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Indie Passageway of the Ancients - Baldur's Gate-Like RPG with Dual-Persona Character Development


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
I normally dislike RtwP, but I'm still excited for this one. It has this unique quality, you feel it's a project fueled by love and passion for the genre, immediately after looking at it. They always grab my attention, in the sea of souless products masquerading as RPGs.

Have you tried the demo? I'd recommend it, see what you think.

  • I assume the writing is ESL and is an interesting "big brain" word salad for most of it with a few typos / missing words in sentences.
  • The assets and UI kind of remind me of Din's Curse in terms of budget and presentation.The RTwP combat feels weightless and uninteresting (but this could just be the tutorial - I didn't have interest in playing more of it tbh).
  • There are a lot of combat options and that could be interesting, though the implementation is fairly clunky (menu options, save menu, watch it play out by way of autoattack.
  • This kind of sucks because it feels like the video game version of an Ed Wood movie: lots of passion and an earnest attempt at making something great, but not matched by the prowess required to pull it off. I hope it comes together and is a good time for anyone who picks it up on release, but right now I just don't see it.


Passageway Games
Aug 8, 2023


We hope the full version will be quite a bit more than the demo. Pleas check out the new version of the demo that will be available late Friday

Dec 18, 2022
@JonG Any fixes to the character model faces?
Exactly what do you mean by fixes to character model faces?
The eyeliner on non-asian males because of some problems with character models

This issue you are pointing out has its origins in the fact that some of our models have issues with the way eyes were modelded and textured and the fix unfortunately make them look a bit dicey sorry for the irritation.


Passageway Games
Aug 8, 2023

to BosanskiSeljak

Oh yes that one! No that would take a core change to the base model's primary textures. That would be difficult to change at this point. I believe we have more than one Asian like group represented on Arieyon try one of the others. Also try morphing the eyes on your selected character this may blunt at least part of the problem.


May 31, 2017
Gave the demo another try, it’s definitely updated. Fixed issue I had with effeminate male characters, particularly when you change ethnic. So definitely can make masculine characters now. It’s actually quite interesting how customisable body shape is considering it’s an indy game you don’t get that often.

Looks like they listened to feedback as it has some good improvements. Lock picking was fixed for me. Tutorial videos better I think. Combat definitely less clunky as you can right click to attack. Not sure what to think about the combat options menu, not something I think I’d like. But need to delve more into combat to get a better feel.

One thing I think would be very good to add would be highlighting characters that are selected so you can see directly in game which ones are selected. At the moment the green circle does not change colour when you select the character, only the portrait indicates it, so you have to keep eyeing the portraits to see who’s selected, and who’s not.

Game engine needs some updates but would recommend waiting to work on that for the next game and focusing on bugs and quality of life stuff here.

Will see if I’ve more time to play tomorrow


May 31, 2017
I’m going to give the demo another go this weekend. Had some issues last time
We will be posting a major update to the Demo by Friday please check it out!
Played demo some more.

Weapon sheathing is cool but if it’s sheathed before combat and you click to attack your character will run over and then unsheathe which gives the enemy 3 attacks before you fight back. Maybe fix the sequence so the character unsheathes first then runs over. I know you can just unsheathe with the button but casting sheathes and it’s easy to forget.

Allow spells to be cast on a character by selecting also the portrait icon.

I know it’s the starting house but there’s so many containers, takes like half an hour to loot it all. It’s a tiresome practice as you are forced to in case you miss anything. Consider less lootable furniture in general and more static furniture. The green highlighting vs white is good but why not just make furniture static and non-interactable if it was alway empty. Less lootable stuff and more static stuff would make the screen way less busy. Like think of your kitchen: there’s 15+ cupboards and draws, how many would contain items worth looking at? Clicking 15+ objects is not overly fun when you could just click one draw for a kitchen knife and the freezer for hidden cash.

I like the look of the skill tree very cool, and am getting more use to the combat options. Overall quite like it so far.


Passageway Games
Aug 8, 2023
I’m going to give the demo another go this weekend. Had some issues last time
We will be posting a major update to the Demo by Friday please check it out!
Played demo some more.

Weapon sheathing is cool but if it’s sheathed before combat and you click to attack your character will run over and then unsheathe which gives the enemy 3 attacks before you fight back. Maybe fix the sequence so the character unsheathes first then runs over. I know you can just unsheathe with the button but casting sheathes and it’s easy to forget.

Allow spells to be cast on a character by selecting also the portrait icon.

