I will always have a soft spot for Vanguard Bandits. It has one of my favorite main themes in JRPG's. Damn youtube is only is distorting it quite a lot.
victim could you explain what you liked about Onimusha Tactics and The YuYu Hawk-a-Show? I just discovered these recently and was wondering how they were.
There is actually a Vandal Hearts prequel, except that ... well....
hope you like chibi
Lufia 2.
/end thread.
It's also shocking how badly tested it was. There's a mandatory part of the game that is totally fucked up in the english version. Like, you can't see where you're walking and have to blindly get around fucked up. No idea how they missed that. The bottom of the ancient cave is fucked up the same way, ad although that'd be a nightmare to get to normally, it's not like the testers can't cheat their way there, so...
Though based on stories I've heard it's just as likely that the testers found it, reported it, and some douchebag above them said to ship it anyways. It's certainly happened with worse bugs.
Nope.It's also shocking how badly tested it was. There's a mandatory part of the game that is totally fucked up in the english version. Like, you can't see where you're walking and have to blindly get around fucked up. No idea how they missed that. The bottom of the ancient cave is fucked up the same way, ad although that'd be a nightmare to get to normally, it's not like the testers can't cheat their way there, so...
Though based on stories I've heard it's just as likely that the testers found it, reported it, and some douchebag above them said to ship it anyways. It's certainly happened with worse bugs.
Wait...okay, I never went to the bottom of Ancient Cave, but I always assumed the messed up graphics there were intentional.
Nope.It's also shocking how badly tested it was. There's a mandatory part of the game that is totally fucked up in the english version. Like, you can't see where you're walking and have to blindly get around fucked up. No idea how they missed that. The bottom of the ancient cave is fucked up the same way, ad although that'd be a nightmare to get to normally, it's not like the testers can't cheat their way there, so...
Though based on stories I've heard it's just as likely that the testers found it, reported it, and some douchebag above them said to ship it anyways. It's certainly happened with worse bugs.
Wait...okay, I never went to the bottom of Ancient Cave, but I always assumed the messed up graphics there were intentional.
Skip to 9:10.
Gameplay is great. Almost a spiritual successor to Final Fantasy V. You should expect a hilariously bad story, though.
I stayed away from the Blue Dragon sequels. They didn't seem like games I would enjoy. Bravely Default is great but will most probably piss you off, but I can't tell you why because it is plot related.. The job system in Bravely default is great, even better than FFVs in my opinion. What it also does, is try to streamline the genre in every right way possible. Difficulty selection, adjust random encounter rate or turn them off completely and speed up battles. The last chapters also have some of the best fights in the game. Bravely Default is a spiritual successor to the 4 Heroes of Light, but I never played that either.Gameplay is great. Almost a spiritual successor to Final Fantasy V. You should expect a hilariously bad story, though.
You just made me realize that I haven't even taken Bravely Default out of the shrink wrap as it is also billed as a spritual successor to FFV. I want to, but I'm not sure I'm ready to get that involved in a game right now.
I am torn between really getting into BD or downloading the GBC Wizardry fan translation or a PS1 tactics game I just got off PSN network, Saiyuki: Journey West.
How were the BD sequels? First glance, they're not that appealing to me.
I guess it's more obscure nowadays, since the series is dead, but back then it was fairly well-known for those in the JRPG scene, getting great coverage in Nintendo Power and shit. Plus most people who know about it regard it as a great SNES RPG, far better than Lufia 1.