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Path of Exile is a MAJESTIC incline


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
well thats not too bad


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
did u use to play DoW professionally, I seem to remember ur nick
Professionally? No.
But I have won the codex dow tournament, which is even more prestigious than making money.
well thats not too bad
Depends on how rare the 6L will be. Also you will want to do that for all of your 9 skill slot unless you do not plan to use all of them..
I honestly expect getting a 6L to get worse, because GGG are hot for ruthless. At least you can just throw all the items you get at crafting as soon as you want, since there's no need to hold out for a better crafting base.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Fought and killed Black Star for the first time :M. It went down pretty easily, I guess it did mostly elemental damage.

Still slowly playing this league. I'm really feeling held back by shitty gear and still being on a 5-link. Still trying to get useable delirium jewels for respec, still can't get shit.


Mar 16, 2015
Fought and killed Black Star for the first time :M. It went down pretty easily, I guess it did mostly elemental damage.

Still slowly playing this league. I'm really feeling held back by shitty gear and still being on a 5-link. Still trying to get useable delirium jewels for respec, still can't get shit.
You are playing SSF?

I've grinded a fair bit but still zero divine drops and all upgrades I need cost multiple divines on Xbox..
I could try to sell all random shit I got for Chaos but there is no way to check prices easily on Xbox so fuck it..


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
Ok need some help

playing 2h juggernaut lvl74, act 10

everything dies from 1 hit (30k dmg with boneshatter or sweep) but i have only 2k life and often get oneshot

how much life i need? i think i specced too much into damage. resists are rmaxxed and armor at 55% reduction without buffs
ArchAngel BlackAdderBG Israfael


I listened to your suggestion guys.

  • got reduced crit damage from monsters
  • got 5 Endurance charge on me all the time
  • in Rage constantly
  • always on 20 Fortification
  • got a nice body armor piece of 1500 armor
  • cannot be stunned
  • replaced Pride with Determination. Went from 55 DR to 80 (90 with flasks)
  • got armor increasing flasks and chaos res flasks
  • managed to get +life on some (but not all) gear pieces
  • life increase from 2000 to 2800 (i took some defensive nodes with +%max life and +%armor)

For Gods took Lunaris (increased DR and movespeed around enemies) and Tokugawa (increased DR when stationary)

I am still getting oneshot in maps. What to do?

It's annoying because I dont know if its physical, or elemental damage, or chaos damage that is killing me. Sometimes even bleeding kills me. Sometimes these big blobs or orbs come out of nowhere and explode in my face. Spell damage? I don't always have time to react with Leap Slam and escape. I even have 20% chance to resist elemental ailments but I don't know how much that helps. Luckily I have Cannot be Stunned. These are the resists and the rest of defensive stats:


This is without buffs such as Endurance and Fortification (only Determination)


That is without buffs such as Endurance and Fortification (only Determination)

This is my gear,

Weapon - i like this maul for pure physical dmg

Helm - i like the armor but poor +life and no resists

Armor - would be a great armor if the +life wasnt so poor


Gloves - ok Iguess

Jewelry - Rings are mostly resistance rings, and I think i need to replace this amulet i found in early game. It gives like 70 strength tho


Maybe I need better gear? What to do?
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You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
Skills I use are,

3L Boneshatter +Brutality +Cruelty (this is my right click)

2L Vengeance +Pulverise (free damage because I get hit anyway. If monster swings at me, it hits me because I have only armor, and 0 evasion)

2L Warlord's Mark +Cast when Damage Taken (I use this to be permanently in Rage)

1L Leap Slam (this stuns monster packs so I use it to get 20 Fortification instantly)

1L Determination (brings my DR from 57% to 74% so huge for me)

I don't use any other skills, should I?


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Went from 55 DR to 80 (90 with flasks)
Note that the dr number the game gives you is a complete and utter lie, that has effectively nothing to do with reality. Check PoB instead and see what it tells you for maximal physical hit taken without death. 90% stated DR actually means you can take a physical damage hit of about 2x your hp before being oneshot. For smaller attacks you get closer to the stated DR.
For Gods took Lunaris (increased DR and movespeed around enemies) and Tokugawa (increased DR when stationary)
Never be stationary. Take +dr per hit, or reduced shock effect, or reduced bleed, or anything else. Lunaris is good.
These are the resists and the rest of defensive stats:
Your elemental res is not capped. Big blobs and orbs are usually mainly or entirely elemental damage. Capped res is not even tanky these days, you need +max res to be tanky. At level 70ish you should have 3-4k hp. Get more life nodes in the tree or more +life on gear. As a general rule, gear without a decent life mod is instant vendor trash.