I know it’s the starting house but there’s so many containers, takes like half an hour to loot it all. It’s a tiresome practice as you are forced to in case you miss anything. Consider less lootable furniture in general and more static furniture. The green highlighting vs white is good but why not just make furniture static and non-interactable if it was alway empty. Less lootable stuff and more static stuff would make the screen way less busy. Like think of your kitchen: there’s 15+ cupboards and draws, how many would contain items worth looking at? Clicking 15+ objects is not overly fun when you could just click one draw for a kitchen knife and the freezer for hidden cash.

I like the look of the skill tree very cool, and am getting more use to the combat options. Overall quite like it so far.
Thanks so much for your review! It means a lot! I have captured the essence of your suggestions and will be presenting them to the group this week. Reducing the lootable items is dooable since probably less loot overall would help the game. I like your idea of highlighting the selected player character(s) in a standout fashion on screen. Issues like this can be tough technical challenges for our mongrel environment of 2.5 D but your idea has such merit to commend it that we will give it a hard look soon. Off hand I think we may be able to change the color of the circle that sits at the base of reach player character to something different to denote "selected"
By the way your suggestion of " Allow spells to be cast on a character by selecting also the portrait icon" will now available in final thanks
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Passageway Games
Aug 8, 2023
d1nolore: Update your demo on Wednesday or later this week and you should see your request for highlighting selected characters on screen has been granted.


May 31, 2017
d1nolore: Update your demo on Wednesday or later this week and you should see your request for highlighting selected characters on screen has been granted.
I can confirm both updates in and working; character highlighting and casting on portraits.

Found a bug: camera/scrolling state is not saved when changing area. It resets to default. So both the mode and zoom state reset.

I like the old school fantasy vibe, specifically the merchant characters in town. It’s nice to see that these days rather than some derivative of Blizzard games or whatever is popular this year. I say lean into that as it sets the game apart from generic fantasy games.

Will recheck a few things this weekend before commenting and see what else I find, quite enjoyable.


May 31, 2017
Another thing that would be good to add; at the moment if you select your party and click an enemy to attack only the primary character selected will attack so you have to select each party member individually and command to attack. Not good if you are fighting a rat and just want them to all whack it quickly, or if you want two members to attack enemy 1 and one character to attack enemy 2.

Another suggestion would be to set defensive spells like bless to not repeat cast by default as it confused me at first why he kept casting. I was wondering for a second if the effects stack. I was going to suggest just defaulting all spells to not repeat but that would probably not be good since it would apply to abilities, heal, and offensive spells. So not 100% sure how to approach, possibly just a tip in the tutorial?

Additionally with spells some effects like bless are not clear and I can’t see it displayed anywhere to either show its effects or more importantly show that the spell is still active. Maybe I missed it?


Passageway Games
Aug 8, 2023
Hi d1nolore
You are right, presently the Bless spell doesn't directly show on screen that it has done anything. Good catch I will look into this.
I love your idea of allowing the user to select a number of party members and have them attack a given foe at the same time. Say two party members directed to attack enemy A while another two members are instructed to attack enemy B etc. The use of magic VS melee will make this a bit tricky to implement. Let me think about this.
Your suggestions are very helpful! It's nice to get such sterling support from the user community. You sir are a rare individual.


May 31, 2017
Hi d1nolore
You are right, presently the Bless spell doesn't directly show on screen that it has done anything. Good catch I will look into this.
I love your idea of allowing the user to select a number of party members and have them attack a given foe at the same time. Say two party members directed to attack enemy A while another two members are instructed to attack enemy B etc. The use of magic VS melee will make this a bit tricky to implement. Let me think about this.
Your suggestions are very helpful! It's nice to get such sterling support from the user community. You sir are a rare individual.
When you select a party member to attack it does seem to use the previously selected attack type or ability so should be able to use that state to command multiple attacks at the same time. Not sure about magic vs ability like Helia’s shadow dart like if that is treated as magic in the system.


May 31, 2017
Hi d1nolore
You are right, presently the Bless spell doesn't directly show on screen that it has done anything. Good catch I will look into this.
I love your idea of allowing the user to select a number of party members and have them attack a given foe at the same time. Say two party members directed to attack enemy A while another two members are instructed to attack enemy B etc. The use of magic VS melee will make this a bit tricky to implement. Let me think about this.
Your suggestions are very helpful! It's nice to get such sterling support from the user community. You sir are a rare individual.
More things I noticed:

In the merchant screen when selling items the drop here option to drag onto portraits to move items between characters doesn’t seem to work, even though it says drop here. Work around is to drop into the sell inventory and switch character, then drag to character inventory. But doesn’t seem intentional that drop here doesn’t work.

Issue with sound/music in the family chapel shrine area. The chanting music is quite loud, you can lower background volume but that seems to include other sounds. The primary issue is with the verses of Tazvoxx videos, great that it’s voiced, but I could not hear the voice properly over the music. Tried lowering background sound more but unfortunately that also controls the voice volume in the videos. So had to just read it while sort of listening.

