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Path of Exile is a MAJESTIC incline


Sep 21, 2012
I tried 2 sanctum runs with my guardian summoner, failed both near end of first floor.
Use lower level tomes then, it requires very high dps to kill everything without a huge hassle. Also, there's a lot of randomness with debuffs, if you get something like 'spawn gargouyle' it's one thing, but when you get 'loose money on hit' / 'loose resolve on finishing a room' it's something different. On the other hand, there are OP buffs like that thing that gives you resolve when you pick up money (essentially you are immortal after that and i'm playing RF so ranged builds are even better placed in this case), or gives you huge chunk of the blue HP bar (forgot the name) for each level finished. Only thing that I don't like is the fact that it takes ages to farm tomes with SSF, i literally get more div orbs than those cursed tomes.
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Mar 16, 2015
I tried 2 sanctum runs with my guardian summoner, failed both near end of first floor.
Use lower level tomes then, it requires very high dps to kill everything without a huge hassle. Also, there's a lot of randomness with debuffs, if you get something like 'spawn gargouyle' it's one thing, but when you get 'loose money on hit' / 'loose resolve on finishing a room' it's something different. On the other hand, there are OP buffs like that thing that gives you resolve when you pick up money (essentially you are immortal after that and i'm playing RF so ranged builds are even better placed in this case), or give you huge chunk of the blue HP bar (forgot the name) for each level finished. Only thing that I don't like is the fact that it takes ages to farm tomes with SSF, i literally get more div orbs than those cursed tomes.
Those two runs were with first two low level tomes that dropped. After that I had zero tome drops in 20 maps or so. I do not care anymore. I would sell it anyways. I can get more currency doing a few Heists in same time. Or mapping.

Jason Liang

Oct 26, 2014
Evidently some people are enjoying Sanctum


Nov 5, 2007
Sanctum fucking sucks and apparently it is more rewarding than the league mechanic which also plays like shit because the AI cheats. Seems like another throwaway league.


Mar 16, 2015
Sanctum fucking sucks and apparently it is more rewarding than the league mechanic which also plays like shit because the AI cheats. Seems like another throwaway league.
Both league mechanics seem to suck but for me that is not much different than usual. Rarely any were good (some gave decent resource rewards at best), for me it was always about finding a new fun build. Few leagues ago I had fun with that new Lighting strike skill that does more damage more you shock, this one I am trying new Guardian.

I would prefer if they stopped with new league mechanics, made each league Legacy league so we can do exactly what we want and then just change classes and skills for each league so we got new stuff to play.
Then just add some new bosses and fights for all levels, not just at beyond t15.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Sanctum fucking sucks and apparently it is more rewarding than the league mechanic which also plays like shit because the AI cheats. Seems like another throwaway league.
I don't think TOTA is going away for long. It might get a rework to fit better into the rest of the game, but I would be surprised if its not in standard a year from now.
made each league Legacy league
This is basically already the case, its called the atlas skill tree.


Mar 16, 2015
Sanctum fucking sucks and apparently it is more rewarding than the league mechanic which also plays like shit because the AI cheats. Seems like another throwaway league.
I don't think TOTA is going away for long. It might get a rework to fit better into the rest of the game, but I would be surprised if its not in standard a year from now.
made each league Legacy league
This is basically already the case, its called the atlas skill tree.
Nah, that is not even close to what Legacy league was.

Jason Liang

Oct 26, 2014
Yeah but Legacy League was pre-Atlas tree... there wasn't even Act 5 yet! I still have tokens and pendarus coins on my PC account.

Today I just cleared Lab 3 Izaro and Kitava, no deaths, after first doing some light Heisting. Build is tanky now and my damage is OP because of Cold Iron Point. 2 green tattoos, Tolerance notable and Evasion mastery gives me 100% poison avoidance and all flasks remove bleeding due to Pathfinder.

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Yeah but Legacy League was pre-Atlas tree... there wasn't even Act 5 yet! I still have tokens and pendarus coins on my PC account.

Today I just cleared Lab 3 Izaro and Kitava, no deaths, after first doing some light Heisting. Build is tanky now and my damage is OP because of Cold Iron Point. 2 green tattoos, Tolerance notable and Evasion mastery gives me 100% poison avoidance and all flasks remove bleeding due to Pathfinder.

Is this the endgame chase this league?
Stacking these into proj builds:

The multiplier effects will be logarithmic and eventually plateau the DPS ceiling.
After a certain amount of projectiles, you don't see much incremental gain per additional projectile.
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Mar 16, 2015
I have yet to try the league mechanic or get any tattoos . Once applied to your tree can they be removed freely? Are they like jewels that you just put and remove at will?


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
I have yet to try the league mechanic or get any tattoos . Once applied to your tree can they be removed freely? Are they like jewels that you just put and remove at will?
You have to use a scour to remove them, I assume you lose them if you do that but I haven't tried.


Is this the endgame chase this league?
The requirement for 7 adjacent allocations is pretty strenuous. Fitting more than one or two into your build is gonna be iffy I think.
Aren't there jewels that transform small passives?
For example, the Timeless Jewels?

