Finally done with the 1.0 version of the
X-com Files alternative art. I didn't change everything, since some stuff look good already. I did tweak some of the art to my liking though, but I won't post those here. I haven't changed the dossiers yet though. I'm still thinking about that. The biggest offender to my senses and immersion in this mod is the commendation graphic. For some unknown reason Solarius Scorch ditched the excellent commendation mod/graphic he made for
Final Mod Pack for this weird collection of pictures masquerading as commendations. Anyway, I changed the medal graphic to the most basic one from FMP and it's now the default replacement for all commendations.
Otherwise, I have only touched the UFOpedia. I got rid of the excessive cartoony/anime stuff and art that makes references to other games/movies (still some left though). To me those things are immersion killers. Too many to list them all, so here is an sample:
Spoilers down below!]
I can't guarantee that all will work without graphical issues, since well, I can't see them all in-game. But the ones I can see work at least!
Download the X-com Files Alternative Art 1.0 here!
How to install:
C:\ ... Documents \ OpenXcom \ mods \ XcomFiles \ Resources \
(Remember to make a backup of the files, and you can pick and choose however you like. It's easy to switch around stuff!)
X-com Files Alternative Art 1.1 is done, and thanks to
eXalted it's now a mod! Mostly done some tweaking/cleaning up, but a few new UFOpedia sections have changed. Some examples:
Download 1.1 here!
This will be the last update to the UFOpedia art, so that part won't get updated more (hopefully

). I have not yet decided if I want to update the dossier art, since it looks like it will be very time consuming, and full with spoilers. Unfortunately I have to read the dossiers to get a grip on what the person in question are supposed to look like.
Since this is now a mod, just unzip the files into:
C:\ ... Documents \ OpenXcom \ mods
And activate the mod from the mod menu in-game.