Lock picks are a bit unbalanced because you find heaps but lock picking is rather easy so I’ve yet to break a lock pick, so I’ve got like 80-100. Then I found a few locksmith picks, so not sure why I’d need them. Maybe lock picking gets harder later?

Unsheathing issue when breaking barrels/crates. Noticed if you have magic/ability selected as your attack which forces you to have your weapons sheathed. If you break a barrel it pulls out your weapon, breaks the barrel, then sheathes weapon again(because the magic/ability is saved as attack). So if you need to break another barrel it’ll repeat the whole process. Not the end of the world but a bit annoying. I was using Helia to loot since she has best lock picking and was using Shadow Dart. Obviously doesn’t have issue if you are in melee attack. Simple fix would be to just have it switch from magic to melee attack state when you break a barrel, the unsheathing is a visual clue that you’ve switched so players can just switch back when they get to combat.

Now the last one is the most difficult issue to tackle. As soon as I got Galenor in the party there was a big performance drop, stuttering when moving. I tried to sort of diagnose it; the best I can tell it is a pathfinding issue which is causing the performance drop, this would make sense since you go from 3 to 4 party members. It seems to be worst going around corners and possibly hallways as it seems to be trying to calculate their spots. It is also possible it’s happening when the fog of war is explored and removed which would account for corners. But I think it’s likely the path finding code. Don’t think it’s my computer as I run other modern games fine.
Edit: It’s also possible it’s the area/tileset itself since you gain Galenor at the start. I suppose I could drag the party back through the other areas to see if the performance issues persist.

Question: when does the demo end? I’m thinking it’s the down stairs in the family chapel shrine as seems to be blocked?
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Passageway Games
Aug 8, 2023
Hi d1nolore
Three of your four issues initial issues will be addressed. As for the sound in the Family Chapel and shrine, the background music does not include the words just some chanting. Thanks for the heads up on all of these! With reguard to the final issue; are you using the WASD keys when moving? If so this is part of a known issue we are working on. The demo does end in the family chapel and shrine.


Passageway Games
Aug 8, 2023
Hi d1nolore
I checked your issue in the Family Chapel and shrine and movement just around the entry portal is a bit problematic. We will fix this soon


May 31, 2017
Hi d1nolore
Three of your four issues initial issues will be addressed. As for the sound in the Family Chapel and shrine, the background music does not include the words just some chanting. Thanks for the heads up on all of these! With reguard to the final issue; are you using the WASD keys when moving? If so this is part of a known issue we are working on. The demo does end in the family chapel and
I use mouse to move.

With the audio issue in the demo there’s only 2 sound volume options: Sound Effects and Background. When watching the videos for the Verses of Tazvoxx the background music is too loud to hear the voice acting in the video, and the Background audio slider controls both those volumes so I am unable to resolve it.

With the Pathing or performance issue its not centered around the portal its primarily around corners/arches. This area is a good place to replicate: https://ibb.co/jRk735r as a four way passage it slows going through these in any direction. I tried WASD and it seems to do the same. My computer is at the lower end of specs so probably more noticeable for me than someone at the higher end. I haven't tried fiddling with graphics settings just using default.


Passageway Games
Aug 8, 2023
With the audio issue in the demo there’s only 2 sound volume options: Sound Effects and Background. When watching the videos for the Verses of Tazvoxx the background music is too loud to hear the voice acting in the video, and the Background audio slider controls both those volumes so I am unable to resolve it.
There is no voice acting going on at this point what you are hearing is chanting in the background music. All we can do tor this issue at this point is lower the default volume in that area. We are still ruminating on what to do for the slowdown issue. Your help has been much appreciated. At this point we need to nominate your for honorary team member status!


Passageway Games
Aug 8, 2023
Hi Sir d1nolore!
I believe we have resolved your bog down issue with some much overdue physics engine tweaking! You deserve a gold star for this contribution. Every POTA user with a moderate machine is now in your debt. We will do some serious testing then make it available to you.


May 31, 2017
With the audio issue in the demo there’s only 2 sound volume options: Sound Effects and Background. When watching the videos for the Verses of Tazvoxx the background music is too loud to hear the voice acting in the video, and the Background audio slider controls both those volumes so I am unable to resolve it.
There is no voice acting going on at this point what you are hearing is chanting in the background music. All we can do tor this issue at this point is lower the default volume in that area. We are still ruminating on what to do for the slowdown issue. Your help has been much appreciated. At this point we need to nominate your for honorary team member status!

Its the chanting background music vs the videos. I cant hear the video voice acting properly over the chanting background music and the slider adjusts both.



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