You could use PoB to find a seed that is loaded with small dex nodes and then create space for those extra proj. tats on the left side of the skill tree.
Or you can post my idea on reddit and farm a lot of "karma"


Nov 5, 2007
Is this the endgame chase this league?
The requirement for 7 adjacent allocations is pretty strenuous. Fitting more than one or two into your build is gonna be iffy I think.
Aren't there jewels that transform small passives?
For example, the Timeless Jewels?

You could use PoB to find a seed that is loaded with small dex nodes and then create space for those extra proj. tats on the left side of the skill tree.
Or you can post my idea on reddit and farm a lot of "karma"
There are no timeless jewels that transform one type of small passive into another, and even if there were the timeless jewel transformation overrides tattoos.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Have reached that annoying gear plateau. My stuff is too good to be easily replaced, but still shit. I've tried getting as much delirium as possible so I can get fire/elemental large cluster, but 0 luck so far. Don't even know if they can drop when orbing either, or just if mirror spawns naturally.

Lack of armor is starting to feel really bad in red maps, but with both chest and head piece being taken by shit items (5link and exposure) and boots being taken by unique (+1 curse) it's really hard to get good values.

Also got really tired of the league mechanic. Shit is way too tanky and I'm not cool enough to mess with the ai the way some people seem to do to win every time.

Might just throw everything I have at trying to reach 12 challenges and then quitting league.


Have reached that annoying gear plateau. My stuff is too good to be easily replaced, but still shit. I've tried getting as much delirium as possible so I can get fire/elemental large cluster, but 0 luck so far. Don't even know if they can drop when orbing either, or just if mirror spawns naturally.

Lack of armor is starting to feel really bad in red maps, but with both chest and head piece being taken by shit items (5link and exposure) and boots being taken by unique (+1 curse) it's really hard to get good values.

Also got really tired of the league mechanic. Shit is way too tanky and I'm not cool enough to mess with the ai the way some people seem to do to win every time.

Might just throw everything I have at trying to reach 12 challenges and then quitting league.
The gear power-curve design is so ass.
Why tapper the fun/progress with a logarithmic plateau like that?
It's a psych trap; where they are selling you smaller doses of the high you got from leveling earlier & harder.
You burn out, quit, wait till next league.
Maybe make a game where I want to play all the way till league end?


Mar 16, 2015
Have reached that annoying gear plateau. My stuff is too good to be easily replaced, but still shit. I've tried getting as much delirium as possible so I can get fire/elemental large cluster, but 0 luck so far. Don't even know if they can drop when orbing either, or just if mirror spawns naturally.

Lack of armor is starting to feel really bad in red maps, but with both chest and head piece being taken by shit items (5link and exposure) and boots being taken by unique (+1 curse) it's really hard to get good values.

Also got really tired of the league mechanic. Shit is way too tanky and I'm not cool enough to mess with the ai the way some people seem to do to win every time.

Might just throw everything I have at trying to reach 12 challenges and then quitting league.
I have not reached any plateau but I am constantly out of chaos. But selling stuff on Xbox is even more irritating because checking how much stuff is worth is super irritating and almost impossible unless you do it on PC or phone or something alongside the console. I am even doing chaos recipe so can at least have some for bench crafting :D


Oct 23, 2017
The gear power-curve design is so ass.
Why tapper the fun/progress with a logarithmic plateau like that?
It's a psych trap; where they are selling you smaller doses of the high you got from leveling earlier & harder.
You burn out, quit, wait till next league.
Maybe make a game where I want to play all the way till league end?
At this point I don't blame anyone for steering clear of Path of Exile's leagues until Path of Exile 2 is out. There's no way the current gear progression curve is the intended design but unfortunately they don't have the manpower to fix it until PoE2's beta is out the door. Meaning PoE1 might be playable in October-November next year.

God help us if PoE2 has the same problems.


Mar 16, 2015
Have reached that annoying gear plateau. My stuff is too good to be easily replaced, but still shit. I've tried getting as much delirium as possible so I can get fire/elemental large cluster, but 0 luck so far. Don't even know if they can drop when orbing either, or just if mirror spawns naturally.

Lack of armor is starting to feel really bad in red maps, but with both chest and head piece being taken by shit items (5link and exposure) and boots being taken by unique (+1 curse) it's really hard to get good values.

Also got really tired of the league mechanic. Shit is way too tanky and I'm not cool enough to mess with the ai the way some people seem to do to win every time.

Might just throw everything I have at trying to reach 12 challenges and then quitting league.
The gear power-curve design is so ass.
Why tapper the fun/progress with a logarithmic plateau like that?
It's a psych trap; where they are selling you smaller doses of the high you got from leveling earlier & harder.
You burn out, quit, wait till next league.
Maybe make a game where I want to play all the way till league end?
I almost had that when I got lucky and rich earlier so I could fund several builds. I think people like me are a huge minority, most will probably just make their one build, kill bosses and quit the league soon after.


