Dual wielding strength based build, you can select dex dual wielding feats by wearing a dex belt (so 11-12 dex is enough I think, though you made need more depending on when spells/items boosting dex are available).
This is a bug. After the new patch, items and spells won’t help you qualify for feats anymore.
Doubly so because items DO work like that in pnp Pathfinder, you can qualify to say a DEX or STR requiring feat by wearing belt of +DEX or +STR. Spells on the other hand don't allow it, it needs to be a permanent effect AFAIK. It would be strange if Owlcat moved away from how things work in pnp in a patch. Not impossible, mind you but I'd like to see a quote. Is it in the 1.1 beta patch notes somewhere?