You're all shills

so hows PoE 2?
Yes, devs went crazy with boss battles. Over are the days of good bosses like Diablo and Bhall. Now it is all stand here, stand there, but not there. Lead these stuff over here, lead that stuff over there, run in circles, stand in squares and similar shit. I gave up on bossing long time ago. Shaper's guardians and Elder guardians were last fun bosses that felt like Diablo 1/2 bossesare we still talking about PoE? this sounds like some arcade game
Certain popular game within last 10 years with similar boss mechanics ruined all other games, even Diablo likes. Before Diablo likes were about creating builds, finding gear and mass murdering enemies. Nobody cared that boss battles didn't have some intricate design. When Diablo brought that flame under your ass that took away half your health you ran away and you were happy you managed to remove some of his health before you did so, we didn't need magic circles for you to stand on..Ultimately, with player power creep, it's probably the only way they thought they could retain any semblance of boss challenge past Day 2 of a league. Insta-kill, unblockable stuff, memory games etc.
Agreed. Black Star and Infinite Hunger on the other hand are a shitshow of visual effects and unintuitive mechanics. They keep trying to make MMO-style bosses but they are so inconsistent in terms of quality. Ironically, they patted themselves on the back about how good their boss designs were back at exilecon 19 and than proceeded to release Sirus.Exarch and Eater of World are both mostly intuitive to be fair (other than EOW orb mechanic). You can mostly get by avoiding things that look dangerous.
If you're at that point in you character progression already, no boss design in the world will make you feel anything. I was talking about approx 2mil dps single target characters. You know, the ones that still have to engage in holding down mouse 2 on a boss for 10 seconds and it exploding the millisecond it decides to start receiving damage.
If you're exclusively using Eldritch Battery to manage your spellcasting and lament that you're not using much of the ES pool, keep in mind 3.17 enables you to get an aura for "free": Just link the Divine Blessing support to turn it into a spell. Using this to great effect on my Absolution Necro right now, running Wrath + Determination + HoP on 99.9% reserved mana and casting Zealotry once in a while, especially for Archnemesis and boss fights. Works very well!
I've died many times to the weird delayed explosions of the blue harvest mobs. I'll take 0 damage during the encounter, then walk up to the incubator and *boom* instant death.However, I can't say the same thing about Harvest encounters. Those mobs are fucking chunkers
Sometimes the Harvest mobs (any colour) will leave small egg sacks on death. Those will explode after a small delay when you run over them. You don't have to be close to the harvester to interact. You can just click it from across the screen.I've died many times to the weird delayed explosions of the blue harvest mobs. I'll take 0 damage during the encounter, then walk up to the incubator and *boom* instant death.However, I can't say the same thing about Harvest encounters. Those mobs are fucking chunkers
Ah this game never changes. Still same shit where you either kill enemies fast or they murder your ass. I got to low level red maps, started dying like crazy even with having a fairly good defensive character (but damage was not good enough to kill them before they start attacking). I don't know why I bother playing this game at all, trying to make logical balanced characters. There are crazy defensive builds that are immune to most stuff and it seems those are only ones worth playing if you don't clear screen in 1s or less
I had both Determination and Molten shell :DAh this game never changes. Still same shit where you either kill enemies fast or they murder your ass. I got to low level red maps, started dying like crazy even with having a fairly good defensive character (but damage was not good enough to kill them before they start attacking). I don't know why I bother playing this game at all, trying to make logical balanced characters. There are crazy defensive builds that are immune to most stuff and it seems those are only ones worth playing if you don't clear screen in 1s or less
Serves you right for trying to derive fun without the latest dopamine-junkie-vetted™ POGGERS™ magic-find teamplay stuff plus moltenshell determination-aura & co.