Mar 16, 2015
luj1 your elemental resistances are trash. You need to grab nodes that give you +max elemental resistance and keep those resistances at max all the time. Also that -37% chaos res does not help. You need to get that at least to 0% but you want 20% or more. Use the crafting bench in your hideout and put resistance mods on your gear to fill out missing resistances.
Are you playing on Ruthless? Why do you still have a 3l?

Put poe boneshatter juggernaut into youtube search and find a good guide that will give you ideas on how to build a better character. Look at their skill tree and skill choices and gear choices. You do not need to follow it exactly but you can learn how to make a better character.


Apr 24, 2012
Little Vienna
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex USB, 2014 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker

Items upgrades is the next thing you need to focus on.
1.Get on every item (besides the weapon) minimum +70 Maximum Life.
2.Cap you resistances with gear too (don't get passives that give +res on the tree unless they give you something else as well ). This are some basic items you need to focus on:

Body Armour: 5 link Life-Armour-Resist in that order are must, for other stats Attributes (Int and Dex) if you need to fix them for requirements, if not +Strength


Helmet: same as Body Armour

Gloves: Life-Attack Speed-Resists


Boots: Movement speed (min +25%), Life-Resists


Rings and Amulet: Life-Resists, then after that if you have mana problems "Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana" and Attributes if you need them for requirements.


3.Bleed is deadly as it ignores Armour and your Life pool is small. You should aim for 4k Life, if after that bleed is still problem roll a flask with orbs of Alteration. This is a good Life flask- You get Bleeding and Corrupter Blood Immunity and 50% Instant Recovery.


For skills: You must be 4 linked no matter what, aim for a Body Armour with 5 links.

Boneshatter linked with (in order of importance) Brutality-Melee Physical Damage-Ruthless-Close Combat. For 6th link if you get it there is more damage (Impale Support) or more defense (Fortify Support).
Leap slam linked with Faster Attack support!!! It will make your game 100% more enjoyable.
Auras: Determination (a must have)- Precision(careful when leveling up as it cost flat mana)-War Banner. Now if you get the passive nodes that give you reservation efficiency ( search your passive tree for "Sovereignty" and "Champion of the Cause" if you are close to any of them get them) you can run one more aura. get Pride.
Cast when damage taken(level 6)
with Molten Shell (level 13).

All this should carry you to red maps without problem. For anything more you should start looking into guides for what to improve and what passive skill tree is optimal for Boneshatter.


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
Auras: Determination (a must have)- Precision(careful when leveling up as it cost flat mana)-War Banner. Now if you get the passive nodes that give you reservation efficiency ( search your passive tree for "Sovereignty" and "Champion of the Cause" if you are close to any of them get them) you can run one more aura. get Pride.

I have 90% DR even without Determination

So I switched it for Elemental Purity which makes me immune to Elemental Ailments

My survivability is much better with that than Determination


Apr 24, 2012
Little Vienna
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex USB, 2014 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker
That is because you are not capped with resistances, when you get them on gear drop Purity of Elements or run it as a 2nd aura instead of Pride. It's good quality of life aura, but you can get Boots with 100% Chance to Avoid being Frozen. (or run Brine King on the Pantheon with 100% chance to Avoid being Frozen. You need to Capture Fragment of Winter Waterways Map if you know how). Shock and Burn immunities are not that crucial.
Damage reduction from the stats screen is for hits that are around your level, so if you get hit by high damage physical attack it crushes your armour, 10-15k is good number to be at, but the more the better. You run endurance charges ( 5 are 20% DR no matter what so that is the best defense you can get) so armour may not be that important for now, so you can focus on Resistances for gear.
Also forgot, quality all your gear. Blacksmith's Whetstone on the weapon for +20% damage and Armourer's Scrap for all your other gear for more Armour.
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Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
I have 90% DR even without Determination

So I switched it for Elemental Purity which makes me immune to Elemental Ailments

My survivability is much better with that than Determination
Why not both? Elemental purity used to be trash tier but the fact that is gives immunity to all ele ailments makes it good now.
And again, don't trust the DR. 10k+ armor is good for campaign, but for yellow maps and onwards it won't feel good.


Apr 24, 2012
Little Vienna
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex USB, 2014 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Why more armour is better? You are Juggernaut and the Unbreakable ascendancy node scale with armour to give you Elemental mitigation. Elemental hits are first reduced by you Resistances and then by the Unbreakable. So 5000 Fire damage hit (Shaper beam) with 75% res will be 1250, then reduced by 8% of your armour. If you have 10k armour (or 800 for elemental hits) that will be 1075 fire damage taken, but if you have 100k armour (8000 for ele hits) it will be 663 Fire damge.


