Ah, so the idea is you'll be killing rare enemies often enough where you always have some bonuses going on, I guess that makes sense. 20 seconds is a long time in POE i guess.
The idea is to play a character that zooms through maps and make maps that give you tons of rare enemies, but there are also more dedicated Headhunter builds that use Shackles of the Wretched to self-curse with Temporal Chains to make Headhunter buffs last much longer. Shackles is overkill but it does work.
If you don't enjoy the campaing but still need 10 hours for it, you fucking suck. Especially on subsequent characters with twink gear. Why should I listen to the likes of you?
This is a stupid thing to say. If you have to slog through a campaign you don't enjoy for hours on end because you wanted a new character, then it's a chore, and we don't play games to get that wonderful feeling of doing chores.
I'd much rather err on the side of GGG, who have proven over time that they are more competent and committed than most other developers out there.
What the hell are you on about? PoE is rife with design mistakes. Hell just in the latest patch they fucked up flasks because they thought we really would appreciate having to spend fucking forever making decent flasks. They considered the lack of a major grind for flasks to be a
In fact, GGG frequently favors grind-based design over more practical considerations like sources of player frustrations and the like, even though their extreme grinding fetish can get annoying because they add grind in ways that make getting a build off the ground more annoying and funnel more power to super-grinders that can exploit the economy at the expense of the rest of the playerbase who now have worse itemization or whatever on average to contend with. It's not until it boils over and GGG witnesses their playerbase crater because people dislike the shit GGG is shoving on them that GGG gives a tepid oil-on-troubled-waters "maybe we messed up" announcement and actually tries to fix a few of the things that actually annoy the playerbase.
Like, how far up your own ass do you have to be to really think that you have figured out the development of this game more than the Devs themselves? Do you have an example of your own competence somewhere? Do you have an example of a game that does it better?
Did you get lost and hit yourself on the head or something? Where the fuck do you think are? This is the RPG Codex. We reserve the right to criticize the shit out of games and any retard pretending devs are sacrosanct or blessed with magical superior insight into game design us lowly plebians cannot grasp can get bent. There are a lot of other forums out there which are happy to act like being consumer whores is their fucking sworn duty because they tie their identity and sense of self-worth to brands and products (ie. "fandom culture") without an ounce of shame.
Here's a news flash, dumbass: Games are created to be
played. It is the
player's experience playing the game that matters, not the dev's experience making it. If the game is shit for the playerbase, then the game is simply shit. That is why player criticism fucking matters and whining about devs having experience doesn't.
Regardless. The campaign is here to stay and the new one will have a more open structure, allowing for more varied playthroughs. Doesn't even matter what you or I think. It would require some colossal drop off in revenue for GGG to reconsider their stance regarding the campaign.
A more open structure would be a welcome addition, although I'm not really holding out hope for the new campaign to be very good. GGG's constant lore/theme additions and setting revisions have made for a rather incoherent setting, which is part of what made the campaign lousy, because it feels like you're just funneled through an assortment of random shit.
Besides, if your arguement is truly "muh diverse content", then why are you feeling the need to reroll? Isn't the new character supposed to be the thing that is keeping you engaged with all new skill progression? Past Act V you start getting multiple random mechanics pile on top of eachother already.
This is a shit argument. Obviously a new character allows for a new build and varied builds are pretty much the most interesting thing about PoE. But that doesn't necessarily make playing the same campaign again more fun, especially considering how many builds don't really go live until you reach endgame, so in the end you're probably doing some twink shit to rush your toon through the campaign and it's going to feel like all the other twinks you're just slogging through the campaign before you can feel like you're actually playing the game.
A wise man once said: "If you don't enjoy the normal progression of a character up until end-game, which is the bread and butter of an ARPG, then this genre is simply not for you." Just do what T.Reich did and play Dark Souls instead. I hear it is a great game.
PoE pretty much revolves around the endgame, you know. So obviously that line is BS here.
I think if you call Kjaska an asshole some more and maybe insult a few other people then GGG will definitely allow you to bypass the campaign in the future.