God help us if PoE2 has the same problems.
I'm trying to stay hopeful about PoE2.
It looks like they are addressing the pacing issues from PoE which lead to the power curve being "solved" way too quickly leading to burnout within a week or two.
No amount of content will fix the base game if you go FTL to Lvl 100 with ∞ DPS.

Also the RMT is
Game is botted to hell.
Economy is metagamed to hell.
And the gaslighting that this isn't the case is hell.


Have reached that annoying gear plateau. My stuff is too good to be easily replaced, but still shit. I've tried getting as much delirium as possible so I can get fire/elemental large cluster, but 0 luck so far. Don't even know if they can drop when orbing either, or just if mirror spawns naturally.

Lack of armor is starting to feel really bad in red maps, but with both chest and head piece being taken by shit items (5link and exposure) and boots being taken by unique (+1 curse) it's really hard to get good values.

Also got really tired of the league mechanic. Shit is way too tanky and I'm not cool enough to mess with the ai the way some people seem to do to win every time.

Might just throw everything I have at trying to reach 12 challenges and then quitting league.
The gear power-curve design is so ass.
Why tapper the fun/progress with a logarithmic plateau like that?
It's a psych trap; where they are selling you smaller doses of the high you got from leveling earlier & harder.
You burn out, quit, wait till next league.
Maybe make a game where I want to play all the way till league end?
I almost had that when I got lucky and rich earlier so I could fund several builds. I think people like me are a huge minority, most will probably just make their one build, kill bosses and quit the league soon after.
The economy is artificially scarce too. Like the drop rates can be whatever.
I bet a lot of people want to try out all sorts of builds but the cost in RL time to collect those in-game resources is unrealistic for many reasonable people.
So its 1 and done.

If they were less punitive with the economy, then we'd maybe see more build diversity instead of everyone defaulting to only over-optimized budget friendly power builds (then quitting once they realize what fun builds cost).
Just comes off as a tad bit dickish from the devs.
I mean you want your customers to feel hospitable and get them to stay/play as long as you can; not scare them away (it's a big Arcade).

Also what's with the frequent stealth nerfs!?
That's some evil gaslighting shit.
Always nerfs btw. No stealth QoL/buffs to save you RL time.
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Oct 22, 2006
Have reached that annoying gear plateau. My stuff is too good to be easily replaced, but still shit. I've tried getting as much delirium as possible so I can get fire/elemental large cluster, but 0 luck so far. Don't even know if they can drop when orbing either, or just if mirror spawns naturally.
Orb or mirror doesn't matter. Get the delirious unique bosses have 2% chance to drop cluster jewels node and then add as many exiles, alva architects, syndicate, metamorph, legion generals to your maps as possible. Also twinned multi boss maps ofc.


Mar 16, 2015
Have reached that annoying gear plateau. My stuff is too good to be easily replaced, but still shit. I've tried getting as much delirium as possible so I can get fire/elemental large cluster, but 0 luck so far. Don't even know if they can drop when orbing either, or just if mirror spawns naturally.

Lack of armor is starting to feel really bad in red maps, but with both chest and head piece being taken by shit items (5link and exposure) and boots being taken by unique (+1 curse) it's really hard to get good values.

Also got really tired of the league mechanic. Shit is way too tanky and I'm not cool enough to mess with the ai the way some people seem to do to win every time.

Might just throw everything I have at trying to reach 12 challenges and then quitting league.
The gear power-curve design is so ass.
Why tapper the fun/progress with a logarithmic plateau like that?
It's a psych trap; where they are selling you smaller doses of the high you got from leveling earlier & harder.
You burn out, quit, wait till next league.
Maybe make a game where I want to play all the way till league end?
I almost had that when I got lucky and rich earlier so I could fund several builds. I think people like me are a huge minority, most will probably just make their one build, kill bosses and quit the league soon after.
The economy is artificially scarce too. Like the drop rates can be whatever.
I bet a lot of people want to try out all sorts of builds but the cost in RL time to collect those in-game resources is unrealistic for many reasonable people.
So its 1 and done.

If they were less punitive with the economy, then we'd maybe see more build diversity instead of everyone defaulting to only over-optimized budget friendly power builds (then quitting once they realize what fun builds cost).
Just comes off as a tad bit dickish from the devs.
I mean you want your customers to feel hospitable and get them to stay/play as long as you can; not scare them away (it's a big Arcade).

Also what's with the frequent stealth nerfs!?
That's some evil gaslighting shit.
Always nerfs btw. No stealth QoL/buffs to save you RL time.
Apparently leagues where they gave players most power and resouces player retention was the lowest.

Otherwise I agree. RL cost to progress is way too irritating. I have not reached hardest red maps in PoE in years, I always quit once I reach ealier red maps and figure out I will need to farm for 50+ more hours to be able to get gear for more than that.
At same time I do not feel like making a new build as I will just reach same barrier because my builds are never random stupid builds. I always take cheaper good builds and do small changes to them at worst.

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