It's less of a guide and more of a breakdown of 6 builds I'm using in a team. I think the builds are pretty decent but I wouldn't say they're the most powerful builds ever, or anything.
Yeah I am actually going to be using the builds with companions by adapting them slightly, using mods to change the companion classes, stats, etc.Yosharian ,
Right, I am not looking for uber builds currently, I am looking for well-explained decent builds that will get me thinking.
I read your guide some. It is not exactly what I am looking for NOW, because I currently want to build on the existing companion builds. But it is well-written with good explanations, and there is still some helpful info on it. Thumbs up! May be even more helpful for me later.
I'm not Yosharian, but IMO an arcane caster, preferably an Arcane Trickster, a Bard, a ranged character, possibly a ranger or maybe a Kineticist or Kinetic Knight (if you have that DLC). Pick 2.
Although a Bard can also make a decent ranged character.
I can tell what AT, EK, EA and DD are. But what is SF?
Whatever Haplo said is probably correct
Also you really only need two decent tanks for a party
Whatever Haplo said is probably correct
Also you really only need two decent tanks for a party
I want to have a third guy who can tank sometimes. For ambushes, for whenever additional enemies come from behind, for whenever an enemy goes for my weaklings, for whenever the proper tank falls. I think that builds "with some tanking for special occasions" should be a thing for this game.
"Offtank" of sorts. Sure. Many characters can do that. Including an animal companion.
Ah I seeI member getting multiples of them
As for guides, last patch added new items and changed artisan mechanics