Reached maps today. Opinion: so far typical GGG.
- Most of bosses HP was finally buffed to point where you can't one shot them. I was playing berserker with +40% damage with pretty good two hander and heavy strike with focus on crit and later bosses pretty much were good sinks that you couldn't kill outright like before. Even died few times. Overall campaign improved a bit in fun aspect.
- some bosses got new moves and also deal a lot more damage like Merveil which previously was joke.
- new bow stuff is cool
- great idea and it works well in campaign. When you hit maps they are rippy as hell. I think the worst part is that whole combat design is shit. In typical GGG fassion they couldn't just make you fight one ultra rippy boss. No no no, when boss hits around 50% he starts to call minions which often times are themseves rares with aura mods and there are multiple of them which means those auras stack and you are fucked unless you nuke them in split second. They can even spaw with immortality auras for double fuck and they are all fucking black, on black ground which can have black degen with main monster being black and extra extra minions being black.
So in typical GGG fasion everything is shit because you can't see shit and as usually you can just completely ignore that shit and just nuke it with spells. Bosses themselves are rippy as hell and they have ungodly amount of HP and somehow GGG figured out they need minions too ? Because everyone loves breach!
So thanks to those retarded changes again melee is fucked and spells just ignore that shit and kite. Physical damage either way doesn't matter because ele damage will rip you first.
- New B guy influence on maps is retarded. Basically you play white (so not even rare with many mods) or blue T4-5 map which is easy normally and then his guys spawn who not only have way more HP than all of monsters on map but also have attack that can 1-2 shot you even if you run 76% lighting res because they are using that Aisling lighting pillars which always were rippy. Oh and they love spawn when you meet big groups of monsters so as usually in GGG fassion you can't see shit so good luck trying to see those lighting pillars before they rip you. That is all with 3,5k life, fortify and steelballs running on autocast with me stunning most of monsters. And tat is just white-blue map, if you get rare with mods they will 1shot you and they are not easy to spot and kill due to HP.
I feel like GGG doesn't have fucking clue what they are doing.
On one hand they want ARPG with statistics on other hand they want effectively platformer where player is supposed to learn how to dodge and shit in sea of monsters which is basically impossible. But hey it is nothing new, betreyal is exactly like that. You have strong bosses and you can't see shit because GGG decided that rippy bosses need also minions who are fucking green with green effects and so on, so when boss attack comes you can't dodge because you can't fucking see it so you kite that shit from range....
Ele damage is just plain retarded. You can mitigate physical damage to practically joke but ele damage regardless if you run 50% or 80% it will rip you. I think they should completely drop ele % res system and make it like armor or evasion where you can always get more mitigation and that cap is just eye cap not real cap. What is the fucking point of ele cap in first place ? What is the point of even having resists when you need to have them all maxed out to actually play game at all ?
Only chaos resist actually works imho like intended. You can run with 40% and live and you can go extra mile to get 75% which mostly makes chaos mild damage at best there is some choice in it.
Does it get any better? I'm near the end of act 3 and the combat has yet to force me to actually pay attention to flasks, buffs or whatever. It's Median XL Normal all over again

It gets better from around act 5 to 10. Then you hit maps you have nice fun with few first tiers and then you basically create a build that either sucks or destroys everything in one shot aka you skip playing and just collect loot which is where fun ends.
Basically campaign is where most of the fun is as you cant yet brake the game and whole plethora of skills still work like melee stuff. Once you hit later you realize that anything close ranged is mistake.