Dec 29, 2010
Body Armour: 5 link Life-Armour-Resist in that order are must, for other stats Attributes (Int and Dex) if you need to fix them for requirements, if not +Strength

nowdays you have notable, +double digit% life if your body armor has no life modifier

just follow https://www.twitch.tv/carn_ for boneshatter ...

armour DR doesn't exactly add up with flat DR like fortify or end charge cuz armour is not flat DR it bottoms out vs. big hit (useless). Phys dmg converted to elemental is better than armour... That's why they farm Jun missions early to get the syndicate mod and lightning coil is a thing on trade...
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Apr 24, 2012
Little Vienna
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex USB, 2014 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Body Armour: 5 link Life-Armour-Resist in that order are must, for other stats Attributes (Int and Dex) if you need to fix them for requirements, if not +Strength

nowdays you have notable, +double digit% life if your body armor has no life modifier

just follow https://www.twitch.tv/carn_ for boneshatter ...

armour DR doesn't exactly add up with flat DR like fortify or end charge cuz armour is not flat DR it bottoms out vs. big hit (useless). Phys dmg converted to elemental is better than armour... That's why they farm Jun missions early to get the syndicate mod and lightning coil is a thing on trade...

+15% Life is bad node, unless you use Unique that doesn't have Life Modifier. You throw him at the deep end with rare modifiers and end game gear. This is what close to Mirror body armour looks like:


Go get that. :D


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
I have 90% DR even without Determination

So I switched it for Elemental Purity which makes me immune to Elemental Ailments

My survivability is much better with that than Determination
Why not both? Elemental purity used to be trash tier but the fact that is gives immunity to all ele ailments makes it good now.
And again, don't trust the DR. 10k+ armor is good for campaign, but for yellow maps and onwards it won't feel good.

both auras take up 50% reserved mana, so i would have 0 mana for both

is there other way to reduce reservation other than nodes such as Champion of the Cause?


Apr 24, 2012
Little Vienna
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex USB, 2014 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker
SSF streamers do life notable so let's just leave it at that.

So that is what, 5 people? Who know what they are doing, not a new player that has a chance to have regen or life on kill mod.

I have 90% DR even without Determination

So I switched it for Elemental Purity which makes me immune to Elemental Ailments

My survivability is much better with that than Determination
Why not both? Elemental purity used to be trash tier but the fact that is gives immunity to all ele ailments makes it good now.
And again, don't trust the DR. 10k+ armor is good for campaign, but for yellow maps and onwards it won't feel good.

both auras take up 50% reserved mana, so i would have 0 mana for both

is there other way to reduce reservation other than nodes such as Champion of the Cause?

There are items, item mods and jewels. Easiest way is to anoint your amulet from Clarissa for the Charisma notable passive (1 Opalescent and 2 Gold Oils). You can link your auras with level 3 Enlighten Support(drop only gem) as well. There are lab enchantments on helmet that give Reservation Efficiency for specific aura. The small cluster Jewel with Added Small Passive Skills grant: 6% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills etc. For starter you allocate the passives that are close to you on the tree "Sovereignty" with the two 6% small notes before it will let you slot 2 50% auras with enough mana left to cast Boneshatter, if still no mana link Boneshatter or/and Leap Slam with Lifetap support.



Dec 29, 2010
Roll ailment remove on flask. Boneshatter build runs on life leech btw. Basically ignore Blackadder has no idea abt that build.


Apr 24, 2012
Little Vienna
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex USB, 2014 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Roll ailment remove on flask. Boneshatter build runs on life leech btw. Basically ignore Blackadder has no idea abt that build.
Yes, he is Carn and will know when to press flasks. lol He has Leech speced on his tree and he runs Wurm's Belt so he is leeching enough. How about you give advise more than just watch no life streamer.

You managed to annoy me with your Twitch chat level of comments, not even reading what he asked help for- dying a lot, so he is doing enough damage to hurt himself and has no ele resistances as mobs kill him with mostly cold damage. It's important to understand the basics of gearing and why things happen, not to min max with a guide. It has nothing to do with "this build" as everything can be done with swapping dozens of different damage skills if you know how to build defense.
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Nov 5, 2007
Having -37% chaos resistance and using an item that gives nearby enemies Unholy Might might be bad for your health.

Body Armour: 5 link Life-Armour-Resist in that order are must, for other stats Attributes (Int and Dex) if you need to fix them for requirements, if not +Strength

nowdays you have notable, +double digit% life if your body armor has no life modifier

just follow https://www.twitch.tv/carn_ for boneshatter ...

armour DR doesn't exactly add up with flat DR like fortify or end charge cuz armour is not flat DR it bottoms out vs. big hit (useless). Phys dmg converted to elemental is better than armour... That's why they farm Jun missions early to get the syndicate mod and lightning coil is a thing on trade...

+15% Life is bad node, unless you use Unique that doesn't have Life Modifier.
You are bad at math. The 15% mastery is better than 120 life on chest in most cases, especially if you can then benefit from another prefix in its place.

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