If you misplaced your balls and your delicate feelings got hurt because someone got told off, that is firmly your problem, pal, and no one else's.
You're always welcome to raise counter-arguments and engage substantiatively. You're not welcome to whine about how you don't like to hear criticism of your beloved game and engage defense mechanisms to try to shut down criticism instead. That attitude will always get you shat on.
Now, I've got a problem with a few IRS regulations. I don't know anyone who works for the IRS or makes policy for them, so I'm just gonna scream my frustrations at you and blame you for it because that's how absolute retards get shit done.
You know, morons like you who think it's "good character" or "social responsibility" to swallow it and avoid rocking the boat by even raising criticism when shit's fucked up are the reason why you have to deal with fucked up IRS regulations in the first place.
Cry and scream and whine all you want, the campaign isn't likely to go anywhere
Right back at you, pal. Cry and scream and whine all you want, but criticism is not going anywhere either. If you get butthurt because people have complaints and ideas, that is firmly your problem for being a little bitch.
(and it'd probably kill the game if they did let you skip it).
It'd probably improve player retention, honestly. The campaign has zero appeal as far as replayability is concerned. It's the exact same campaign each time and after the first 10 times damn near no one sits there and goes "wow, I really want to run it 5+ more times each season for all my fun character build concepts." Make someone run it once per league or something maybe, but doing it again for every character they roll is pointless, at least until they make the campaign a lot better and add some kind of branching content that makes replaying the campaign with a different class not just feel like you are doing the same time-wasting shit all over again.
Not being forced to run the campaign again would probably result in players rolling a lot more characters each league which keeps the league fresh longer and player retention rates higher.
I mean, you obviously know better than them anyway, why waste your genius on GGG and path of exile? Just make your own game without a campaign, do networking right, and retain a playerbase for years and years. Then you can come and gloat at all the retards who doubted you.
Ah yes, the good old "if you don't like it, make your own" whining, which serves no purpose other than to try to ignore and shut down criticism. It's basically "Stop criticizing what I like." And my answer is: Cry more, faggot. While it is true that it's hard to do worse than Path of Exile, which has been running into lots of problems with updating its original codebase into something decent (they had to overhaul everything from the graphics engine to the netcode) and has had some structural gameplay design problems (ending up with zoom meta where everyone just spams a single god skill to kill everything), that doesn't mean we're obligated to make our own D2 clone or something, since that's a lot of time and effort we could be spending on better things than proving retards on the internet wrong. We reserve the right to criticize shit, and if that's too much for your delicate sensibilities, that's your problem.
But hey, if you don't like it, make your own forum. Unlike making a game, that is actually damn near effortless. But what are the odds you won't take your own advice? Pretty good, I'd say.
I'm glad you got your fix, but I am also very weirded out by you playing standard.
Standard's pretty much the worst league, but if you hate rolling new characters I guess I can see the appeal.
Also: holy shit I'm glad I didn't look at this thread. Instead I had a great time breezing through the campaign with a new character.
Passive-aggressively whining about the thread and grandstanding about how
not affected you are by it really isn't making the case for your emotional wellbeing or overall fortitude that you think it is.
Hollow Palm is the best! I just wish I had easy access to Call to Arms as Witch for Ancestral Cry.
Assuming your Witch is not your Hollow Palm character, you can buy the Mutewind Pennant unique shield if you really want Call to Arms on your Witch. There is also getting Skin of the Lords with Call to Arms or a chestpiece scourged with Call to Arms. It is also possible to use The Eternal Apple unique shield for triggered warcries (but it fucks your endurance charges).
Other than that, you can just buy an Anomalous version of whatever warcry (for all warcries, 20% quality will give you +40% warcry speed) and throw an Enhance support gem on top, which makes it very easy to break 100% increased warcry speed, and it goes much higher if you stick it in an item that raises the level of your Enhance support gem (Honourhome, Ghastly Theatre, Magna Eclipsis, etc. or anything that has a combination of modifiers/corrupts to raise socketed support gems, socketed dexterity gems, etc.). You won't get instant cast this way, but the cast time will be
much more bearable and you can even throw in a Second Wind and/or second warcry if you feel like it.