because he cast Quen a lot, so the challenge was running around and waiting for his Quen to expire while he was throwing bombs at me. The rest was a cake walk.

I also don't recall where VoD said that he was running in circles for 20 min.


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
flushfire said:
Oh wth. I give up. It's pointless arguing with people who think
VentilatorOfDoom said:
20min of running in circles
isn't tedious.
The astute observer might have noticed that I never said or implied that. In fact, the moment it became tedious and difficult ( or impossible) I did spend my skillpoints - not that it helped in case of the dragon.

I had to run around in circles for a long time vs the dragon and cast Igni at it, but at that point I had a fully developed lvl 35 character. Closing in melee and mashing LMB as others have claimed didn't work in my game at all (maybe they upped the difficulty in patch 1.2 ?). Otoh Mrowak explained that the difficulty of this dragon fight largely depends on your build. So who knows, maybe my build sucked.


Jun 15, 2009
made said:
I dunno what to believe anymore. Angry Joe says the game is hard. It's his word against yours.

It depends if you are used to action games and yes i dare to say console action games. It reminds me a bit of games like devil may cry or god of war ,same sort of patterns in boss fights .
The beggining may seems very challenging if you havent read the manual as there isnt a tutorial. Once you figured you can parry with E, cast sign with ctrl and even dodge and roll away with spacebar its quite easier.Off course its just a computer game, but even with the minimal IA i found that combat system quite enjoyable, you still have to pay a minimum of attention. As far as computer game goes its challenging action, they did a good job with it.
The keyran fight everyone rage about :super easy .You dont knock your head multiple time against a brick wall ? same with the keyran fight, you need to use your head at least a little .
Here's how you proceed :


You use you trap sign under the keyran tentacles before they strike at you. Where do you land them ? ah its even easier than you think theres darker spots on the ground youll notice the tentacle lands there each time.
With keyran facing you start with the most left tentacle Place trap roll away , keyran get nervous, go hide behind the statue pillar each time nothing can hit you. proceed anti clockwise until only one tentacle is left, then its a small QTE sequence. Once the QTE sequence end, you now have a stony ramp in the left instead of the statue pillar you run quickly on it, another qte , you win. Boss fight done in 5 min without getting hurt a single time.

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